fairly significant- Typical Repair Cost:
- No data
- Average Mileage:
- 16,000 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 3 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- (1 reports)
- not sure (1 reports)
- repaint (1 reports)

body / paint problem
Helpful websites
- No one has added a helpful site for this 2011 MAZDA3 problem yet. Be the first!
I know it seems strange to talk about a car that is eight years old but it is still under warranty as far as mileage is concerned. My problem began on June 1, 2019 when I was washing my car. I noticed that on the roof (center back) there appeared to be some bubbling and as I wet my car down, the paint started peeling off in small strips. I thought this did not seem right to me because it came off all the way to the primer. I had no warning signs of the clear coat cracking, flaking or peeling. I put car wax over it and waited to see if anything else would happen.
The next time it occurred was on July 11, 2019; this time it was peeling off in multiple places (middle front of roof and trunk lid) in larger strips than the first instance. It was like someone was peeling tape off of a package! This too was all the way to the primer.
I could not believe what I was seeing. I was totally shocked. I picked up as many pieces as I could to show the dealership where I had purchased the car (Tyrone Square Mazda - Saint Petersburg,FL). Before I contacted the dealership I had a friend of the family ( ) come and look at it as he used to paint cars in Detroit, MI for a living. After looking at the car he stated that it was bad paint. * by this time the first spot was already rusting out.
On July 17, 2019 I e-mailed the Sales Agent (Mr. Schultz) that sold me the car and explained that there was something seriously wrong with the paint on my car. I requested an appointment for the next day at his convenience. He replied that I would have to meet with the Service Director (Mr. Melchiore). I asked if he would set it up for me the next day (7/18/19) @ 1:00 p.m.). He agreed and let me know when it was done.
I met with Mr. Melchiore the next day as planned. As he looked at the car he stated three things: 1.) The paint job is no longer under warranty. 2.) That it was oxidation. When I refuted that the car had no oxidation (clear coat not even missing), he stated 3.) I guess I could take some pictures and send them to Mazda Manufacture. As he was taking his pictures, he commented that he had never seen a Mazda car have any paint issues like this. He also sent me next door to North West Collision Center for review and pictures. He stated that I should hear something by Monday (7/22/19).
On 7/22/19 @ 2:40 p.m., I had received a voice message from Mr. Melchiore asking me to call him as he had heard from Mazda. I returned his call on the following day (7/23/19 @ 9:13 a.m., He stated that Mazda denied my request stating age and time. When I asked him what the warranty on the car was for paint, he tried to evade my questions but I kept asking. When he heard that I was not going to stop asking, he stated 36 thousand miles or 36 months.
I requested copies of the communication between him and Mazda but he kept trying to put me off on this(it is all electronic and you won't be able to read it), then I said to him you mean that a computer looked at the pictures you sent? how would a computer know? What is the name at the bottom of the transmission? He finally gave up and stated : SANTO #10. Then he said he would send it. * he talked down to me, as if I were a stupid woman; I told him that all e-mails were electronic transmissions! that it most certainly could be forwarded.
Three days later I had still not received any forwarded e-mails from Mr. Melchiore, so I contacted him (7/23/19 @ 11:39 a.m.). He tried to act as if he did not know how to forward it to me because he said it was on his phone. He made me wait while he was trying to figure it out. he said he sent it but that it had no subject line and that I would not be able to read it as it was electronic. * I received it, it was missing Mazda's response, it was in Mime format, and the response appeared to be Mr. Melchoire's comment to Mazda or his own comment : " Your request has been denied,due to age and time. Concern was caused by continuous exposure of the sun = progressed over the years." There was not any mention of "SANTO #10" any where in the transmission.
I contacted North West Collision Center and left a voice-mail for Mr. Snipes requesting a copy of his report to be e-mailed to me. I received a report but it was not his check sheet and questions asked by him on 7/18/19. It was a quote to repaint my car for $2, 710.44. I would like to have his check sheet to see his opinion of what caused my paint to peel off. * He even pointed out that the first spot on the roof that was rusted would not wait long and that new spots next to it were cracking up.
I have owned a lot of cars in my time and all of them have sat out in the elements. I have never had one of them do this. This is a manufacture defect. There are a lot of complaints on the net from people owning a Mazda 3 with the same paint problems. MAZDA fix your mistakes or you will not have a business or find yourself in a class action lawsuit. People buy cars not toys. I have had to have my family friend sand and prime my car so I would still have a car. Do you know how embarrassed you should be by putting this kind of junk on the road. Where is your pride, your integrity, your craftsmanship???
* Yes, I have pictures. I may have to upload from phone but maybe I should post to social media.- Connie K., Saint Petersburg, FL, US