When I start the car in the morning to defrost it, it smells of cigarette smoke.I don't smoke, nor does anyone in my house, so it has to be something with the car. And in the summer it smells of a different odor when it first starts up.
Well, here we are again with the same problem. Last I talked with the service manager of our dealership, he said they have a new 'foam' kit they can put through the system to kill any bacteria. Hello, the bacteria will come back, as they got there somehow before?? He also mention we could do some things so that the odor wouldn't come back. This is hilarious!! He said we could maybe turn the settings off air about ten minutes before we shut off the car, so that it would dry up the ducts?? That isn't too inconvenient is it? I'm sure every car with air conditioning has to do this?? NOT!! Brain dead comes to mind? They seem to want to do everything but look a the 'mechanics' of the air conditioner to fix it. Well, on we go. Of course I have 80000K on the car now, and basic warranty is over. I need to pay for every time they look at anything now? They have noted the times I have complained on my service records, but that means nothing when it comes to fixing? Well I'm not happy with my VIP Mazda dealership, nor Mazda Canada, but will now go to their regional manager to have some more 'brilliant' input I'm sure. Mazda seems to think warranty is just a term of reference if something is wrong? I still love my Mazda, but not the dealer or company. Will I buy another Mazda? Not likely, just because of the company.
Well, here we are again. Same problem of an odor emanating from the ductwork as we turn the air conditioning or heater on. It is a disgusting smell and last for about a minute. It comes and goes as it pleases. Dealership says no problem noted from the manufacturer, 2/10 cars have this problem, we have a solution we can run through the system to give it another smell. [supposedly nicer] HELLO!! You can't fix one smell by adding another. If you have ever had moss in your yard, it keeps coming back every spring whether you kill it or not. There is something else wrong in that air/heat system that traps little ugly smells?? I know it costs money to fix things, but what about the warranty that is written up so eloquently in the manual and promoted when you buy the car. You sure take my money when the servicing time comes? Mazda Canada is lacking some integrity, as it my VIP Mazda Dealership in Abbotsford. Everyone's hands are tied? I love my Mazda, but detest the company. Buy another Mazda?? Not likely.
We noticed the odor around 24000k, and is continuing at 80000k. We had the dealership check it and they wanted to try a variety of solutions which only masked the smell. They even took it all apart and cleaned it and the smell came back. They noted that 2/10 cars have this problem but then went on to say it wasn't a problem. So at this point I am pursuing going to the regional manager to fix it. I am really annoyed with the Mazda dealership/company as they are quite willing to take our money for servicing but pass the buck on actual warranty items. Nobody wants to figure it out. I love my Mazda but detest Mazda Canada and VIP Mazda the dealership. I have no use for their integrity when it comes to warranty. Will I buy another Mazda? Not likely!!
Once again my Mazda 3 is giving off an odor when I start the car and the air or heater kicks in. It only last for about a minute, but comes and goes as it pleases. Once again Mazda wants to put some smelly stuff in there to mask the problem, but once again it is only masking the real problem. No one at Mazda seems to have the technological expertise to figure it out. they say that 2/10 cars have this problem and then say it isn't a problem?? Why do I as a new car owner have to deal with this odor when others don't. My VIP Mazda in Abbotsford washes their hands of it and Mazda Canada doesn't seem to care as well. So, off to the regional manager to see what they say?? Will I buy another Mazda, not likely. But I do love the Mazda 3.
When I start the car in the morning to defrost it, it smells of cigarette smoke.I don't smoke, nor does anyone in my house, so it has to be something with the car. And in the summer it smells of a different odor when it first starts up.
- Brad B., Warminster, PA, US