MULTI-MODEL - MAZDA MOBILE START CUSTOMER SATISFACTION PROGRAM. As shared previously, due to planned industry-wide changes in mobile network infrastructure and wireless technology, the Mazda Mobile Start (MMS) accessory was no longer offered beginning with 20MYvehicles. These technology changes are scheduled to occur in late 2021 as our service provider transitions away from a 3G network which currently supports the MMS application and its vehicle operations for all active legacy accounts. As a result, the MMS application and its vehicle operations will no longer work after September 30. 2021 for these legacy accounts and their respective vehicle owners. In an effort to provide advance notice and be transparent, and also to lessen the inconvenience of this situation - On 11/12/2020, all active MMS account holders will be informed of this news and will be presented with their choice of one of following goodwill offers: A new, replacement remote-engine start system (key fob transmitter type), Installation of Apple CarPlay� / Android Auto�, A $1000 voucher towards the purchase or lease of a new Mazda vehicle
MULTI-MODEL - MAZDA MOBILE START CUSTOMER SATISFACTION PROGRAM. As shared previously, due to planned industry-wide changes in mobile network infrastructure and wireless technology, the Mazda Mobile Start (MMS) accessory was no longer offered beginning with 20MYvehicles. These technology changes are scheduled to occur in late 2021 as our service provider transitions away from a 3G network which currently supports the MMS application and its vehicle operations for all active legacy accounts. As a result, the MMS application and its vehicle operations will no longer work after September 30. 2021 for these legacy accounts and their respective vehicle owners. In an effort to provide advance notice and be transparent, and also to lessen the inconvenience of this situation - On 11/12/2020, all active MMS account holders will be informed of this news and will be presented with their choice of one of following goodwill offers: A new, replacement remote-engine start system (key fob transmitter type), Installation of Apple CarPlay� / Android Auto�, A $1000 voucher towards the purchase or lease of a new Mazda vehicle