Possible Switch Problem - Just purchased CX-5 and started experiencing this problem. Found this website from Mazda says that it is a switch problem in shifter. Part is only $45. See link. Will see if this fixes it for us.
Car electrical system stays on after shutting off engine. I have seen numerous posts on your site about the same problem. WE have had this problem for about 3 months. There should be a recall!!!
When you attempt to cut car off and you hit button the engine quits, but radio and rest stays on. Or you stop car and hit the start button, it won't do anything. No lights on dash, engine won't start. Some times the red key light comes on for no reason.
It was a few months since we had to have heater coil replaced. I have never heard of a heater coil freezing up or it costing $2000 to replace. How does this happen? Antifreeze was good and radiator never froze!
I also had this problem with my 2014 CX-5 where it would not completely shut down. I found the part online for $57 and the instructions for replacing it. It didn't seem to be very difficult of a repair. Any mechanic could do it. It was covered at the Mazda dealership under my extended warranty for just the $100 deductible. It's been about three weeks now with several days in the 90s and no more problems! Search online for Mazda AT shifter switch.
Whoever is doing their research when buying a car, Please DO NOT BUY MAZDA. It has a really bad engine. Nice Body, but the bad engine. Read all kinds of problems MAZDA has before buying. The starter button will turn off the engine, but the electrical for radio, headlights are still on. It won't turn off. I searched online and described what the issue was, it appears that I am not alone.
A lot of people have the same problem and suggested doing this. The only way to turn it off was to repeatedly turn on the engine, move the shifter to PARK and move it to right, and kind of wiggle it. Keep trying to do this trick until it turns off. In the beginning, it turns off right away, then it got worse.
When the ignition is switched off on my 2014 Mazda CX5 the radio/accessories remains on. Had to play with the transmission shifter in park position several times before the radio/accessories will completely turnoff.
Based on the other owner write ups, it looks like the park position switch needs to be replaced.
- Noel C.,
Calgary, AB, Canada
Search CarComplaints.com for these popular complaint phrases...
When Engine stop button is pressed, it won't shutdown the audio and electric system... sometimes you won't notice it didn't shut down. This is resulting in draining the battery... A very annoying problem...
I did lot of google to find the issue. It cost $400 to fix it.
It seems every Mazda CX-5 has this issue. I can't believe I'm replacing shift switches at less than 50K miles when I baby my vehicles and never use them hard. The Mazda shop told me it would be $520 to repair. I said no thanks. I found the part on Amazon for $65 and replaced it myself in under an hour with a YouTube video.
I'm told that this would cost about $300 to fix, but that doesn't factor in the battery that was killed off by not realizing that the car was still on ($200) or the trouble of finding oneself unexpectedly without a car that would start. This is a widely reported problem. How is this not a recall?!
They said I had to pay $150 to look at it. They said shifter had to be replaced. It happens when it is above 80 degrees outside and you take a short trip. They said replace shifter for $600. I looked, a shifter cost $151. So $400 in labor. They wrote up bill for $1708 in unnecessary repairs. They said their defect was not covered by warranty. These guys are crooks.
I've had problems with my Mazda CX-5 electrical system for some time. This problem is more recent. When putting the vehicle into park, the shift knob is in P and then when I turn off the engine, the dash gives the alert "set to P." I have to tap it somewhat with force against the P gear area for it to kick off that alarm, but the car still needs to be restarted and then turned off, otherwise the car is still on A/C mode. If you don't catch the alarm and close the door, it doesn't give a beep, it will shut down your vehicle.
This happened on our recent trip in the mountains, where the car died after about 15 minutes after parking and not verifying the alarm was off, and since no radio was on, there was no noise to catch my attention. Luckily I had jumper cables, and my brother in law was nearby to give me a quick jump, and the car returned with normal power, but still with that sensor issue.
This seems to be a very common problem with Mazda for this vehicle.
My car will not shut off. Push the button, NOTHING... it stays on. Called the Mazda dealer and they acted like it was no big deal. 500 - 600 bucks and it can get fixed. Oh and they were to quickly point out that this is not covered under the warranty of the vehicle that I spent 37K on. It is disappointing that this problem that they seem to know about is not a recall item. Disappointed. Not sure if I can trust this brand after this. Will pay because I need to get this fixed, but in the end - Mazda will pay with no repeat customer.
After reading the problem here and having it happen to myself about 6 times in a 6 week period leaving me with a dead battery twice. I called service. They are ordering the part and quoted approx. $235 for the sensor installed plus tax. The fix in the meantime is make sure that shifter is pushed in semi hard when placing in park. Leave the radio on as an indicator that it is not shut off when you turn off the car.
This is so prominent, Mazda really needs to do a recall and fix this. As a customer who has owned 7 Mazda’s dating back to 1978, not dealing with this is contrary to what I would expect from them.
My Mazda originally did this like twice a couple months ago I thought it was some weird fluke thing I must have done because it couldn't be replicated, but now it is more and more frequent. My car will not shut off completely and sometimes can take up to 15 minutes to turn off... I have turned it on and off repeatedly which is 1. embarrassing 2. annoying 3. unreliable then when I get back to my car I have trouble turning it on due to the battery being drained and sometimes have to jump the car!! I haven't been using my car to go far and only use it if someone else is home just in case...I am fortunate enough to have another car I can use in all my other instances but this is ridiculous, it's a newer car and would like to use my Mazda to run my business and now I'm wondering if I should just trade it in!!
My complaint is like the others. The car will not shut off. The engine shuts off, put the dashboard lights stay on. Like the other complaints, I do not want to be in a place where the battery dies because the car does not shut off. It's ridiculous to try and put it in park "aggressively". This is an issue, and a significant one at that. I really think this is a recall issue. this is the same complaint over and over again. It is NOT something I am doing wrong. The dealer acts like they've never heard of this issue. Well, they will from now on, as many people are JUST getting to 50,000 miles on a 2014 car!!! Appointment tomorrow. We will see.
Car won't shut off completely after using it. The electrical dash board stays on. It has to be put on park and then drive and then park and then drive again until it finally shuts down. It is annoying and so unsafe!
I have had this problem off and on for a couple of years. Bought the car new and have not had any other problem with it. This will happen every few months. I may have to start and stop my car 15 to 20 times until the lights go off. Last night I could not get it off after about 15 minutes, so I got out of my car and of course the battery ran down.
I had to buy a new battery and now I carry a tool to disconnect my battery so I can get out and leave my car. The nearest dealer to me is over an hour away. I called them this morning on the way into work and the lady in service said they had never seen or heard of this problem. She told me I probably had rodents that had gotten into my car and chewed up my electrical wires. Wow !!
She said they could get my car in next Wednesday and it would cost me $150.00 dollars for them to bring it in the shop as they could not look at it for free, this is how they make their money she told me. Duh ! And she informed me it would costs thousands of dollars to fix my problem, although she had no idea what my problem was except, I probably had rodents!! We have over 50 chickens and 5 cats we DO NOT have a rodent problem around our homes. Maybe deeper in the pasture but not at the houses.
This problem just comes and goes. I might drive for 6 or more months and not have a problem. Now in the last week and I am having problems everyday. But, it does not do this every time I park the car. WHAT is the problem??????????
Just like everyone else said, I'm sure it's a relay issue, not receiving the signal that the car is in park. I spent 2 hours looking through the manual, and searching online for similar issues and finally found the thread on here. Reading through some of the issues the solution of, "aggressively put it in park" seemed intriguing so I tried that. Lo and behold it actually worked and the 4 times I have restarted the car, moved it a little and turned it off again, this issue hasn't popped up again. But, for when it does next time I know the quick fix. Now if only they will ISSUE A RECALL ON THIS!
My 2014 Mazda CX-5 started occasionally NOT completely shutting down when I pushed the ignition button to turn it off about 2 months ago. When this happens I have to start it again, back it up a little bit, pull back into parking space and shut off again. It has at times taken me 2-3 times of doing this before it will shut down. I can go days without it happening then the other day it did it every time I tried to turn it off. It is very annoying and must be a serious electrical problem and I want it fixed before my vehicle goes out of warranty.
Update from Aug 9, 2017: As this problem progressively got worse I spoke with the the service manager at the dealership. He said he has heard of the problem but I was only the second one on a CX-5. I told him he should become familiar with the Mazda complaint site then. He said it's a problem with the relay switch that tells the vehicle that the it is in park. I told him what I do to get it to turn off and he said all I have to do is restart the vehicle pull it out of PARK and aggressively put it back in PARK. He said I didn't have to actually MOVE the vehicle. He said since it was "out of warranty" I would have to pay to have it fixed, but that it's not hurting anything NOT fixing it and that probably in a year or so Mazda would have a recall on it. I said it may not be "hurting" the vehicle but it not only is aggravating it's embarrassing to have a fairly new vehicle that you can't get to turn off. But I have done what he said and have only had the problem happen 2 times in 3 weeks (and that was on the same day). Guess I wasn't as aggressive that day when parking. :-) Hope this helps someone else.
Car electrical system stays on after shutting off engine. I have seen numerous posts on your site about the same problem. WE have had this problem for about 3 months. There should be a recall!!!
- Edward M., Poughkeepsie, US