Dealer Packet: 11/26/2018 ? Owner notification section has been updated. ? CAL ID clarification has been provided in the Op Code section. The involved vehicles are equipped with Intelligent Clearance Sonar (ICS). Due to improper software programming in the ICS system, the ICS system may improperly activate when an involved vehicle enters certain types of carwash facilities and is placed into neutral. If the ICS system activates, the ICS system will exhibit warnings and the system may apply the brakes.
Dealer Packet: 11/26/2018 ? Owner notification section has been updated. ? CAL ID clarification has been provided in the Op Code section. The involved vehicles are equipped with Intelligent Clearance Sonar (ICS). Due to improper software programming in the ICS system, the ICS system may improperly activate when an involved vehicle enters certain types of carwash facilities and is placed into neutral. If the ICS system activates, the ICS system will exhibit warnings and the system may apply the brakes.