The problem is a little difficult to describe, but basically you are rolling down the road at say 75 mph with the cruise set and all of sudden the car has no power and the tachometer goes up like 10000 rpms and you cannot accelerate. Even if you turn the cruise off and use the foot feet the same thing happens. When the problem first occured I had a dash light come on VSCS OFF in combination with the Engine light.
Lexus tried to tell me the first time I took it in (and $1000 later) that I had gotten bad fuel and two sensors needed replaced. I just took it home today after being at Lexus a second time, in which they state they cannot replicate problem or find anything wrong at all and it did it like 6 times on my drive home of 42 miles. I took my cell phone out today and actually filmed it happening on the dash because I am beginning to feel like they do not believe me. They did state they manually cleaned the throttle control. Lexus also stated they have never had this problem and they actually called their support line through Lexus??? for additional assistance and apparently they had not heard of this issue either.
I guess bad gas is possible, but we have 4 other vehicles in varying makes and models that get gas from the same gas station and those vehicles have had no issues. At any rate, fine....if I got bad fuel so be it, but please fix the fricking problem. This problem is actually described in the owners manual under the VSCS OFF dashboard light and the manual states it is most likely an issue with the electronic throttle control, which I politely pointed out to the dealership......I am very frustrated.
The problem is a little difficult to describe, but basically you are rolling down the road at say 75 mph with the cruise set and all of sudden the car has no power and the tachometer goes up like 10000 rpms and you cannot accelerate. Even if you turn the cruise off and use the foot feet the same thing happens. When the problem first occured I had a dash light come on VSCS OFF in combination with the Engine light.
Lexus tried to tell me the first time I took it in (and $1000 later) that I had gotten bad fuel and two sensors needed replaced. I just took it home today after being at Lexus a second time, in which they state they cannot replicate problem or find anything wrong at all and it did it like 6 times on my drive home of 42 miles. I took my cell phone out today and actually filmed it happening on the dash because I am beginning to feel like they do not believe me. They did state they manually cleaned the throttle control. Lexus also stated they have never had this problem and they actually called their support line through Lexus??? for additional assistance and apparently they had not heard of this issue either.
I guess bad gas is possible, but we have 4 other vehicles in varying makes and models that get gas from the same gas station and those vehicles have had no issues. At any rate, fine....if I got bad fuel so be it, but please fix the fricking problem. This problem is actually described in the owners manual under the VSCS OFF dashboard light and the manual states it is most likely an issue with the electronic throttle control, which I politely pointed out to the dealership......I am very frustrated.
- cyndirella, Kimball, NE, US