I have been a VERY responsible Kia owner and have had regular oil changes and all other maintenance carried out regularly. My garage told me the engine blew itself up and my car was now worthless. I CAN'T afford a new car because of the incompetence of the Kia Manufacturers!!
My 2015 Kia Soul has been at the Kia dealership for over 2 months now. On those rare occasions I can get through to the Service department to speak to a human, I get the same old song and dance. The vehicle is in queue to get diagnostics. Additionally I have been told that the vehicle will not qualify for the engine recall because some factory "improvement" was never installed on the engine.
I never received any notification from Kia Corporate that there was an improvement that needed to be done to begin with. I provided the dealership with all the service records that I could showing how routine oil changes were performed on the engine. To say this has been frustrating would be an understatement, this has been absurd. I just can't understand how I went from a perfectly operating vehicle one day, to a totally useless vehicle seemingly overnight.
Engine started loud knocking. They said they don't have to cover it because some update wasn't done, but we were never notified of any update and it isn't on their website. They said it didn't have to be on their site because it wasn't a safety recall. Check engine light never even came on, it just suddenly started knocking horribly. Dealer said they've had several cars come in with the same issue. We've always performed the proper maintenance on this car, and it just died.
Kia has given me a break but it shouldn't have gotten to this point.
On Feb 22, 2018, I was about 400 miles from home when I started to notice a low ticking noise from the engine compartment. I stopped to check the dipstick, I saw oil was still glistening on the med- low side. Thought nothing of it and decided to get home and recheck. Next day, I checked the oil and it was low. I lived about an hour from the Kia dealer, I decided to drive to them to check it out for me. I begin to pull on to the road, that the dealer is on, then my check engine light comes on. This is the first time in over 3 years of ownership.
Next, I leave me car with them for the day. I called the dealer and was told that the sound is coming from my crankshaft as the code for the light has similar codes pertaining to the crankshaft sensor. This is were they inform me my car is running low on oil and is in need of an engine replacement. I knew there was a recall out for other Kia models for engine failure but was told my car was not a part of it. Not a happy camper. Well, I thought this was very unusual, even with my putting almost 50k a year on my vehicle due to personal investments. Unfortunately, I am told it will not be covered and it would be $5200 for a used engine plus labor to install with 52k on it. To say I was upset was an understatement. I have done all of my oil changes with the same dealer for the past 3 years on time and have had any necessary and unnecessary services to keep me in good graces with the company and my devotion to Kia. Now, I called Kia Consumer Affairs and made my case clear that I am a model customer and have abided the service manual down to a T. The representative was a little taken back by my statements but assured me some help would come my way, possibly a 50/50 split. I am not happy as I do not have this kind of money and owed too much to trade. I reluctantly took a loaner (I paid 35 a day for 5 days and was not paid back).
5 days later I got a call from the manager stating that Kia would cover my engine replacement in full. I was astonished and thankful. Nonetheless, It kept me in the back of my mind, that Kia has some issues with their Theta engines. I was excited to have my vehicle back and do continue to drive Kia models today. I do believe that there is still compassion and caring with the Kia/Hyundai corp. This car now has around 200k+ on it and still running. Hope to keep this car running for a long time. I have since bought the first model year 2018 Kia Stinger and loving it!!!
Last year I received letter in mail regarding a recall on my car saying the engine was catching on fire while driving down the road. So I brought my car to the dealership to get the recall fixed - they updated the ksds sensor software and knox sensor. Not long after that I had to get oil change and my oil was low but not 1 time did my light come on saying it was low.
I changed the oil kept check on the oil every few days and it would be half quart to a quart low. Then started running rough and I had my brother who is a certified mechanic put on computer and said misfire changed coil packs and plugs. About 6 months later my car started running really bad - the engine light would flash and go off back on and the computer says same thing misfire saying coil packs etc. And again the entire time it has been burning oil and no signs of oil leaking when we replaced coil packs and plugs my battery light would just flash. I replaced the battery but lights still come on and flash had battery checked even though new battery had no issues. They swapped it out and the same thing oil burning and still no signs of oil on motor at all.
My fiancee drives my car before leaving to go about 5 miles down the road oil low and he just put oil in it 2 days before, so he put oil in it again went down the road and was there for about 10 min leaves and heads back home and goes maybe 1.5 miles and said car just starts acting rough and then shuts off. He and our friend that lives next door who also certified mechanic and go to the car and they both was looking at the car and no oil was in the car. They put on the computer - it has 3 codes come up p0014, p001, p1326.
- Mandy V.,
Blountstown, US
Search CarComplaints.com for these popular complaint phrases...
So apparently this is old news, but my daughter bought a 2015 Soul with the obviously well-documented defective Theta II engine and guess what? It seized at a moment's notice and was 4 quarts short of oil with regular oil changes and no warning lights. Stalled on the highway, as a car will do when the engine seizes, and luckily they got it to the side of the road. We bought it 5 months ago, and since the car dealer didn't check the recalls, it didn't have the KSDS sensor, so guess what? Apparently this indemnifies Kia of their knowledge of a clear and present engine defect.
Let me ask Kia a question, why would you need to install software for an engine knock if there's no problem??? Just saying... the sensor does nothing to correct your engine problem, it just provides Kia with another way to not acknowledge their defect, because of course if you didn't immediately bring it in when the sensor goes off, it's your fault, not theirs. You're crazy if you buy a vehicle with this engine.
On February 14, 2020 was driving a 2015 Kia Soul with a 1.6 L engine home down a steep grade on the 73 toll road about to connect to the 91 freeway, a very busy major freeway in Southern California. There first felt like a slight slip, so I turned off my radio. Merged over and put in neutral (manual transmission). I coasted onto the 91 freeway where there was a slight uphill grade with a truck barreling down on me so put it back into 6th gear. It started making a horrible rattling noise. I downshifted to fifth, and the noise stopped for a couple seconds, so thought it was just a loose nut or something.
All of a sudden it started making a very, very load knocking noise and it sounded like parts were falling out onto the freeway (they were!!!!). Looked at the sign and there was 2.5 miles to go to the exit and no where to stop on the freeway. Pulled off at the next exit when smoke started to fill the interior and the engine stopped entirely. A tow truck the police sent onto the freeway towed me off the offramp. Called AAA tow and the driver said he believes there is a recall on this car. I looked it up, and it does fit the description of the recall. He suggested I take it to my regular mechanic first, which I did. They said there was a problem with the engine which shot something through my oil pan and take it to Kia.
I towed it to Kia in Irvine where I bought the car. They said it will be $7738.87 to fix (replace) engine and that it is not under any recall or warranty. I had typed in my exact vin number on the National Department of Transportation website and it came up with the piston can break off in the engine and put a hole through the oil pan if the catalytic converter overheats. Read this to the service manager. He said to call corporate, but there was nothing he could do. Right now my car is sitting at Kia Irvine. It should be covered by the recall notice, but they are trying to get out of it.
At 101,000 kms my engine started knocking and sounded like there were rocks rolling around in it! I check the oil to find it is bone dry even though it has no known oil leaks? I know that oil is the life blood of a car and wouldn't neglect it.... Where did the oil go?
I am now on the hook for a rebuilt engine at the cost of approximately 4000 dollars! What the F#*! Kia? I am so angry but also disappointed as I loved this little car!
The worst part was when I googled the problem and found so many others with the problem. And it's not being addressed by Kia.
I will tell anybody and everybody I know of to not invest in a Kia. I'm actually thinking of getting one of those advertising magnets for my Car that says ask me about my 5 year old Blown Engine!!!! BUYER BEWARE.
I was driving home on the freeway when my engine started knocking. No oil light came on and I had just had it filled up week prior. I checked my oil and it was empty. How does this happen? I need help. I can't afford to fix the engine. This is ridiculous.
I was driving the car and it just died. Mechanic said it was due to the lack of oil in the engine. I had just put in oil not long before. The oil light did not go on as a warning. It's a 2015 Kia Soul - when I bought it, it had 39,000 miles. It now has 95,000. Because I don't have all the oil changes - the warranty is not covering the cost of the engine. I didn't even get a copy of the fine print for the warranty when I bought the car. All I got was a warranty paper.
At about 90K miles oil started disappearing. The car was not burning it or leaking. Then at about 107K miles the engine started losing power on inclines. The engine started knocking when I went to accelerate. I looked for recalls but could not find anything for my year, make and model of my car. I called a Kia dealership to see if they could help me. They had me bring the car in several times so they could document what it was doing to report to Kia. They even took the engine apart and took photo's to send to them. On the last visit they reported that Kia was not going to help me because the car was not listed in a recall at that time and the car was over the 100K miles which was the end of my warranty.
So I picked up the car and on my way home the car was falling on it's face at any type of incline and almost got me hit several times on the highway trying to get it home. Also the engine was knocking severely and lost all power. When I finally got it home I had to park it because I did not have thousands of dollars to fix it. I has also read horror stories from others that there cars were catching fire just sitting in the drive so I was too scared to drive the car so I had to purchase another car to drive while I waited on Kia to issue a recall to fix this issue. So now fast forward to 2021 I got a letter addressing the same issue's I am having an telling me they would fix it finally, so I had the car towed to the local dealership to be fixed and they informed me that it did not produce a certain code so they would not fix the car.
my name is marty bought used 2015 kia soul 2.0 motor had 51000 miles on it ,in 2018 loved car ,changed oil every 5000 miles with synthetic oil,no problems until june 4,2020 driving along car shuddered took c,ar to gas station shut off, checked oil it was low,added two ouarts started motor then oil light came on and car started knocking,had car brought to my house ,had my mechanic come to house,checked motor he tells me has to be replaced, iwas not expecting that.my other car bought in 2006 pontiac vibe has 280000 miles no problem except normal and catalictic conv.at 230000 miles now have to ;look for motor to replace but now finding cost is 2500. to 4000 for used motors , iam reserching as far back as i can go to find invformation on recalls and such, dealers are not helpful they just expect 6500 and up to replace and you still have problem with motors.
Picture it, May 2017, I was 19 years old, just graduated high school, and after saving money, and obtaining my first "adult" job, I went on my hunt to find my first financed car. My brain said Toyota Camry, my heart said Kia Soul! I bought my car from Kia of Attleboro, formerly known as Courtesy Kia "The largest Kia dealership in New England", and I went looking for a 2010-2011 base model, 6 speed Soul, they whoo'd me into a 2015 Kia Soul with all the works and double the price. I didn't mind, I was proud that I got a car with everything and being able to afford it, and trust that it will last me a while. With 22,497 miles on the odometer and the wind in my hair from the sunroof, I was off. Fast forward. February 2019, it was raining and I was riding with my windows open, 62,087 miles on the odometer at this time.I heard ticking, made note of it, and had the oil checked. BONE DRY. Coincidence? I did just have the oil changed. I filled it back up and went on my way, 2 weeks later, SAME THING! Well, this started a long battle with Kia, and as much as I love the car, I ing HATE KIA. NEVER EVER AGAIN WILL I BUY A CAR FROM THEM OR COURESY AUTO GROUP AGAIN!!! I have never seen something like this. Why complain now in 2020? Well, after keeping up on the oil, I missed one top off, and on the highway in the high speed lane going 70MPH, My engine blew. Smoke, Smells and Slowing down at rapid speed, I risked my life to try and get off the near by exit. The car knocks, won't go over 10 MPH and SMELLS SO BAD! I owe $11,000 on this car, It's during the COVID-19 Pandemic and I'm an Emergency Room worker. I bought a 1999 Outback to get to and from work while I watch my Kia sit and collect dust in my driveway. Repairs will most likely cost $2000-$4500. Not what I expected from my first almost brand new car. I've never been more torn, because I LOVE this car, from the heated steering wheel, the ventilated seats, the panoramic sunroof, the extensive cargo space, and the JBL stereo, ugh! , Loved it from the moment I bought it... HATE KIA as a company. I WISH TOYOTA MADE THE SOUL, I wouldn't be in this boat! Certainly won't enjoy any other car as much as I did the Soul, but I just wish I could enjoy it for more than just 3 years and 88,255 miles. Do not recommend for a reliable back and forth to work car, a summer cruiser for strictly pleasure, absolutely 100%.
We bought the car in 2016 with less than 13,000 miles on it. We did buy the extended warranty due to being a used vehicle and we wanted the warranty to cover the car. Its been at the dealer twice in the last 2 1/2 months. 1 was for a alternator and the other was for the starter. She was driving 35 mph Sunday 01/12/2020 when she suddenly lost power and the car died. A friend was nearby and pushed the car from the roadway. I came to her help with a jumper pack and my RELIABLE FORD F250. Hooked the jumper pack to it and ran a check on the battery and it was fully charged. Called the tow service and had the car towed to the Kia Dealer where we bought the car from. They called her Monday morning with the great news that the motor was seized, but full of oil. So the dealer called the warranty dept and they are sending a technician from the warranty group to inspect the car and look over the maintenance records. Today is Wednesday 01/15/2020 and still no info yet if they will warranty the car. If not, we will trading it in and being done with Kia. She has the oil changed every 3 months regardless if its has 3,000 miles or not.
Purchased car 2 years ago with 63,000 miles. The sales informed me the the vehicle was still under manufacturer 100,000 powertrain warranty, the vehicle currently has 86,000 miles and had regular oil changes, Car recently had oil change less than a month ago, Gave no warning and engine started knocking, (no low oil warning).
Had vehicle tow to mechanic and he determine the engine has failed. I Called the dealership I purchased the vehicle from and they informed me that because i was the second owner the warranty was only valid up to 61,000 miles, so the vehicle was not under warranty when I purchased the vehicle as I was told. I have nothing in writing that states the vehicle is under warranty other than what the Kia manufacturer always points out in there advertised purchase of new vehicles. Kia needs to either honor the 100,000 warranty or ensure that customers are aware that Kia used vehicle warranties stop at 61,000 miles. Used car salesmen are using 100,000 mile advertisement to sale this car and consumers are not aware until there is an major issue like engine failure.
This was my daughters first car. She may have been a life long Kia purchaser had we not had this problem, but due to bait and switch cobcept being used, I will ensure she will not purchase this brand in the future. I will trade this car in and get what I can from it and purchase another brand for my daughter. I will not replace the engine and continue to support a manufacturer who has no integrity where brand is concerned. I would also encourage anyone with a similar issue to trade the vehicle in if you can and not support this manufacturer by repairing the vehicle and adding to their abuse.
I have always had Kia's and so purchased a 2015 Kia Soul from Michael Kia in Groton Ct. I have had the car for no longer than a year and a half only for it to begin to have issues losing oil for unknown reasons. I monitored the oil for about a week and it had been fine until the weekend of May 4th whereas my kids and I were returning from a trip to a mall only to have a loud knocking begin underneath the hood and lost of power from the car.
Upon bring the car safely and thankfully with my young children onto the side of the road I immediately checked the oil to see if that was an issue and found that it was bone dry even though I had just had the oil changed.
It was towed to a local mechanic who determined the engine had seized and then to Kia who questioned my mantainence on the vehicle where as I had kept all records as which included timely oil changes.
I found a recall on a vehicle similar to mine but with a 1.6 engine rather then the 2.0 that I have. Spoke to Kia, Kia's customer service and there highest customer service department where as I was told that they are not recognizing my Soul's engine size right now but did acknowledge that there was a issue.
Much like all other complaints here I was left to take the issue myself where as they would not or since they don't have to do anything legally then they wont.
My suggestion is that we all make them hear us by beginning a petition or collectively making this issue known and have them recognize the 2.0 engines and fix them as well.
I ask that you please contact me via e-mail
Update from Nov 17, 2020: As of today 11/14/2020 I am still paying on my broken down Kia Soul as well as still searching for answers. The is a class action suit against Kia for the same issues my vehicle experienced but yet my vehicle somehow is not listed as one of the class action vehicles leaving me a single father of three still needing to come out his own pocket to fix a vehicle with an issue which Kia is fully aware of. I have included a link to the class action suit and ask that if anyone has any information in regards to a suit which may include Kia Souls to be reach out and let me know or if you have more luck with the link in regards to getting answers or help please once again reach out and let me know.
Mr. Jermaine Marshall Sr.- Voice's = Choice's
Driving the car Sunday 18 Aug 2019 home from the movies. Large banging noise started under the hood. Suddenly smoke blew out, vehicle lost power, I was able to pull over to wide shoulder and stopped. A trail of oil was behind my car and a large puddle appeared underneath. Car was towed to my local mechanic. Called Kia the next day and they had it towed to the nearest dealer. Th is a hole in my engine caused by piston rod failure. If my car had a 1.6L engine it would be fixed for free, their on a recall list for this problem. I have a 2.0L engine and I have to pay for the fix. It seems to me if one of the car models have this problem similar models may also be affected. They want $10,000.00 to fix the car. I already have quotes to get a new engine repair for a lot cheaper. I have been a Kia customer since 2002. No more!
My 2015 Soul was less than 2000 km out of warranty when I was driving down the freeway and my engine began to rattle. Took it to change oil immediately. After oil change drove a few kilometers and the engine began to knock and a loud squealing noise. Towed it to the dealership (Kia West Edmonton) where I was told it was engine failure.
Had never had a single problem with my vehicle and no warning lights went on. They asked for all my oil change receipts and when I was unable to find 2 of them they blamed it on lack of maintenance and they refused to put it through Kia Goodwill Warranty. I was then told I could pay $1500 to take the engine apart to determine if it was due to lack of maintenance but there would be no guarantees that they would put in for warranty.
When I refused to pay the $1500 I was then told that they could check it for $300. Having no option I payed the $3000 for them to determine that it was due to manufacturer defect. They then told me that they would put it through to Kia at 50% Good will warranty. I told them I wanted it put through at 100% and that Kia should decide what is covered not the dealership. Was given the run around by the Service Manager and General Manager and was finally told that if they put it through at 100% they would not be making any money on the repair. They then said they could get me into a new one...
Was lied to through the entire process. Paperwork and costs kept changing. Was told they were putting an new engine in my car. They lied and only replaced the short block. I ended up paying $3000 out of pocket for a repair that should have been put through at 100% warranty. I called Kia warranty directly and they told me that they would only accept a claim through the dealership. There are many stories of the exact same thing happening to these cars. Unfortunately my engine was not part of the massive recall that was done.
I bought this Kia Soul used on May 16, 2018 from Summit Place Kia in Auburn Hills, Michigan. I noticed before I was due for my complimentary oil change that the engine seemed to flutter. Let them know when I took it to get it to get the oil change. No comment. Got oil change, no more fluttering sound. A couple weeks later, started hearing it again. No indicator light EVER came on, but I had the all of my fluids checked anyway. Oil was a little low. Had engine checked for leaks and there were NONE. From that point on, I automatically checked my oil every Saturday and topped it off. Would get my oil changed but not from there because I could no longer make it there before they closed due to work. Fast forward to Saturday, June 1, 2019, I again topped off my oil. On Thursday, June 6, 2019 I'm driving and without any warning, engine starts making noise. I immediately get off the Highway and stop. Engine knocking. No indicator lights EVER came on, but there was no oil in the engine, even though I had topped it off less than a week ago. NO OIL LIGHT EVER came on. Had it towed to the Kia of Canton dealership and explained that that no indicator lights came on. He told me: "That car may not have an oil indicator light." I politely told him: "All cars have an oil indicator light." Any way they called me and told me it was indeed the engine and a used one would cost me $7150, and a new one $9850. Needless to say I'm having the car towed back home so I can continue to pay the remaining $11,000 I owe on it even though I can't drive it. This is utter BS with this car company. My gas light lets me know my gas is low, but my light doesn't alert if the oil is low. Sad part is I had extra oil in the car.
Bought a used Kia Soul 2015 in 11/16, with 33k miles on it. Traded in a Kia Soul with higher miles. No oil warning light ever came on and engine failed May 22. Estimate to replace engine is is $7000. Ford dealer I bought it from tells me when I bought it the original warranty from Kia was changed to a new warranty that expired at 61000 miles. My car has 71,000 miles. I was never advised of the warranty change or I would not have bought the car. The service guy told me I'm up a creek without a paddle. Don't know what to do!
I have been a VERY responsible Kia owner and have had regular oil changes and all other maintenance carried out regularly. My garage told me the engine blew itself up and my car was now worthless. I CAN'T afford a new car because of the incompetence of the Kia Manufacturers!!
- Kelaine KERRY K., Peachland, BC, Canada