This will be the 3rd one that I have had to replace in 3 years. Apparently it expands in this Michigan weather and swells up since it is made of plastic, then it returns back to normal when the temperature warms up in the Spring causing a leak or hole. This overheats the engine and makes the car undriveable until it is replaced.
The overflow tanks is leaking again. Replaced at Kia dealer the first time at 80K miles, now leaking again. So this will be the third tank counting the one that came on it. Supposedly more heavy duty according to Kia..too late for warranty. Now again!
Looks like a lot of people are having the same issue. I caught my two dogs (puppies) right before they could get into the antifreeze it dumped on my garage floor. I wounder if it is going to take someone losing a baby or someone's beloved pet, before Kia issues a recall on these tanks? I know this will be the last Kia I ever buy. It is supposed to have a 10-year, 100,000 mile warranty, but I haven't had them fix anything under warranty yet. The heated seat is not under warranty, and neither was this. 10 years is up in 2014 and 100,000 in 40,000 miles.
This will be the 3rd one that I have had to replace in 3 years. Apparently it expands in this Michigan weather and swells up since it is made of plastic, then it returns back to normal when the temperature warms up in the Spring causing a leak or hole. This overheats the engine and makes the car undriveable until it is replaced.
- Shalita L., Jackson, MI, US