PITSTOP: INJECTOR HARNESS ROUTING FOR PI1802Y/Z AND PI1803Y/Z ENGINE REPLACEMENTS - This bulletin provides information to address a no-start or hard start with poor running condition after engine replacement under PI1802Y/Z or PI1803Y/Z. Some replacement long blocks may come with pre-installed fuel rail, injectors, and injector wiring harness. If the condition is present, it is possible that the injector harness was not installed correctly. The connections may be swapped from cylinder No. 1 and cylinder No. 4, and from cylinder No. 2 and cylinder No. 3.
PITSTOP: INJECTOR HARNESS ROUTING FOR PI1802Y/Z AND PI1803Y/Z ENGINE REPLACEMENTS - This bulletin provides information to address a no-start or hard start with poor running condition after engine replacement under PI1802Y/Z or PI1803Y/Z. Some replacement long blocks may come with pre-installed fuel rail, injectors, and injector wiring harness. If the condition is present, it is possible that the injector harness was not installed correctly. The connections may be swapped from cylinder No. 1 and cylinder No. 4, and from cylinder No. 2 and cylinder No. 3.