Recall List for the 2008 Kia Optima

Official recalls have been issued for the 2008 Kia Optima by the NHTSA. The complete details of all recalls are listed below, along with what they cover and the recommended solutions.

Recalls don't cost you anything to get fixed, but most are time-limited, so if your car is affected you should call your local Kia service department immediately!

If you have questions about a recall, write down your VIN & then call Kia customer service.

  1. RECALL: Stop Lamp Switch May Function Intermittently

    Failure to illuminate the stop lamps during braking or inability to disengage the cruise control could increase the risk of a crash. Additionally, when the ignition is in the 'ON' position, the transmission shifter may be able to be moved out of PARK without first applying the brake. This may lead to unintentional ... Read more »

    Date Announced
    APR 01, 2013
    Vehicles Affected
  2. RECALL: Air Bag Clock Spring Assembly

    If the clock spring develops high resistance, in the event of a crash, the drivers air bag will not deploy and will not be able to properly protect the driver, increasing the risk of injuries. ... Read more »

    Date Announced
    JAN 17, 2012
    Vehicles Affected
  3. RECALL: Automatic Transmission Shift Cable Inspection

    If the driver leaves the vehicle without engaging the parking brake, there is a possibility that the vehicle can roll injure a person in its path or cause a ... Read more »

    Date Announced
    MAR 09, 2011
    Vehicles Affected

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