Need to use the OEM Oil Filter? Dealer won't go as far as commenting on the Warranty, because that would bring the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act into play and they would have to provide a free filter. Having to have a anti-drain back valve with pressure relief inside the oil filter is a first - and getting no relief from the dealer on what after market filter would work is a deal breaker. This is very likely the last Kia I will ever own.
I put in the OEM oil filter and reset the CEL codes for P300, P301, and P305. If they don't come back then the dealer is right and I need to use the anti-drain back pressure relief valve equipped oil filter. If they do come back we will be talking about the next problem... a cracked head, perhaps. Engine, not service writers.
Need to use the OEM Oil Filter? Dealer won't go as far as commenting on the Warranty, because that would bring the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act into play and they would have to provide a free filter. Having to have a anti-drain back valve with pressure relief inside the oil filter is a first - and getting no relief from the dealer on what after market filter would work is a deal breaker. This is very likely the last Kia I will ever own.
I put in the OEM oil filter and reset the CEL codes for P300, P301, and P305. If they don't come back then the dealer is right and I need to use the anti-drain back pressure relief valve equipped oil filter. If they do come back we will be talking about the next problem... a cracked head, perhaps. Engine, not service writers.
- tharrin3, Manassas, VA, US