PITSTOP: NO START / NO DTC WITH KEY IGNITION - This Pitstop provides information to help troubleshoot a "no start" symptom on some 2017-2022MY Niro LX HEV (DE HEV) vehicles with standard 'key start' ignition. The 'Ready' icon on the instrument cluster will not illuminate 'ON'. The issue happens when the Hybrid Power Control Unit (HPCU) does not unlock the immobilizer when the start signal is sent.
PITSTOP: NO START / NO DTC WITH KEY IGNITION - This Pitstop provides information to help troubleshoot a "no start" symptom on some 2017-2022MY Niro LX HEV (DE HEV) vehicles with standard 'key start' ignition. The 'Ready' icon on the instrument cluster will not illuminate 'ON'. The issue happens when the Hybrid Power Control Unit (HPCU) does not unlock the immobilizer when the start signal is sent.