I am a DOD Contractor working in South Korea, assisting the US Army. American spec vehicle purchased on a military installation.
Bought this vehicle to get back and forth to work. One day it would not start properly. I would depress the clutch and brake and attempt to start it. The brake seemed extremely stiff and could not be depressed very far. The vehicle would stutter and attempt to start. After a few attempts the engine would turn over and the vehicle would drive excellently. After a few hours at work being parked, I would go to leave work and have the same issue. Took it in for warranty work and they said the Cam Shaft Sensors needed replaced. Crazy though for a vehicle that is only driven a few times a week with under 10000 miles. Seems to operate well after warranty work.
I am a DOD Contractor working in South Korea, assisting the US Army. American spec vehicle purchased on a military installation.
Bought this vehicle to get back and forth to work. One day it would not start properly. I would depress the clutch and brake and attempt to start it. The brake seemed extremely stiff and could not be depressed very far. The vehicle would stutter and attempt to start. After a few attempts the engine would turn over and the vehicle would drive excellently. After a few hours at work being parked, I would go to leave work and have the same issue. Took it in for warranty work and they said the Cam Shaft Sensors needed replaced. Crazy though for a vehicle that is only driven a few times a week with under 10000 miles. Seems to operate well after warranty work.
Sapper5313- South Korea
- sapper5313, Dongducheon, South Korea