Driving down the road when without warning the rear end locks up and sends me side ways. Luckily I was less than a mile from my house and only going about 30mph. Took it to 4 Wheel Parts Unlimited because it was off warranty. When they removed the diff cover, several gears fell out. The mechanic reached in and pulled the carrier housing out by hand. I figured since it was going to need all new gears, I might as well get a locker too. They rebuilt it with 4:56 gears and a Detroit True Trac Locker. The gears in it were suppose to be 4:10 in the rear and 4:11 in th front. I didn't have the money to rebuild the front at that time, so they disconnected the front drive shaft for me. When I did have the front done, I found out that the gears were 3:73. I was pissed. That is too much of a difference from front to rear. 4 Wheel parts said that was why my rear end went out. I went to the dealer to see if they would help cover the cost because this was obviously a problem from the manufacturing plant. They basically called me a liar and told me to leave. I told them to go F*&# themselves. I called to complain about the way I was treated, and I never received a reply. This was about the 15th time I have had to deal with A$$Holes for Chrysler.
Driving down the road when without warning the rear end locks up and sends me side ways. Luckily I was less than a mile from my house and only going about 30mph. Took it to 4 Wheel Parts Unlimited because it was off warranty. When they removed the diff cover, several gears fell out. The mechanic reached in and pulled the carrier housing out by hand. I figured since it was going to need all new gears, I might as well get a locker too. They rebuilt it with 4:56 gears and a Detroit True Trac Locker. The gears in it were suppose to be 4:10 in the rear and 4:11 in th front. I didn't have the money to rebuild the front at that time, so they disconnected the front drive shaft for me. When I did have the front done, I found out that the gears were 3:73. I was pissed. That is too much of a difference from front to rear. 4 Wheel parts said that was why my rear end went out. I went to the dealer to see if they would help cover the cost because this was obviously a problem from the manufacturing plant. They basically called me a liar and told me to leave. I told them to go F*&# themselves. I called to complain about the way I was treated, and I never received a reply. This was about the 15th time I have had to deal with A$$Holes for Chrysler.
- matrix_tx, San Antonio, TX, US