The problem has occurred pretty much since I purchased the car new. Annoying, but has not really created a problem. When I go to shift the gear into reverse, it will only work about 50% of the time. I usually have to move the car a very small distance in neutral, if able to, and then try to gear it again. Since my car has lifetime transaxle warranty, I don't worry about it much, other than a nuisance.
Never buy a Jeep Patriot, it is the worst vehicle on the market and the company merely rubber stamps the constant (over 5 times) tear down repairs (under warranty) of this useless crap in Canada. The vehicle has been a nightmare to own and the dealership is a high pressure/volume car lot and once they sell you (bought new) a sh*t vehicle like the Patriot all they do is fix it under warranty and not offer you a replacement vehicle like in the USA, the Lemon Aid Law. In Canada we protect the sleazy auto industry to the detriment of the consumer instead of adopting and enforcing the Lemon Aid law that is far better in the United States. I would never recommend the dealership in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver or Jeep Canada as if this problem existed in the USA the dealership would give you a new car. Instead, these clowns give you a mickey-mouse option of taking it to arbritration (CamVamp) which is a useless outfit.
We have gone without a courtesy car for days and, lost respect for the product and the company, hope it goes belly up as the car industry in Canada is full of crooks. Despite the dealership fixing warranty issues, five times is unacceptable as this vehicle is a piece of sh*t and losses its resale value quickly despite good gas mileage. The Jeep Canada headquarters is laughable as all they do is look the other way after showing them pages of service documents proving the vehicle qualifies as a "junk" problem and all who serviced this crap Jeep Patriot knows it is a unnerving junk car that deserves the label, crap.
We lost our confidence in the company, the lousy dealership and the product as nobody should have to endure this sh*t.....Canada is a joke because we give money (bailouts) to the shady car industry who hoops customers only to chase the dollar and as soon as you buy their crap and have a problem you are disrespected and treated like a leper. Do not buy a Jeep, they are the "bottom of the barrel" in the car industry in Canada. It is hard to trust or respect the car industry when they have no class, no honour and no value. First Jeep I ever purchased, never again and never would I recommend these a-holes. Now after buying it new for $25,000.00 it is worth $10,000.00 on the wholesale book within 3 years and less than 65,000km what a joke product, probably made in China or India with theiroutrageously inferior workmanship, deplorable design and others have echoed the same angry concerns over manual transmissions with other Jeep products and this dealership.
It is what it is.....a sh*t vehicle that is unsafe, unreliable and untrustworthy. Save yourself incredible not buy a manual in either the Patriot or the Compass. Domestic vehicles are made by grossly overpaid clowns whereas foreign vehicles have far superior workmanship and engines. I had a Nissan Pathfinder in a manual and never once serviced it and sold it like new with 125,000 km and higher value resale trade-in market. I hope Jeep Canada goes "belly up" the lame and brainless crooks and the dealership as well because in the end customer satisfaction is just bullshit hot air talk with no substance or value. Canada is a joke nation because we do not hold the auto industry accountable and responsible while the consumer gets....screwed!
The 2008 Patriot has proven to be an unreliable vehicle. I had transmission problems with not shifting properly as well and then I needed a new transmission. Since then, my vehicle has been in service 5 times regarding the transmission. I too, have lost days of work as well as my husband.
My jeep quit shifting would only run in first gear. Had to have it towed to dealership. They discovered a bare wire inside the transmission housing that was apparent was put on that way. They fixed it but I was without my vehicle for 3 days and I work 7 days a week and have no use of another vehicle as my wife works all weekend also and drives as much as I do on Saturday over 250 miles.
My transmission skips. I will be driving on the high way and it will just like skip a gear.
- cvarano11, Plattsburgh, NY, US