The sunroof has been leaking for 2 days. It has been a continuous rain fall where I live in Oregon and I have not been able to open the sunroof to fix it. This morning I have discovered the Jeep won't even turn over. Some of the dash lights come on sporadically when I turn the key, however, there is no turn over. The more I turned the key the more dash lights would illuminate, still no turn over and quite frankly I'm scared to with all that water and potential wiring.
I reported a complaint last Friday about my sunroof leaking and shorting out my entire radio. It rained again all night and I just went to get into my car and now my car won't turn on at all. You can see water buildup in the dome light and on the left side of the windshield.
Just called my Jeep dealership and they shrugged it off (once again). This is ridiculous and I don't want to pay for this...
Car was towed twice on two separate days (roughly 2 weeks span), first to a mechanic who could not find the problem and then to the dealership who said that the cold and static were sending an static electric shock from the key and remote to the computer, shorting out the computer.
The dealer gave us a one time $100 deductible (which sucked considering that exactly one year later the car needed an $1,018 repair for another electrical problem to replace the TIP module).
The dealer told my husband that we could only use the spare key or have the standard key reprogrammed for $200! The best part was the advice that we should touch the key to metal before starting the car to avoid any static getting to the engine computer. IS JEEP FOR REAL!??? Touching a key to metal to start the car is not a normal or acceptable practice.
On Christmas Eve 2013, my husband went out to start the Jeep Patriot that I own and it would not start. The dashboard lights went on and the battery was charged. On December 26th, we tried to start the car again with no success and AAA was called to tow the car. The tow mechanic remarked, "I tow these ALL the time."
The dealership was prompt to diagnose the $1,018 repair as a TIP module that needed to repaired, since I guess it was not a surprise to them considering the number of complaints and the class action lawsuit pending about faulty Jeep TIP modules.
I am most upset that I enjoy the vehicle but can not continue to trust it as a safe vehicle for myself, my two young kids or anyone else on the road when this defective Jeep in driving.
This is the second time that this has happened in as many years. Jeep will be running fine and out of no where, it decides not to start. Thank God I still have a roadside assistance program so I didn't at least have to pay car towing so jeep is a strip model mind you but the cause of the first episode was "the security system thought someone was trying to steal it. Yeah, I can't even adjust my side mirrors without getting out and manually doing it but I have a security system. My jeep has been at a dealership all weekend because when I got in to start it at the end of the day Friday, it wouldn't start. very inconvenient. my husband had to drive the 21 miles from home to pick me up. now this happened around the same time of year last year too. I'm not so sure I trust this vehicle any more.never know if it's going to start or not.has anyone else had this happen?
Update from May 21, 2013: It was a wireless control module that was gone.cost$260.00hopefully it will never go on me again. I'm pretty sure that it is linked to what happened a year ago,but they could reset it by entering some number codes.this time they couldn't do that.
The sunroof has been leaking for 2 days. It has been a continuous rain fall where I live in Oregon and I have not been able to open the sunroof to fix it. This morning I have discovered the Jeep won't even turn over. Some of the dash lights come on sporadically when I turn the key, however, there is no turn over. The more I turned the key the more dash lights would illuminate, still no turn over and quite frankly I'm scared to with all that water and potential wiring.
- Kristenia J., Corbett, OR, US