How To Change A Jeep Power Window Regulator - Power windows acting up? You can hear the motor turning but the window doesn’t move or is falling down? Chances are you need a new regulator. You can get this online and change it yourself in under an hour to save some serious $$$$.
THE FIX - Steiger performance makes a steel replacement part. Problem solved.
Part ONE - Jeep Liberty - Window Regulator - Assembly Remove & Repair - Did the window in your Jeep Liberty or Jeep Cherokee Just drop into the door, and you cant get them back in the up/closed position? Or perhaps they do work, but they make a loud popping and or cracking noise, and you're wondering why is it doing this? Your Jeep was made with cheap parts that are prone to break. What my video, and see how I fixed mine to not have this happen again.
We have a 2006 Liberty and have had this same problem. Just wrote my letter to Chrysler this morning as well as Consumer Affairs. I can't wait for our lease to be up so we can hand this piece of crap back. First the rear driver side window just slid down one day about 6 months into the lease and never came back up again - we had never even lowered the window once since we got the car. Today, about 18 months into the lease, the driver's window did the same thing. I asked the service manager to inspect the other 2 windows so I don't have to come back 2 more times for the same damn problem and he said no - they have to break first. Now we are REALLY not going to buy out the car when the lease is up! Sure, make me wait until the warranty is expired! I must look stupid. I asked him if the windows are just going to break over and over again and he said that Jeep has made the regulator much better so the news ones work fine - SO THEY KNOW THERE IS A PROBLEM!!! His explanation was that when you lower a dirty window, the dirt gets trapped inside and makes the regulator go bad. That is crap, because we had never once lowered the first one that broke. And if every dirty window that was lowered in America made the window break, then nobody would have working windows! My poor husband keeps getting lemons for cars - his last problem was a 2004 Ford Focus which would just refuse to start at random for no apparent reason. We fought the Ford dealers for 2 years over that car, they kept saying "We can't replicate the problem" ARGH! I HATE hearing that from a service department! I think his next car will be German like mine.
We have a 2006 Liberty and have had this same problem. Just wrote my letter to Chrysler this morning as well as Consumer Affairs. I can't wait for our lease to be up so we can hand this piece of crap back. First the rear driver side window just slid down one day about 6 months into the lease and never came back up again - we had never even lowered the window once since we got the car. Today, about 18 months into the lease, the driver's window did the same thing. I asked the service manager to inspect the other 2 windows so I don't have to come back 2 more times for the same damn problem and he said no - they have to break first. Now we are REALLY not going to buy out the car when the lease is up! Sure, make me wait until the warranty is expired! I must look stupid. I asked him if the windows are just going to break over and over again and he said that Jeep has made the regulator much better so the news ones work fine - SO THEY KNOW THERE IS A PROBLEM!!! His explanation was that when you lower a dirty window, the dirt gets trapped inside and makes the regulator go bad. That is crap, because we had never once lowered the first one that broke. And if every dirty window that was lowered in America made the window break, then nobody would have working windows! My poor husband keeps getting lemons for cars - his last problem was a 2004 Ford Focus which would just refuse to start at random for no apparent reason. We fought the Ford dealers for 2 years over that car, they kept saying "We can't replicate the problem" ARGH! I HATE hearing that from a service department! I think his next car will be German like mine.
- hbfamilyof4, Huntington Beach, CA, US