How To Change A Jeep Power Window Regulator - Power windows acting up? You can hear the motor turning but the window doesn’t move or is falling down? Chances are you need a new regulator. You can get this online and change it yourself in under an hour to save some serious $$$$.
THE FIX - Steiger performance makes a steel replacement part. Problem solved.
Part ONE - Jeep Liberty - Window Regulator - Assembly Remove & Repair - Did the window in your Jeep Liberty or Jeep Cherokee Just drop into the door, and you cant get them back in the up/closed position? Or perhaps they do work, but they make a loud popping and or cracking noise, and you're wondering why is it doing this? Your Jeep was made with cheap parts that are prone to break. What my video, and see how I fixed mine to not have this happen again.
OKAY! So this was the same window the first window regulator went out on and was fixed by the dealership. Within ONE HOUR of getting my Jeep back from FIXING TWO OTHER WINDOW REGULATORS the rear driver's side window regulator goes out. I HAVE HAD IT!!! THIS IS GOING TO COST ME ANOTHER $550+ DOLLARS TO FIX!! I AM SO TICKED OFF!! The dealership has provided a temporary fix so at least the window doesn't slide down but I STILL HAVE TO PAY FOR IT TO GET FIXED!!! I cannot pay for this window to get fixed. I am tapped out after having to get the other windows fixed. I love my Jeep but as soon as I can trade off my Jeep it is GONE and I will never purchase another one.
While I was waiting for the parts for my rear passenger window regulator to come in the regulator on the driver's side window died. I was soooooo angry. I had to take out a loan to pay for the rear passenger AND front driver's side regulators. Took it into the those this morning and got it fixed and thought life was good. I was wrong.
I was ticked with this second regulator going out. I had to pay to have this one fixed. I was told I needed to have the glass replaced which came with a higher cost. So I waited for the parts to come in to fix the rear passenger window. But that wasn't the end of my worries.
Just thought it was a fluke when I went to my car one morning and found the left rear window down, then found it wouldn't go up. There was the rude awakening to reality but fortunately still covered under warranty. THEN --- little over a year later, again, go out to the car and find the right rear window down. Very aware of what's going on at this point and, of course, now not under warranty. To add insult to injury, while my trusted local mechanic was fixing the problem the left rear window does a repeat. He told me when I brought it in that Jeep had a crap design for the window regulator, little did I know HOW CRAPPY!!!!! At $270.00 per window and such a limited life for a part I will just have the window locked in place when it happens again. For we Liberty owners know it's only a matter of time. And most of all, if Jeep does not do the right thing by placing this window regulator problem under recall I can assure them, I will never, ever purchase another Jeep.
- schwerzler,
Winston-Salem, NC, US
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my rear window keeps falling into the door. This is the third time in 16 months. The first two times it was under warranty but now the dealership told me I had to pay because there is no problem in the designing. I filed a complaint with Jeep Chrysler headquarters about the way I was treated by the service manager at my local dealership who basically implied I was lying and trying to cover up the fact that someone tried to break into my car. I also call Jeep at 1-800-9921997 and they were extremely nice. They gave me a case number and guess what?The dealership had to fix it for free!!!!
It is an ongoing problem and they know about it: there has been a technical bullettin issued in regard, but at the moment it is not a recall. My advice is to call the 1-800 NUMBER and they will help you as much as they can.
The regulator went out on my Jeep back left passenger window. My driver side window is coming off track too. I'm so glad I found this website and found out I'm not the only one with this problem. I am going to call the Chrylser number and see what they will do for me. I think they need to put this on the recall list. I believe it is a safety issue. Also I've had 3 rocks hit my windshield. I had the first spot repaired. The second rock damaged the windshield and I had to have it totally replaced. The third rock hit my windshield last week once again I had to get it repaired before I had to replace the windshield. I read someone that the windshield on the Jeep Liberty are made with weak glass. REALLY?!
The rear passenger side window failed while driving on the highway. On it's own it started to drop. Attempts to raise the window simply resulted in a grinding nose . The Window dropped into the door panel entirely!
The dealer has indicated that Chrysler/Jeep have a revision for the unit requiring both the regulator and glass to be replaced @ ~$600. Having a revision obviously indicates there is a known problem with the original design.
This vehicle is 4 years old with very little usage for the rear windows ( usually only one person in vehicle) . To date there, 3 of the 4 window regulators have had to be replaced. It's most likely just a matter of time for the 4th regulator to fail. Chrysler/ Jeep would do well to have a recall on these units.
Thank goodness for this site! I had my front driver's side regulator break and received a quote for almost $500 to replace the window and regulator! While I was deciding whether or not to shell out that money, the passenger side broke also!!!!! I found this website with all the complaints and saw that more than a few people said that Chrysler had stepped up for them.
PLEASE contact Chrysler if you are having this problem! They have been fast, courteous, and efficient. I am scheduled to have both windows and regulators replaced tomorrow at no cost to me! $1000 savings and I didn't have to pay for the diagnostic either! This is the fourth Jeep I've owned and the only one that has given me a headache. The way this has been resolved will keep me as a Jeep lover.
I was driving on 75N doing around 75 mph with my two puppies in the back seat when out of no where my back passenger window made a loud grinding noise then just fell all the way down and would not go back up. This was a huge safety concern for now I am on the highway with my window fully down and my puppy at the window. I pulled off at next exit 5 miles away and stopped at a Tuffy Tire Store and they diagnosed the window regulator as the issue. The repair was going to cost $400 and would take 3 hours to fix. I ended up duck taping plastic to the window and driving 2 more hours north on 75 to get home.
This was a very unsafe situation and after reading all these complaints that I came across, I am shocked. I cannot believe that Jeep will not recall this safety issue. I have put a call into the 800 number listed and I was told that a case manager would be returning my call within 24 hours...that did not happen, so I am calling again today. Will keep you updated!
This is absolutely horrible and Jeep/Chrysler should be ashamed for not backing their product and recalling this very serious and possibly dangerous situation. I have only had this vehicle for two months (has 43,000 miles) and the extended warranty does not cover the window regulators.
Jeep Liberty window regulators break. I had all four replaced just before the warranty went out at 36000 miles. The technician said he has seen this problem quite often. The passenger side window broke again. My mechanic said the parts alone would be over $200.00, so I took off the door panel and jammed a piece of PVC pipe between the window and the bottom of the door.
Why does Chrysler not fix this problem? This is the first and last Chrysler product I will buy.
I have only 22,000 miles on my Jeep and the left rear window regulator broke. I've raised and lowered that window maybe 10 times since I've had the vehicle. I duct taped it for awhile but the window finally slid fully down so I had to take it to the dealer. The dealer says that they have seen a lot of cars with this problem AND that Chrysler is 'probably' going to issue a recall BUT in the meantime I'm out $450. Based on the complaints listed and lack of responsiveness therein I'm not holding my breath.
I hope jeep does a recall. I don't think its worth fixing if its going to keep breaking. I'm just going to put a block of wood in the door for the meantime to keep the window up. I think everyone who has this problem needs to sign this petition
I am totally disappointed with my Jeep Liberty 2006. I have had the same problem with my window motors. I just do not know what to do at this point. First it was the front driver window, then the two back passenger windows. Now just today, the front driver again, for the third time. Jeep should make some type of allowance for these failed windows. Will I ever buy another Jeep Liberty again, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This seems to be a reoccurring problem because it happened to me twice already and happened twice to my friend twice. No warranty covers this but thank god my dealer only made me pay for the parts.
RECALL THIS. Very dangerous when your driving on the highway and your window just falls down and crashes.
OK, I have the drivers' side passenger window roll down never rolled up. Had window put back up by my neighborhood friendly mechanic. At the tune of $60 dollars just to put the window up and another $350 to fix window. Never fixed it. Don't have children so the window never got used, only when it is hot outside. The Jeep has leather seats so I let all windows down to let the heat out. One day, the rear window did not come back up and it was scheduled to rain that day..Now, 8 months later the other rear window will not come back up so again, had it put back up. If I did have someone sit in the back seat and have a car accident, I would be able to open the back doors cause the covers are off in order to have the windows put back up. So now I have a 2 seater with back seats. For fear of accident, cant let anyone sit back there because the doors will not open. JEEP needs to fix this. So, as I am able I am trading in.......................
Update from Jun 30, 2010: It is fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chrysler came through for me.
Update from Nov 4, 2014: The passenger rear window when down AGAIN which make 4 times, both windows. I have 131,000
This is the 5th window regulator (the right front went TWICE) that has crashed on me. Thank god I bought the stupid Warranty (That STILL WILL NOT PAY for the friggin Glass.!.) The engineer that designed this piece of Crap should be casterated.!.Damn, this is so friggin annoying.!. Chrysler probably won't move on this as they are owned by a group of "FOREIGN INVESTORS" - RICH BASTARDS THAT WON'T DO SQUAT FOR THE PUBLIC WHEN IT COMES TO CUSTOMER SERVICE.!.hELL, THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORD.!. I WILL "NEVER" BY THEIR GARBAGE AGAIN.!. GO TO HELL CHRYSLER.!.
We just purchased a 2006 liberty last month from a dealer for my son's 16th birthday. Not a week after bringing it home the front right window regulator snapped and the window came crashing down. We replaced this regulator and now a month later the right rear window comes crashing down. Again the cheap plastic guide snapped and we are faced with replacing another regulator. It is obviously a serious design flaw from Jeep!
My son's is so upset, he doesn't even want the car anymore and this should be so happy about getting his first car. I am furious that a corporation as big as Chrysler can make such a shotty design and not stand behind their product!
At this rate we will be changing regulators every 6 months because the cheap plastic guide wears out so fast due to the friction.
Not really a complaint but it can help others:
The 2006 Jeep Liberty window regulators are specific to a build date of 2/25/06.
2006 Jeep Liberties with a build date after 2/25/06 will need a regulator AND glass change.
The last 9 digits will give the build. That is why some people are required to make a glass change. If you are one of those people, it is a bit costlier but apparently this change will correct the issue from happening in the future.
Thank you to those people who provided the complaint line number (800-992-1997). I am going to attempt to get mine fixed because its been almost 2 years since the drivers side window fell into the door. Luckily I had someone just tie it up with a wire to keep it secured so i didn't have to do the whole plastic thing (I live in AZ, it would just melt off anyways). It l started after someone broke into my car and the glass was replaced. Big mess and it sucked. But there is enough bitching on this page.
I do agree, it should be a recall. it is a safety issue. What if someone was in an auto accident and their only way out is through the window. If someone did what I did I wouldn't be able to get out of the car because they are tied up. And if the car exploded it is potentially a death trap.
There is an electronic petition you can sign:
I came home one day and when I got out of my Jeep I noticed the back window was down. I got in to roll it up and there was a terrible noise, like gears grinding. I got out and touched the window and it fell down. My boyfriend manually put the window up and wedged some cardboard in there to hold it up. The next day I called the dealer and a few days later took it in. The diagnosis is the window regulator. None in stock, so they ordered it. Meanwhile I went home and looked up the part on the internet and by accident found this site and all the complaints. I haven't slept good since I read all the issues. My boyfriend has a friend that works at a Jeep dealership in another state and I had him call him. He advised me to not even get this fixed, to just put some wood under the window to hold it up and call it good. He said this will nickel and dime me to death otherwise. At this point I really don't know what to do. It makes me sick......
Update from Jul 4, 2010: I am going out of town and didn't want my security compramized so I had the dealership fix the window regulator since they had already ordered the part. They had to also install new glass. My cost was my $100 deductible. Hope it lasts or I will not be a happy camper.
Update from Nov 27, 2010: I received a call from Jeep in November. They said they had a record of me getting my Jeep fixed. They wanted to know when I had the work done and how much I paid. They also asked for my vin number. A few days later I had a check from them for $100 which is the deductible I paid. I was very happy with this. Thank you Jeep!
Dealership fixed it no problem. No problem. Thought I was done dealing with this happening.
- tasunke, Mission, SD, US