just after purchasing, the engine light came on.popped up p0300.random misfire.took to dealership.he replaced oxygen sensor.got jeep back.driving home,engine light came on and flashed.p0300.random misfire.took back to dealership.relay switch replaced.This went on for probably two more weeks.the dealership guy took it to a jeep dealership mechanic.Crack in wiring harness and cracked spark plug.Lasted two days.Took it back to dealership because he was paying to fix it(even though I didn't have a warranty on it).Bad o2 sensor that we replaced the first time. Ran good for a week. If it sits and idles, the engine light comes on and flashes. If I drive it, it goes off. Idles rough too.
i purchase this 2004 Jeep Liberty January 30, 2015 from a young man, he told me the vehicle had no problems, he charged me 3400.00 dollars for this vehicle. Had I known he wasn't honest I would of never purchased this vehicle. However, the EVAP system appears to have several problems. I tried taking it for a smoke test to see where the problems really lies, however, I haven't had the change. I don't know what to do.
Not only that, the oil lamp comes on. Once I got the oil changed I started having problems with this vehicle.
Fricken engine light on AGAIN! I have had it to the mechanic probably 10 times and they can't figure out what it is. Ran diagnostic and it stated gas cap. Changed gas cap then diagnostic said vacuum leak. Mechanic (IDIOT) COULDN'T FIND A LEAK. I (female) took it home because I was done dealing with stupid and the very first hose I checked was cracked and hard as a rock. I replaced the hose, engine light still on replaced another hose and 3 way coupling, engine light went off. Engine light came back on. I did the ole turn key on off on off on and engine light went off for about a week. Engine light still on. I ran a home diagnostic on it, codes P1294 and P2055 come up now.
engine light on again, had a friend put a code reader in, and it said "efficiency below threshold bank 2". Not sure what this means, but it is with mechanic now and it also may be the throttle
just after purchasing, the engine light came on.popped up p0300.random misfire.took to dealership.he replaced oxygen sensor.got jeep back.driving home,engine light came on and flashed.p0300.random misfire.took back to dealership.relay switch replaced.This went on for probably two more weeks.the dealership guy took it to a jeep dealership mechanic.Crack in wiring harness and cracked spark plug.Lasted two days.Took it back to dealership because he was paying to fix it(even though I didn't have a warranty on it).Bad o2 sensor that we replaced the first time. Ran good for a week. If it sits and idles, the engine light comes on and flashes. If I drive it, it goes off. Idles rough too.
- fcorfee, Lisbon, US