I was backing out of the gas station and that was fine, put into drive and the Jeep didn't move! I cannot drive forward, only goes in reverse. Vehicle coming up behind me also almost hit me. I could have been killed driving down the road. My Jeep will not go forward at all
Update from Sep 11, 2016: I have been reading over 900 complaints for the same problem I am having with my Jeep Liberty 2004 breaks locking up. Please does anyone have the answer that has or is still having this same problem? I see all the complaint but no one updates anything if they found out what the problem is and how they fixed it. I am not a well person and go to the doctor often and now I cant even get there. Real nice that the Jeep dealers will NOT answer your question over the phone. I have a mechanic of 30 years and he has never heard of such a thing. He also tried driving it, well it goes maybe a foot and the back breaks lock up but it goes in reverse! Please people and anyone out there figured out what is causing this please shoot me an e-mail PLEASE!!! My e-mail address is lindyblueyes@yahoo.com I have filed a complaint and if I have to I will get a lawyer and sue the manufacture if I have to. This is serious stuff, someone could get killed and I am very lucky I didn't.
Update from Sep 11, 2016: I am going to seek an Attorney at this point. No one seems to know what the problem is and someone is going to get killed.
My mechanic believes the emergency brakes may have locked up while I driving. He told me there was nothing left of the emergency brakes after the accident. I am not so sure this is what really happened. My Jeep seemed to loose traction when turning. It would happen with new tires (The best traction tires I could buy). The traction loss would occur upon acceleration during a normal turn to the right or the left.
A loss of control happened one time prior to the most recent accident. The Jeep lost traction upon acceleration when entering a traffic lane from the center divider. The Jeep spun 360 degrees and stopped in an intersection.
The day of the injury accident I was pulling into a traffic lane from the center divider. When I accelerated the Jeep went into an out of control skid. The Jeep was headed into oncoming traffic. I turn the wheel to the right and the Jeep did a 360 degree skid. It then slid sideways into the curb. The real axle was broken. The Left front tire and rim was destroyed when it impacted the curb. I suffered severe injuries from this accident. A severe whip lash called Croft Syndrome and 5 spinal disc are ruptured. I am still suffering from these injuries after 10 months.
I would seriously like to know what caused this accident.
Update from Nov 16, 2016: I feel it was not the emergency brakes that locked up. There was for certain a drive train failure. I wish I had the answer fo this unexpected event.
Was driving down the highway (55 mph) and out of the blue my front end locked up and thankfully I was able to get to the side of the road. Scared the crap out of me and this has never happened before and now I have to get it towed to a garage and see if they can fix it or what the cost might be, but my mechanic has never heard of this happening to any vehicle. So thankful others on the highway seen me having issues and let me get to the side of the road instead of crashing me. I goggle brakes looking up and found this site and want to know why this has not been recalled or even try to find a solution before someone gets killed. This is ridiculous.
The brakes locked up again today, again. After replacing the whole brake system. I replaced Calipers, all 4, the master cylinder, brake lines and hoses, slides and pads, about 2 weeks ago and still having this random problem. And nobody seems to have a clue how to fix it.
Don't want to trade it in and put someone else at risk and cannot figure out the problem.So I now have a vehicle I refuse to drive due to the thought I might die. If the brakes were to lock up in front of a semi tractor they would not be able to stop and death would be certain. Any one have a clue what to try next?
Got into an accident today, due to the brakes not working properly. I was driving at 55 mph when the vehicle in front of me slowed to turn, I applied the brakes to slow down, vehicle did not slow down and crashed into turning car. Third time I have had a problem with this vehicle, and still no answers to what the problem is.
- jesseranta44,
Cropsey, IL, US
Search CarComplaints.com for these popular complaint phrases...
Again the brakes locked up, out of the blue came to a stop on way home. Never hit the brakes but vehicle slowed as if I stomped on the brakes. I went from 55mph to a dead stop in about a block, with out ever touching the brake peddle. Atill have not been able to figure out the problem second time in about 6 weeks. Asked service center for ideas on what the problem could be. They want me to drop off car to look at it. I have worked on cars for 30 years and never have had this problem, and I am baffled, what makes them think they can figure it out if they can't duplicate the problem.
Out of the blue the car will all of a sudden come to a stop. Does not matter if you are doing 50 mph, or 30 mph. The vehicles front brake system seems to lock up. This happened on the interstate doing 65mph. I was lucky not to get rear ended by other cars on the interstate. Shut the car down and an hour later it would move. Looked at complaints and had it tested. Since its not a constant problem they could not duplicate it to tell me the problem.
We have owned this Jeep since 5000 miles and it has been very good to us. But this problem happens out of the blue , seems like all 4 breaks start to lock up. It has happened about 6 times . After the first time I checked the breaks and found the rear needed new pads that was done. Thinking problem solved, no 4 days later my wife driving to a work meeting had to pull over and leave the car because it would not move, after @ an hour the car cooled down it ran fine drove back to work and after work home @ 1/2 hr drive with no issues. I had not been in the car when lock up till we were driving to a family party on the interstate and the front end started to shake, I had to almost completely press the gas pedal to get off the nearest exit because of the break locking up. found a parking lot and called for a family member to rescue us. After the party returned to the car drove home ran fine, but the hole way your thinking WTF is this going to happen this mile or the next? The next weekend replaced both front calipers hoping this would cure the issue ... it did not.. what to do next?? anyone
Brakes gradually began to grab until total lockup (3X in two wks). Breaks release after shutting car off for 1hr. Replaced pwr break booster and had same problem. Replaced master cyl yesterday and I'm hesitant to drive it for fear of prblm reoccuring. I do not have ABS.
I was backing out of the gas station and that was fine, put into drive and the Jeep didn't move! I cannot drive forward, only goes in reverse. Vehicle coming up behind me also almost hit me. I could have been killed driving down the road. My Jeep will not go forward at all
Update from Sep 11, 2016: I have been reading over 900 complaints for the same problem I am having with my Jeep Liberty 2004 breaks locking up. Please does anyone have the answer that has or is still having this same problem? I see all the complaint but no one updates anything if they found out what the problem is and how they fixed it. I am not a well person and go to the doctor often and now I cant even get there. Real nice that the Jeep dealers will NOT answer your question over the phone. I have a mechanic of 30 years and he has never heard of such a thing. He also tried driving it, well it goes maybe a foot and the back breaks lock up but it goes in reverse! Please people and anyone out there figured out what is causing this please shoot me an e-mail PLEASE!!! My e-mail address is lindyblueyes@yahoo.com I have filed a complaint and if I have to I will get a lawyer and sue the manufacture if I have to. This is serious stuff, someone could get killed and I am very lucky I didn't.
Update from Sep 11, 2016: I am going to seek an Attorney at this point. No one seems to know what the problem is and someone is going to get killed.
- Linda M., Big Bend, WI, US