I have a 2017 Jeep GC Limited with 55K miles that had the "Service Shifter" warning light come on. Vehicle ran fine no issues. Made appointment with local Jeep Dealership and drove the Jeep in yesterday (03/29/22). It ran just fine, I just wanted the light cause diagnosed and fixed. Dealership ran a diagnostic on it and informed me it needed an updated software flash. Conducted the Flash.
NOW... the vehicle is inoperable without a complete Electronic Shift Module (ESM) replacement. They could not even reverse what they did so I could drive home. What they did was IRREVERSIBLE and I would have to leave the car there until they could find a NEW ESM and install it for $900! I had to take a Uber home and have no vehicle. This is not right for a vehicle with only 55K miles that was running just fine into the Jeep dealership. Found out the ESM Module used on many of the 2016/17/18 Grand Cherokees and Cherokees were defective and JEEP discontinued the part right after.Called Chrysler Customer Care (advised by Dealership to do so). Rejected my request for replacement at their cost because it was out of warranty. 3rd major repair I have had on this piece of garbage with only 55K miles in it. That's not right.
I just bought this car used (certified pre-owned from my local Jeep dealer). Like almost all new cars, it has an auto stop start feature that cuts the engine when you come to a complete stop and restarts it when you take your foot off the gas. Every time I drive with this feature on, come to a complete stop, take my foot off the brake and hit the gas to go, the transmission slams into gear, jerks forward, and then acts fine. The dealer has not been able to replicate it of course. It acts fine with the auto stop start off, but that requires you to manually turn it off every time you start the car. No fix as of yet.. I really want this figured out soon.
I have owned the vehicle for just over one year. During this time, on 6 - 8 occasions the transmission is either slipping or not shifting properly. On acceleration, occasionally the transmission will not shift past 2nd gear causing the vehicle to rev extremely high and it will not accelerate. You either need to shift into N or stop the vehicle completely, put into park and start the process again. This seems to resolve the issue.
More recently we were accelerating and already in a higher gear and then all of a sudden the transmission shifts back to 1st or 2nd gear and starts revving very loudly. Again, the only way to rectify the problem was to slow the vehicle and shift into park and start again. When this happens it is startling and depending what traffic you are in it can be very dangerous. I have inexperienced drivers in my house so this is very worrisome.
I took it to the dealer today and they said they have never heard of such problems and nothing has turned up to be a problem. It happens randomly and not very often but its still a real problem. Want to solve it before someone gets hurt and my warranty period is over. Not sure what to do.
Stopped at a red light in the left turn lane, transmission in D. Light turned green, I stepped on the gas and drove. Transmission was stuck in 1st gear and would not shift up. I made it through the intersection, but slowly. Put selector in N and back into D. Only then did the transmission shift properly. This is the 2nd time the transmission on this vehicle did not shift properly. Could cause a life threatening danger, especially if this happened on a highway with high speed traffic.
Throttle response hesitates, since day one this has been an issue bothering me with my jeep, in many occasions the delayed Throttle response hesitates almost caused me and my family to almost have an accident.. this is even happening in SPORT MODE too.
Dealer in The Middle East has no solution. A friend recommended installing a throttle response device which I disagree with as this should be addressed by the dealer or car manufacturer properly.
The worst case happened when passing a truck and the car delayed it’s response then suddenly jumped when I intended to slow down..
- Majed B.,
Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
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I was driving from my house to 1-95 and then went downtown. It was about a 15 mile trip. I stopped at a light downtown for about 1 second. The auto start/stop did not engage. When I took my foot off the brake, the check engine light came on and a ding sound came on. My dash said "Shift to P then change gears". I tried this repeatedly and it would ding and the D would flash but the message kept reappearing. My engine was still running. I restarted my car several times with no luck.
I called my dealer and they forwarded me to a tow company. They were supposed to take 90 minutes, but the police came as I was blocking traffic in the center lane during rush hour. City towing came. The tow truck driver could not put my car into Neutral so I had to be towed from behind. I had no weird sounds from my engine during the 20 minute drive. My car had it's first routine maintenance 2 weeks prior and it had the cruise control recall done at that time. I haven't heard anything from the Jeep dealer since I dropped it off with the tow truck driver more than 48 hours ago.
Update from Sep 10, 2018: I received a call from the service adviser today that my car was ready. I asked them what was fixed and he said the body control module was replaced. When I picked up my car, the service detail sheet only described the issue and there was a note for the shop for code P1D96-00 "Incorrect Gear Ratio; Clutch A or B Defective". The description said to check the TCM terminals for corrosion, damage, or terminal push out.
With just 10,000 miles having trouble with the transmission/shifter. Car was parked and would not shift into Drive. The service shifter light and check engine warning lights came on,. Had to restart the car four times and finally got it into gear. Had it serviced and they said the fixed the problem. Now two days ago while driving slowly the car shifted into neutral all by itself and the D light on the shifter was blinking. Back to the shop it goes again...
Today as I pulled away from a stop light at a local intersection on a city street, I noticed that the transmission wasn't shifting out of 1st gear. I continued to accelerate but it would not shift, so I took my foot off the gas and pulled to a stop at the side of the road. Without shutting the engine off or doing anything else, I decided to try again. This time all shifting felt and sounded normal. The next day I had a similar experience but this time it did finally shift but at a higher rpm than seemed normal. this has now happened 3 times. I have never had transmission problems on any of the Toyota's I owned. Going to dealer on Thursday. I hope this is not the start of numerous major problems. Should I have purchased another 4 runner!
Car is 6 months old. Started shifting hard in lower gears to the point where it jerks you in your seat as if your driving a stick and don't know how to shift. Had it to the shop now three times and they only want to do a computer update. Completely unsatisfied
Pretty much from day one Jeep shifts erratically (not smooth) mostly in 1st - 3rd. Has a shutter/vibration from 1st to 2nd also bangs periodically when down shifting. When cold, car tends to lurch into gears. Brought car in once to verify transmission software was up to date, it was, so nothing done. Car now has 7000 miles on it and I can't wait to get rid of it. For what you pay for these luxury vehicles its really disappointing they can't remedy the problems, but as usual they just keep dragging you along. This is my second GC, I loved the first one, but it will be my last.
well is very dissapointed to buy a new car and have this difficult ready and inconvenient ,we bougt this car because a jeep is good car,before this car i have 2006 jeep commander not having problem,200000 miles
and running like new that why i buy another jeep but what at pain in the ass with car ,5500 miles transmission down,the dealer take care that after one month get in the transmission fixed,the rear axle has to replace i don't know tomorrow what is going to happen maybe the engine,very disappointed with this car,and don't know how to know if this car is lemon car,0nly 7800 miles and two major repair.thanks
Hard shifting issues, hard jerking when it shouldn't even be shifting, and failing to shift into higher gear when accelerating (should go to 5 or 6, stays in 8 or 7). This began almost immediately and has taken almost 9 months to get here. Problem more pronounced when it's cold.
Similar to the other folks, we went through numerous appointments before they identified the valve as the possible cause. After waiting 6 weeks for the part (on a then 6 month old vehicle!), they replaced it..... and then said it made the problem worse! They spoke with Chrysler engineering, and they have now recommended replacing transmission.
We're currently waiting for that replacement to be performed, and are crossing our fingers that it resolves the issue. Otherwise this Jeep has been a pleasure, and no other issues.
I bought the 2017 GC Overland on 9/1/2017. I put 1100 miles on it of which about half were highway miles.
There were no problem the first 1100 miles.
Then, the other day, as I pulled away from a stop light at a local intersection on a city street, I noticed that the transmission wasn't shifting out of 1st gear. I continued to accelerate but it would not shift so I took my foot off the gas and pulled to a stop at the side of the road. Without shutting the engine off or doing anything else, I decided to try again. This time all shifting felt and sounded normal. The next day I had a similar experience but this time it did finally shift but at a higher rpm than seemed normal.
Coincidentally I had an appointment the following day at my dealer for an unrelated problem. I told them what happened and they found a software upgrade for the transmission which they applied. I guess only time will tell if it has been fixed. But now I have it on record in case I have future problems.
I purchased a brand new 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee on Tuesday, August 8 and it had about 25-30km on it when we received it. Two days later with only 55km on the vehicle while driving at a speed of around 30-40km accelerating, it felt like it pulled/jerked and all acceleration stopped and we had limited power for a second or two and then a few seconds later it did the same pulling skipping type thing again and then the check engine light came on. It went off about the 3rd or 4th start. A week later the same issue happened but this time we could not reverse but it was brief and it sorted out and engine light went off and all functions returned. 4 days after same issue the jerk pull and the check engine light on and no ability to reverse. When in reverse it just would rev when we pressed the gas like we were in neutral and not move at all making it very dangerous.
Two weeks to the day of purchasing it we took it back to dealership and they said mechanically it was sound and they figured it was a glitch in the software and they reprogrammed it and said we should be good.
It was fine for 2 and 1/2 weeks but on Saturday, September 9 same issue, the vehicle was just picking up speed and going maybe 10/15km and it jerked and check engine light came on and we were not able to reverse again. We started it about 3 times and nothing was going off so we parked it until we could take it to the dealership the following Monday night. When we went to drive it to the dealership the engine was making a really loud noise like it was labored to pick up any speed and we were not even able to go faster than 30km. While on phone with dealership asking if we should proceed the vehicle seemed to be a bit better and we could go speeds of 50km/80km so we took side roads and made it there.
On Tuesday, Sept 12 the dealership called and said a new transmission is on its way from the US as the one I had was pooched. He said it didn't take the techs long to see that the transmission was faulty. The service manager said in his 6 years he has never seen this on a brand new vehicle before. We have a loaner and it will be 7-10 days to have the transmission shipped to Cdn. and I really hope that this new one is working properly as this is my 3rd Jeep and I love them but this was very deflating when issues happened at 55km.
The dealership has been fantastic so I am glad they were in my corner on this one. I kept very detailed notes and took videos so they could see/hear the exact issues.
Purchased brand new 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited on 11/30/16. Since the beginning of March 2017 the vehicle has been in and out of the dealership numerous times for transmission repairs. Dealership calls it erratic shifting. They would check to see if vehicle would throw any "codes". It wouldn't. They would do computer updates and it would drive fine for a few days, then back to shifting too quickly or taking too long to shift, all lower gears. It would also lunge forward while at a complete stop with foot applied down on the brake. Dealership decided to install a new valve body assembly. Vehicle ran fine for about a week.
Returned to dealership and I was told it was a 9 speed transmission and that's how they are supposed to drive. It's an 8 speed transmission and that's not how they're supposed to drive. This is my 5th Jeep Grand Cherokee that I have purchased in the last 15 years and none of the other Jeeps did that.
I contacted the Chrysler case manager that I had been working with during this whole awful experience and told her that I was done with the car and taking it to arbitration. She convinced me to let her keep working on the case and I agreed. Vehicle went back to dealership in June on another star case and was there 9 days. It ran fine for 3 weeks and returned to shifting poorly. The vehicle went back to the dealership and the service manager and transmission tech drove it with me riding along and they were able to verify all the poor shifting (up shift, down shift and clunking noise) and I was told it was a lemon and needs a new transmission, that was on 7/24/17. I left the vehicle at the dealership while new tranny was being shipped and installed.
On 8/11/17 I got my vehicle back with the new transmission installed and with less than 40 miles driven on he new tranny and less than 24 hours of having possession of it, it started shifting poorly again. 8/14/17 I took it back to dealership and the warranty manager and I got in the vehicle to take it for a drive and we didn't even make it out of the parking lot and it made a loud clunking noise on the down shift. He said that was enough for him to know the new tranny was bad. He said it may either need another new tranny or it could be a programming issue and they will contact Chrysler.
I'm currently in a holding pattern waiting for the dealership to contact me. I'm tired of driving rentals cars while I'm making payments on a brand new vehicle that I rarely have in my possession. There's a whole lot more to this story, but there's not enough time in the day. My dream car has turned into a nightmare. It has done nothing but rob me of my time and happiness.
Bought the Jeep brand new back in December, 2016. Vehicle didn't have any problems shifting and drove very well. Around Feb. 2017 started to noticed vehicle was down shifting hard, mostly at speeds lower than 40mph. Progressively started to get worse, vehicle started to surge when down shifting thrusting the vehicle forward.
Took the Jeep to the dealer the first time, dealership contacted Jeep tech line for advice. Tech line advised the dealership to do an automatic transmission reset, which there was a problem doing so then tech line recommended a manual reset. Drove the vehicle for two weeks with the same problem reoccurring and took it back to the dealer.
Dealer once again contacted Jeep tech line and recommendation was to replace valve body in transmission. Drove vehicle for two more weeks after valve body replacement and the problem still persist. Took Jeep back to dealer on 7-19-2017 and they were able to duplicate shifting problems but Jeep tech has not given a fix since vehicle isn't throwing code. Dealer wants to replace the entire transmission but has to wait on Jeep tech line to recommend and approve the fix. Currently waiting to hear back from Dealer and ETA for a fix.
Unacceptable for a new car, started off at 8 miles on the odometer, now has 4200 miles. The engine warning light came on (Non Blinking) called the dealership and was informed that as long as the engine caution light is not blinking it was safe to drive and also that this sort of thing happens a lot! (Huh). The engine caution light stop (Turned Off)
While freeway driving the engine light comes on again (non Blinking) concerned I called in again explained the situation to service supervisor and was told to go ahead make an appointment for the following week (I did). While waiting for the appointment day to come, I was backing out of my garage I was not able to keep the car in reverse as it popped out of gear. Had to turn it off and on, to retry reversing. This happened often that day.
I decided to pop into the dealership to have them look at it without an appointment, now they kept the vehicle saying it was a possible valve problem (after a followup and couple days later) I was informed the Transmission needs to be replaced. (What!)
After a few days and some research they seems to be a lot of new Jeeps 2017 with transmission problem. For me this is unacceptable so I inquired about the Lemon Law Process for my state and now keeping any and all documents concerning my 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited in the event I need to declare a replacement or repurchase.
What irks me if this sort of thing happens a lot, Seems to me they (Dealership) would have a process in place to accommodate on going like problems and be honest to their customers that "Yes they realize it is going on" and that they have a fix for this on going event". All in a timely manner.
I worked for Chrysler for about 20 years and never thought I would have to be inconvenienced with my jeep grand Cherokee for transmission problems. It took me 2 weeks to get an appointment at marsh jeep in Kalkaska mi. I arrived early and the service gentleman was very nice. I was first told could it be a flash issue and that didn't work and when that didn't work they said they had no more time and had to make another appointment. So I figured it was a wasted trip and I asked if they could diagnose the problem anyways. It was an issue with the transmission. o I I was told to drive my defective transmission and that it was safe to drive. I always thought when you have a down shift on transmission, it would be unsafe to drive. So I waited even though I have a bad transmission. Not sure when Bill Marsh in Kalkaska can fix my transmission. I should have a new transmission, just that simple. We are waiting on star to give guidance. I gave my heart and soul many years to Chrysler, please help if anyone cares. I worked at JNAP SHAP powertrain interior. very surprised.
This is the 4th week in a row I have had to take my BRAND NEW Jeep into the shop for the same issue. The transmission downshifting way too hard. June 5th was the first date. They dealership service department said they fixed the problem and I picked up the Jeep on June 7th. On June 8th I noticed the problem was still occurring, so I scheduled to drop it off the next week. Dropped it off again on Jun 12th and on June 14th I picked up and the dealership service center told me they could not find a problem, but performed the same fix that they did last time. Why fix something if there was no problem found? Well the Jeep was still downshifting hard so I called them and dropped the vehicle off again on June 20th and pick it up on June 22nd and again they say they cannot find a problem. I was going out of town so when I returned I drove up to the dealership on June 27th and drove the shop foreman around and within 5 minutes he felt the hard downshifting that I was talking about (The exact same gears and problem that was occurring when I dropped off on the 3rd time on June 20th). They told me the car would always downshift hard because of the way I drive, knowing damn well that Jeep has has problems with transmissions (recalling 37,000 2016 Grand Cherokee transmissions and the Cherokee having issues with hard downshifting). They told me they would appease me and replace a Value Body to fix the issue. They call me June 28th and tell me they replaced the valve body and it made the problem even worse and they are ordering me a new transmission, but they are back ordered and have no clue when they can get one in. I call them today, June 30th, and they still do not have a ETA for the transmissions. Since June 5th (25 days ago) I have been in a rental car for 12 of those days... and still counting because they have no timeline at this point. AND this is only the main issue among others.. already had a new radio put in, and the new one still messes up (have video evidence). Also, my check engine light has come on twice already. Let me remind you, brand new 2017 Jeep bought in November with 13k miles on it. I traded in a 11 year old 4runner with no problems for a brand new jeep with more car problems than I have had in my 14 years of driving.
I have a 2017 Jeep GC Limited with 55K miles that had the "Service Shifter" warning light come on. Vehicle ran fine no issues. Made appointment with local Jeep Dealership and drove the Jeep in yesterday (03/29/22). It ran just fine, I just wanted the light cause diagnosed and fixed. Dealership ran a diagnostic on it and informed me it needed an updated software flash. Conducted the Flash.
NOW... the vehicle is inoperable without a complete Electronic Shift Module (ESM) replacement. They could not even reverse what they did so I could drive home. What they did was IRREVERSIBLE and I would have to leave the car there until they could find a NEW ESM and install it for $900! I had to take a Uber home and have no vehicle. This is not right for a vehicle with only 55K miles that was running just fine into the Jeep dealership. Found out the ESM Module used on many of the 2016/17/18 Grand Cherokees and Cherokees were defective and JEEP discontinued the part right after.Called Chrysler Customer Care (advised by Dealership to do so). Rejected my request for replacement at their cost because it was out of warranty. 3rd major repair I have had on this piece of garbage with only 55K miles in it. That's not right.
- Coleman T., Cape Coral, FL, US