Notes: The 2014 (and 2015) Jeep Grand Cherokee have a serious defect trend of transmission complaints. Most of the complaints are for rough shifting — things like jerking & hesitation when shifting gears.
Only one small motorized part which covers the high beam is not functioning. Yet this part may not be repaired nor replaced. The whole headlight set has to be replaced at a cost of $2,1000.00 Canadian plus labor around $400.00. How outrageous ! This is quite stupid on the part of Jeep engineers who designed this headlight..This was my second Grand Cherokee bought new and my last one. Too many other problems occurred with this Jeep. The transmission was changed and another, the car would still be moving while in park. Both problems occurred while the car was under warranty and thus repaired.
2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee Automatic High Beam does not work correctly below 0 deg Celcius. Lights illuminate to high beam as other cars approach blinding them. They do not ulluminate to high beam when required on dark roads. Serious safety issue with this vehicle and can cause crash for vehicle or other cars. The headlights work normally and as they should above 0 deg celcius. Windscreen cleaned correctly before using vehicle. This issue needs to be addressed immediately to avoid death or serious injury!!
Dash does not keep last command when switched off and switched back on. Will display heater or radio when satnav left displayed before.
Car ignition does not always switch to off, stays on accessory. Really annoying.
- richardh_1@hotmail,
Kirkcaldy, UK
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Only one small motorized part which covers the high beam is not functioning. Yet this part may not be repaired nor replaced. The whole headlight set has to be replaced at a cost of $2,1000.00 Canadian plus labor around $400.00. How outrageous ! This is quite stupid on the part of Jeep engineers who designed this headlight..This was my second Grand Cherokee bought new and my last one. Too many other problems occurred with this Jeep. The transmission was changed and another, the car would still be moving while in park. Both problems occurred while the car was under warranty and thus repaired.
- lecomte, Gatineau, QC, Canada