Notes: The 2014 (and 2015) Jeep Grand Cherokee have a serious defect trend of transmission complaints. Most of the complaints are for rough shifting — things like jerking & hesitation when shifting gears.
On 8/26/2020 I pulled in to my carport and as I pressed the brake on my 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee the engine surged as if I had the accelerator to the floor. I had the brake to the floor and hit the wall of my house! Causing significant damage. Dealership says nothing wrong with it and Chrysler says sorry for any inconvenience.
As I attempted to park, I took my foot off the accelerator and started to brake. The car did not slow down. I continued to brake, but the car kept going forward with increasing speed. I was able to steer and not hit parked cars, but went across the lawn and ran into a set of contractor's scaffolding sending them flying into my sister's house and patio. The car finally came to a stop on top of the well head, destroying the well cover as well as the protective pipe for the head itself. Further internal damage was done to their well, as there was no running water in the house. I feel that the adaptive cruise control, which was in standby mode, was the cause of the sudden acceleration. The investigation is still ongoing.
My mother got into an accident last month in their 2014 Jeep Cherokee Overland. My folks have had a number of issues with their Jeep since they bought it from Herb Chambers Jeep in Millbury MA. They're car driving on the highway suddenly would slam on its brakes with the WARNING! light flashing when nobody was in front of them.
My parents brought it new from Herb Chambers and had complained about it on two different occasions and brought it to have this fixed but they couldn't recreate the problem. The solution was to disconnect the feature. Months later it happened to me driving their car from the airport after dropping them off. on Sept 17th at 5 AM. Nobody around me going 70 and it the alarm went off slamming on its brakes.
I brought their car into Herb Chambers again and complained. They said that somehow the Warning system became engaged again and couldn't explain how it would have engaged itself again. My mother last month was had a car accident at the drive up. Waiting to place a order she said the engine all of a sudden revved full throttle like a jet plane and even though her foot on brake she couldn't control the Jeep as it plowed into the cars in front of her as well as the drive up speaker which got stuck under the jeep. Luckily nobody got hurt. I asked her later that night if she thought to ask the restaurant if they have footage of the accident. I went and they had it on video.
My parents reached out to Chrysler and they sent a representative down to remove the computer chip from their car and after weeks said that they couldn't find anything on the computer chip. Chrysler has refused to review the video after my parents pleaded a number of times. So here is the video. Even after the Jeep plows into the car in front and the speaker watch how the rear wheels continue to spin out of control burning rubber. Jeep say's they can't find anything on the computer chip. Jeep refused to review the video even after numerous requests so here it is. Nor will Jeep assist them in getting a different car because they don't feel safe anymore in their current car.
This is the third incident I have experienced the following problem. The second occurred on January 26, 2015. This particular occurrance happened on June 25, 2015. I was traveling on HWY 101 toward Petaluma and took the Washington Street exit; I was the first car to arrive at the red light. As I came to a complete stop the engine surged as though it was floored. My foot was on the brake and I had to push the brake to the floor as hard as I could, all the while the engine surging. As with the first occurrence I immediately moved the gear shift into neutral. The the gear settled into neutral the car literally "bucked" so hard there was a screech. This was extremely frightening to me and had I not had this happen previously (with my husband as a witness) and known what I had to do I could have literally traveled forward into cross traffic. I reported the first incident to my JEEP service dealer who said they had never heard of this problem. I'll take my car to my service dealer and leave the car with them until the problem is resolved. I am hoping they can track the incident on the car's computer. I have also reported this problem to JEEP corporation as the result of a survey I recently received. I got a response back to take the car to my dealer so I will. (I am not reporting the first incident separately on this site because I don't have the exact date recorded - I pulled into a curbside parking space and the car tried to jump the curb just as i applied the brake - I moved the gear shift into park and the engine continued to surge until I turned the car off. I literally was so surprised and caught off guard that it took me a while to reclaim my composure and catch my breath.)
- norcaldriver,
San Rafael, CA, US
Search for these popular complaint phrases...
On January 26, 2015 I was driving with my husband in Mill Valley, CA. We gradually came up behind about four other cars at a red traffic light. Just as the car came to a complete stop the engine made a noise as though I had floored it - I immediately slammed on the brake and the car tried to surge forward through the braking and I immediately moved the gear shift into neutral. It was all I could do to keep the car from ramming into the car ahead of me. It was absolutely frightening. There was enough time through this incident for my husband to ask me what the heck happening and we even turned on the interior light and I showed him that my foot was jammed on the brake and not on the gas pedal!!!!! The next day I immediately reported it (by email) to the dealer where I have my car serviced and got a response back that they had never heard of this "braking" problem with the Jeep Grand Cherokee. Needless to say, it's not a braking problem, but an engine surge problem - and this I reported back. This has happened two more times in the last year and I have reported it to JEEP. I have been advised by JEEP to take the car to the dealer, which I will do and I will stick with it. Perhaps they can track these incidents in the computer system - it's hardly something you can count on during a test drive because it happens so sporadically. However, it's potentially very dangerous and I am afraid I'll run through a stop light or hit a pedestrian - not to mention being scared out of my wits along with any passengers in my car at the time this happens.
Update from Dec 5, 2016: On December 3, 2016 at 5 p.m. I came to a stop behind three other vehicles at the intersection of Bellam Blvd. and Interstate 580 in San Rafael, CA. I was at a complete stop waiting for the light to change when the engine suddenly surged. There also were vehicles stupid behind me. As the engine suddenly surged I attempted to shift into neutral but was unable to before the car "bucked" forward, hitting the car ahead of me. This is an INSTANTANEOUS EVENT WITH NO WARNING. This is the fourth incident of this nature I have experienced with the car (current mileage 21,000). This has been reported to Chrysler Corporation previously and again today, and has a case number assigned to it. The car has also been at the service garage previously for the problem but JEEP can find nothing wrong, and has thus far taken no action. I will not be driving this car in the future.
Update from Feb 7, 2017: Chrysler Corporation carried out an investigation without results of any manufacturing defect or problem and advised there is nothing they can do to assist with the problem. According to Chrysler Corporation there is no problem with my vehicle.
Sunday, May 24, 2015, at approximately 2:45pm, was a clear, but the Jeep had been driven in the rain earlier that day. My daughter was parking her 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee in Oklahoma City, OK. As she slowed and pulled into a parking space, the Jeep suddenly surged forward, jumping the curb, crossing a sidewalk, going through a small grass median, and into a different area of the parking lot. No one was injured, but her Jeep hit three other vehicles and damaged an aluminum sculpture. One of my other daughters was a passenger in the Jeep. None of the other vehicles were occupied. The daughter who was the passenger told me that this accident took some seconds, enough time for her to ask her sister, “What are you doing?†and enough time for the driver to answer, “I don’t know!â€
The police report accurately records the “surge.†The officer’s conclusion was driver error.
At first everyone who heard about this assumed a young driver got her pedals mixed up. I ruminated on the events for a couple of days, and yet another of my daughters looked at a video I made of the crash scene and became suspicious that the Jeep malfunctioned because as she said, most people have jumped a curb in a vehicle, but human instinct makes you stop what you are doing. To be fair to my daughter the driver, who remains adamant she did not step on the accelerator, my wife did some research and found dozens of complaints of unexplained acceleration by 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokees. (ON THIS WEBSITE). My wife found a whole other set of complaints about problems Jeep Grand Cherokees have when the brakes are wet. I will attempt to include the websites at the bottom of this online submission. Some of the complaints are the same situation of acceleration while parking or just starting to drive the vehicle.
I called the service manager for the Jeep dealership where we purchased the vehicle. I told him about the accident and that when the Jeep came in for repair, I wanted the accident data preserved. He told me the only data that he could obtain was Jeep’s proprietary information, which I could not have.
A representative form my insurance company is adamant that we, as the owners of the Jeep, have a right to any information captured by the Jeep’s systems. However, the insurance company had no way to obtain that information when they appraised the damage to the Jeep.
However, I did not find that the earlier complaints on this website were ever reported to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration via
I need help in obtaining the data by someone outside of Jeep who can access it, or help to compel Jeep to provide me with the information, hence this online submission.
In all of the other numerous complaints concerning this year, make and model of Jeep, no independent pasuch analyzed diagnostic information. In most of the descriptions, no analysis was performed at all. The few references, which indicate there was an analysis, simply state that the Jeep dealers could not find any problem.
Of course this reminds everyone of GM and Toyota and all the other manufacturers who admitted a problem only after numerous people were killed and injured.
i was going down a steep hill and when I applied brakes, the motor accelerated and the vehicle would not stop.
I had choice of tree or wall of railroad ties, and I took wall.
Very scary and very costly.
Jeep is accepting no responsibility.
- Victoria A., White, GA, US