Notes: The 2014 (and 2015) Jeep Grand Cherokee have a serious defect trend of transmission complaints. Most of the complaints are for rough shifting — things like jerking & hesitation when shifting gears.
"TO ERR IS HUMAN AND THEN REPEAT 'IT', NOW THAT'S PROOF" Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep (cJeep, my favorite) or whatever Name your hiding behind today you had better Step up to the Plate and OWN UP to the "JGC WRECKOLOGY" You have had Engineered.
When was 'Design a Motor Vehicle' made part of an 8th Grade Shop Classes curriculum, second to "Birdhouse"? If this is part of "Common Coring" then count me "Up-Wind". It's probably because they get 'computers' which leaves the Rest of Us driving these "App's on Wheel's". Hell, you could be texting, eating a doughnut, enjoying your Hot Coffee, "Flipping Someone the Bird" and still have more "Eye Time" on the road than just Driving the JGC. The "Bird Throwing" was probably because Your JGC's Forward Looking Radar totally Mis-Read (to my knowledge) Just About Anything and had Hit the "Binders". I put tape over mine for "Safety".
We Know that after 'Our Rant' for the latest "ABNORM" and visit to the Dealer the first thing out of the "Service Managers" mouth is going to be "What did the Dash say", or "DIC?", I think. Now I say "GFY", first word 'Go' ends with 'self'.
What brought me here was the latest recall on acceleration after the speed you wanted was reached, but it was related to the gas pedal. On my third trip to Service I always added this complaint to whatever else had cropped up. My complaint was when leaving a 30 mph zone in Cruise I would push and hold the + button until 55 and release. Other vehicles it would reset at that speed or not and slow down.
My "cJGC Overland (sport)" if you press and hold the + or - key there is a nondescript small yellow speedometer lower right on the DIC (hidden among the rest of the jumble) that shows that every second, time after time it advances 5 mph as long as you hold the + key. So when I went from 30 to 55 (holding +) checking the speedometer and then released it kept gaining speed. In one of the vehicles 18 computers and counting, it, using the 5+5+5 etc. had determined the new Set Speed was 120 mph.
For many of 'Us' (owner's) this is the fastest we have ever been driven to "Nervous Wrecks" and the complete unanticipated longing for Our Old Cars / cJeep's which we had so erroneously found Fault In. At least they didn't have the potential to lock up while accelerating to 60 at 50 mph. This I reported here and also to the Fed's.
I suggest a "cJeep" sticker with see, and a Whopping "Dope Slap" of a Class Action Suit. By the way, How much did Chrysler pay "Edmonds" for the 5 Star rating?
Update from Oct 13, 2014: I have tried to make the 5 mph Advance or Decrease every second while holding + or - in Cruise a couple different way's so I might be able to say something good about it. On my third complaint at BLEVINS,13676 someone showed me the "WEE YELLOW" Speedometer (clashes with all the other Junk) hidden on the lower right of the "Driver (Too Much) Information Center", or DUH (maybe DIC), just behind the Steering Wheel Cross Bar.
I do not recommend the "Stretch Neck, Cock Head and Stare At Wee Dial Method"! While it goes from 30 to 60 mph it takes +/- 6 seconds and there is the potential (due to that "Time/Space" thing) for You to unknowingly drive through 3 "SCHOOL ZONE'S" and find Yourself and "cJeep" half-way up just about any MAPLE TREE in YOUR COUNTY of choice. As many of us know these models of "cJeeps" have minds of their own and as I have had mine lock up at 50 I'm sure it could just as well get "It's "DIALS" mixed up and keep accelerating to 120 doing just what the "WEE DIAL" has re-set the speed to.
I have found that doing the One thousand, Two thousand, etc., thing works best for normal people. Your usually 5 miles short or a Speeding Ticket over. As a Disabled Vet with a Head Injury (ANNOUNCED MIN. ONE) and PTSD I was thrown off John's Dealership a couple months ago for finally having enough of the LIES, GREED, BULL CRAP, DRIVERS ERROR, COMPUTER SEE'S NOTHING AND DOESN'T PRINT OUT CODES, $8000.00 OVER BOOK BECAUSE OF VEHICLE OOP'S and A salesman "ERNIE THE CLOSER" selling me on a LEASE for OFF ROAD use WITH 911 (seizures) (-$3000.00 TO BREAK LEASE) I let them know it a couple of times, surprising myself, HOLLERING AND SWEARING, never had that problem before but they managed to "BLASE A TRAIL" there and now It's there and I have one more Damn thing to worry about and strain to "Bite My Tongue".
"TO ERR IS HUMAN AND THEN REPEAT 'IT', NOW THAT'S PROOF" Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep (cJeep, my favorite) or whatever Name your hiding behind today you had better Step up to the Plate and OWN UP to the "JGC WRECKOLOGY" You have had Engineered.
When was 'Design a Motor Vehicle' made part of an 8th Grade Shop Classes curriculum, second to "Birdhouse"? If this is part of "Common Coring" then count me "Up-Wind". It's probably because they get 'computers' which leaves the Rest of Us driving these "App's on Wheel's". Hell, you could be texting, eating a doughnut, enjoying your Hot Coffee, "Flipping Someone the Bird" and still have more "Eye Time" on the road than just Driving the JGC. The "Bird Throwing" was probably because Your JGC's Forward Looking Radar totally Mis-Read (to my knowledge) Just About Anything and had Hit the "Binders". I put tape over mine for "Safety".
We Know that after 'Our Rant' for the latest "ABNORM" and visit to the Dealer the first thing out of the "Service Managers" mouth is going to be "What did the Dash say", or "DIC?", I think. Now I say "GFY", first word 'Go' ends with 'self'.
What brought me here was the latest recall on acceleration after the speed you wanted was reached, but it was related to the gas pedal. On my third trip to Service I always added this complaint to whatever else had cropped up. My complaint was when leaving a 30 mph zone in Cruise I would push and hold the + button until 55 and release. Other vehicles it would reset at that speed or not and slow down.
My "cJGC Overland (sport)" if you press and hold the + or - key there is a nondescript small yellow speedometer lower right on the DIC (hidden among the rest of the jumble) that shows that every second, time after time it advances 5 mph as long as you hold the + key. So when I went from 30 to 55 (holding +) checking the speedometer and then released it kept gaining speed. In one of the vehicles 18 computers and counting, it, using the 5+5+5 etc. had determined the new Set Speed was 120 mph.
For many of 'Us' (owner's) this is the fastest we have ever been driven to "Nervous Wrecks" and the complete unanticipated longing for Our Old Cars / cJeep's which we had so erroneously found Fault In. At least they didn't have the potential to lock up while accelerating to 60 at 50 mph. This I reported here and also to the Fed's.
I suggest a "cJeep" sticker with see, and a Whopping "Dope Slap" of a Class Action Suit. By the way, How much did Chrysler pay "Edmonds" for the 5 Star rating?
Update from Oct 13, 2014: I have tried to make the 5 mph Advance or Decrease every second while holding + or - in Cruise a couple different way's so I might be able to say something good about it. On my third complaint at BLEVINS,13676 someone showed me the "WEE YELLOW" Speedometer (clashes with all the other Junk) hidden on the lower right of the "Driver (Too Much) Information Center", or DUH (maybe DIC), just behind the Steering Wheel Cross Bar.
I do not recommend the "Stretch Neck, Cock Head and Stare At Wee Dial Method"! While it goes from 30 to 60 mph it takes +/- 6 seconds and there is the potential (due to that "Time/Space" thing) for You to unknowingly drive through 3 "SCHOOL ZONE'S" and find Yourself and "cJeep" half-way up just about any MAPLE TREE in YOUR COUNTY of choice. As many of us know these models of "cJeeps" have minds of their own and as I have had mine lock up at 50 I'm sure it could just as well get "It's "DIALS" mixed up and keep accelerating to 120 doing just what the "WEE DIAL" has re-set the speed to.
I have found that doing the One thousand, Two thousand, etc., thing works best for normal people. Your usually 5 miles short or a Speeding Ticket over. As a Disabled Vet with a Head Injury (ANNOUNCED MIN. ONE) and PTSD I was thrown off John's Dealership a couple months ago for finally having enough of the LIES, GREED, BULL CRAP, DRIVERS ERROR, COMPUTER SEE'S NOTHING AND DOESN'T PRINT OUT CODES, $8000.00 OVER BOOK BECAUSE OF VEHICLE OOP'S and A salesman "ERNIE THE CLOSER" selling me on a LEASE for OFF ROAD use WITH 911 (seizures) (-$3000.00 TO BREAK LEASE) I let them know it a couple of times, surprising myself, HOLLERING AND SWEARING, never had that problem before but they managed to "BLASE A TRAIL" there and now It's there and I have one more Damn thing to worry about and strain to "Bite My Tongue".
- chenzo, Norwood, NY, US