I had to replace all 4 window regulators in the past few years because all the window regulators break. I do not use any window but drivers side and last Thur I am driving down the road and hear something snap and the window fell down and it was raining out. No way should I have to be fixing this again when this will be the second time this unused window broke.
This passenger front window regulator has been replaced 3 times to date..replacements were purchased from different auto parts stores......all containing the identical motor part numbers.
I am the original owner of a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I am now replacing the 4th window of the car due to each window regulator breaking and spending $350 to get it fixed. There is an obvious defect. I am researching whether Chrysler has instituted any type of program for reimbursement because I have now spent over $1,200 on window repairs on this car. Otherwise, the car has been great. Love it.
We owned a 1999 Grand Cherokee and NEVER had window problems. This 2004 has been nothing but window problems. Three window modulators have been replaced, two under warranty and one not. The last one last year at Christmas at $488 for 30 minute repair. The dealership had a pile of these things that they have replaced. Jeep has a problem here. I now have ANOTHER one gone bad. The drivers side window down for the third time. The is totally ridiculous. The dealer wants $288 for what the Service Adviser says is a $100 part actually.
Where is the best place for replacement parts that you can depend on...Help
I had to replace all 4 window regulators in the past few years because all the window regulators break. I do not use any window but drivers side and last Thur I am driving down the road and hear something snap and the window fell down and it was raining out. No way should I have to be fixing this again when this will be the second time this unused window broke.
- kehleh, Selinsgrove, US