Notes: Whenever a new product is introduced, there's bound to be some problems. And man oh man, does the 2006 Commander have some problems.
It's the plight of the 1st-generation adopter: you get the newest and shiniest in exchange for a handful of issues that get ironed out in future versions. But what happens when that handful of issues becomes a bucketload? The 2006 Commander has quality control issues like the door handles breaking off and the sunroof leaking. But what's truly worrisome is the electrical problems like the vehicle shutting down unexpectedly, gauges going crazy or the cruise control having a mind of its own.
Bottom line: if you want a Jeep Commander, you're better off looking at a later model year.
So far I have replaced three windshields and am about to replace again. I think bad design creates the repeat of this issue. Major steering problems costing $3,000. Now 4 Wheel Drive issues costing $2,000 What I call the "bulk heads, over the wheel wells have cracked and the plastic and heat has melted the paint. It looks like someone took a blow torch to it. Took over a year for one of the recalls dealing with the ignition. Paint is crap has many pits from normal road driving.
So far I have replaced three windshields and am about to replace again. I think bad design creates the repeat of this issue. Major steering problems costing $3,000. Now 4 Wheel Drive issues costing $2,000 What I call the "bulk heads, over the wheel wells have cracked and the plastic and heat has melted the paint. It looks like someone took a blow torch to it. Took over a year for one of the recalls dealing with the ignition. Paint is crap has many pits from normal road driving.
- godschildnow, Cape Fair, MO, US