Started in June my wife drives the vehicle more than me. It was cold where she worked and was raining out, she decided to turn the heat on and after a few mins it was blowing warm air, then suddenly it starts blowing more cold air than hot air. we took back to dealer to get checked and the excuse we got is that the vehicle takes the outside temp and inside temp and calculates how much warm air blows... if that isn't a BS story!!
Same thing kept happening and after numerous times (4 to be exact) the finally said it was the HVAC box, only because we told dealer that the heat in the rear was not working working. November took it to get the HVAC box fixed because part came in, only to get call that the other side was bad but had to order part so we would not get our jeep back for a couple of days. Finally called said it was done Well when we picked it up the Owner of the dealership took for a ride and said it seems to him it is shifting correctly. Brought it home at night, next morning we found parts laying in the back seat floor. Seems they never put console back together. Another trip to dealer to get things fixed (transmission, Heat, and a cracking sound coming from sunroof(3 times for the sunroof), finally found issue for sunroof seals, which had to be ordered, seals came in but no special grease to install, waited another week for fix. picked it up everything was fixed or so we thought. Now when you set heat to blow to floor it comes out more in the defrost than the floor, and now sounds like we have a 12' python in the ducts as their is a hissing sound coming from who knows where. so back to dealer we will go. This is just a light version of what has gone wrong with this Jeep....
Started in June my wife drives the vehicle more than me. It was cold where she worked and was raining out, she decided to turn the heat on and after a few mins it was blowing warm air, then suddenly it starts blowing more cold air than hot air. we took back to dealer to get checked and the excuse we got is that the vehicle takes the outside temp and inside temp and calculates how much warm air blows... if that isn't a BS story!!
Same thing kept happening and after numerous times (4 to be exact) the finally said it was the HVAC box, only because we told dealer that the heat in the rear was not working working. November took it to get the HVAC box fixed because part came in, only to get call that the other side was bad but had to order part so we would not get our jeep back for a couple of days. Finally called said it was done Well when we picked it up the Owner of the dealership took for a ride and said it seems to him it is shifting correctly. Brought it home at night, next morning we found parts laying in the back seat floor. Seems they never put console back together. Another trip to dealer to get things fixed (transmission, Heat, and a cracking sound coming from sunroof(3 times for the sunroof), finally found issue for sunroof seals, which had to be ordered, seals came in but no special grease to install, waited another week for fix. picked it up everything was fixed or so we thought. Now when you set heat to blow to floor it comes out more in the defrost than the floor, and now sounds like we have a 12' python in the ducts as their is a hissing sound coming from who knows where. so back to dealer we will go. This is just a light version of what has gone wrong with this Jeep....
- Chris M., Pine Grove, PA, US