Notes: How many transmission complaints can a new vehicle really receive? You'd be surprised. Unless you're a 2015 Cherokee owner, then I bet you're not surprised at all.
I only found this because I was having another problem with the Auto Stop/Start (A) coming on in the dash. After extensive YouTube and Net searching I came upon the fix for the Stop/Start. When I replaced the Battery Control Sensor, it turned of the the warning for the 4-wheel drive.
Sadly though, my 4-wheel drive still does not work. According to the dealer, I have codes that their bulletins say calls for replacement of the rear PTU....GREAT!
No longer under least $2800 for the dealer to do it...and the part is on backorder since October according to him....
- Has anyone done one of these themselves?
- My rear end was not having any issues prior to this, Has anyone just tried the hard rest and have it fix the problem?
Update from Feb 24, 2021: Well, I tried the hard reset (disconnect battery and wire the cable terminals together for an hour to clear any faults). Cleared all the 4WD lights but again, still no 4WD. Guess I'll be driving with the 4WD/AWD options OFF until I can replace the rear PTU.....
Update from Mar 20, 2021: Okay...I gave up on the 2015. Could not get a new rear PTU for at least 6 to 10 months. Traded it in for a 2021. Problem solved.
This is the second time this problem cropped up in two years. First time was still uner warranty. Sent it to dealers and got a transfer case replaced. After a year this message came up again. This time no longer under warranty. Dealer wants $150 just to take look at it and then figure out what is wrong. I dont think they know what is going on and by sending it back to them will only make them richer and my problem will still be there.
I had my car serviced in May and the dealer did some computer updates and I had an oil change. Ever since then I have been getting this message on my dashboard that says Service 4 Wheel Drive. Sometimes it comes on when I first start up the car and sometimes I may be 20 to 30 minutes into a drive before it comes on.
Apareció este mensaje en mi tablero, necesito soluciones.
- Martin Z., San Miguel, El Salvador