We had a tropical storm and there was a lot of water. All the water from the storm caused a water main to break, and the g/f driving home from work at night, did not see it and ran through the standing water.
She got home, everything fine. We take my car out to dinner, and get back about an hour later. Her horn is going off and will not stop. Had to pull the fuse to get it to stop. Figured the puddle just shorted the horns.
Next day I am driving it and the tach and temp gauge are not working. the VSC light was also on. Pull onto the main road and when I push the pedal nothing happens. Pull over, let it sit for 10, start it back up, gauges do not work but pedal does, it is shifting very rough.
Got home and took the battery out and saw standing water. Upon further investigation I realized the computer (IPDM) has water on the outside cover. I took the cover off, pull all the plugs (some are tough), relays and fuses. Got the shop vac and I could see a ton of water coming out. I WD40'ed the computer and kept getting the water out. When putting everything back together, I see a big piece of rubber next to a big hole. It is a big duck bill valve that is suppose to let water out of the battery area and not in. But water will push the duck bill out. Note this drain with the duck bill is right below the computer.
Luckily I was able to save the computer. Do a google search and other G35 owners have had this issue.
We had a tropical storm and there was a lot of water. All the water from the storm caused a water main to break, and the g/f driving home from work at night, did not see it and ran through the standing water.
She got home, everything fine. We take my car out to dinner, and get back about an hour later. Her horn is going off and will not stop. Had to pull the fuse to get it to stop. Figured the puddle just shorted the horns.
Next day I am driving it and the tach and temp gauge are not working. the VSC light was also on. Pull onto the main road and when I push the pedal nothing happens. Pull over, let it sit for 10, start it back up, gauges do not work but pedal does, it is shifting very rough.
Got home and took the battery out and saw standing water. Upon further investigation I realized the computer (IPDM) has water on the outside cover. I took the cover off, pull all the plugs (some are tough), relays and fuses. Got the shop vac and I could see a ton of water coming out. I WD40'ed the computer and kept getting the water out. When putting everything back together, I see a big piece of rubber next to a big hole. It is a big duck bill valve that is suppose to let water out of the battery area and not in. But water will push the duck bill out. Note this drain with the duck bill is right below the computer.
Luckily I was able to save the computer. Do a google search and other G35 owners have had this issue.
- davechappelle, Fort Myers, FL, US