This bulletin provides additional service diagnostic information and repair procedures related to Electric Waste Gate Actuator (EWGA) equipped vehicles listed below.
Refer to the applicable Engine Control / Fuel System sections in the Shop Manual, and then follow the procedures outlined in this bulletin whenever a vehicle with the following symptom(s) are being diagnosed:
➢ Check Engine Light illumination with EWGA related DTC.
➢ Intermittently high/low turbocharger boost pressures.
➢ Abnormal noise from the turbocharger.
➢ Reduced engine power.
This bulletin provides additional service diagnostic information and repair procedures related to Electric Waste Gate Actuator (EWGA) equipped vehicles listed below.
Refer to the applicable Engine Control / Fuel System sections in the Shop Manual, and then follow the procedures outlined in this bulletin whenever a vehicle with the following symptom(s) are being diagnosed:
➢ Check Engine Light illumination with EWGA related DTC.
➢ Intermittently high/low turbocharger boost pressures.
➢ Abnormal noise from the turbocharger.
➢ Reduced engine power.