Notes: The 2011 Sonata has a seriously defective engine that seizes without warning. It was awarded the dubious honor of being the first CarTalk / CarComplaints Turd of the Week in late September 2015.
A class action lawsuit was filed in May 2015 against Hyundai that claims the 2.4L Sonata engine is defective. More info here.
pretty bad
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
102,050 miles
Total Complaints:
48 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
not sure (23 reports)
replace engine (22 reports)
hyundai scanned for code, unable to duplicate (1 reports)
Engine Stalled/Cut-of while Driving: Every "OWNER" must receive a Claim Form new/used Vehicles & given the opportunity to File A Loss Claims! Car Companies, everybody does not have your money to go back & forth to a Dealer Service Dept. or Major Car Repair Shops! WE have go where WE can and can afford to not even pay someone or to whoever's reasonable!
WE borrowed against Our Insurance Policy to buy Our Son a Vehicle to get to and from work! Problems with this 2011 Hyundia Sonata, then it was almost stolen recently 12/2/2024, Sunday (now again out of pocket extreme expansive to replace & repair the entire Steering Wheel Column, which is extremely hard to find, because of these Vehicle thefts of these Hyundia's & Kias's World-wide! People are losing their lives, having to buy Security Systems, Alarms, everything around their Vehicles/Homes because of thieves! Who have the nerve walk up to you, or on your property at night/day & take these vehicles, just because: Car Companies said:
The lawsuits allege Hyundai and Kia didn't equip 2011-2022 vehicles with engine immobilizers, something not required in the U.S.! (WHAT_! And because:
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration investigated the vehicles and determined there were no defects or problems with the vehicles. Federal safety investigators found the cause of the thefts to be teen criminals damaging and stealing the vehicles, while cities where those teens lived blamed Hyundai and Kia for "safety defects." And The United States allows these car companies to cut corners, (because they all in cahoots together, to only make "PROFITS" only, over Human-beings lives)!
2011 Hyundai Sonata - I was merging on to another freeway and the car cut off/no power in the middle of merging. Dashboard lit up, check engine light came on along other lights. Happened twice. Thankfully was able to get to shoulder and shut car off and wait a while. After about 10 minutes the car started and drove fine. Brought to Dealership who was unable to duplicate and scanned for code, performed road test and stated car is operating Normally.
My car was driving fine but one day I was driving to work and it started making a loud noise. it was so loud coming straight from the engine. It started to shake and making the noise, so I decided to pull over. My mechanic said I needed to replace the engine. What sucks is that if it was starting to fail, the check engine light never turned on - it just blew in one hit. I was upset because the engine it self is pricy plus the mechanic work is a lot to put in. I wish I got a warning that my engine was messing up but I didn't. Now it turns on but turns off 30 seconds later.
I was on my way to my grandmothers house nine miles away from my house. I have my other grandmother (who is 80) in my vehicle with me. I was driving under the speed limit cause I was following some poky guy up the road. And then I noticed going up a little hill, I seemed to be slowing down. So I pushed the gas a little and it didn’t do anything. I let off the gas and my car stalled! I had no power steering and hardly any brakes. I got off to the side of the road, called my grandmother whose house we were going too. She came and got me and my grandmother on a 95 degree day and we sat that waiting for the tow truck.
When it got there, they loaded it up and took it to a place in town to have it looked at. The independent car repair shop said they were going to replace the spark plugs and boots (wires) and see if that would help. They change that, $200 later, and they drove it and it will still having the same issue. So they took the oil pan off, and found a lot of metal shavings. He cleaned as much as he could of it and changed the oil and sent me on my way. I could tell my car was not the same, and now, I could hear a light knock coming from the engine. I immediately took it home and dropped it off at my house. I called Hyundai Customer Service to see if the engine had been replaced in the past recall. He said it had, BUT, these “new†motors they put in the vehicles to replace the old ones, WERE MADE BY THE SAME PLANT AND ROBOT IN HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA!!! That makes no sense!!!! I was so outraged...
But, Hyundai told me not to get my panties in a wad just yet (literally). He said, my cars engine is labeled TXXI. You’re probably wondering what it stands for, because me too. But, this means, that if I ever need a new engine, Hyundai will provide it in the car! It’s a Motor for Life! So, they paid for the new engine to be put in (just the assembly), they paid for the tow, and the rental car! I couldn’t be more pleased with Hyundai! Other then the obvious pain in the ass it was! My car runs like new and I’ll keep her till the wheels fall off.
Engine cut off completely while driving. Knew instantly it had to do with the engine recall from a couple years back. The heavy oil consumption was another clue. Had the oil changed a month ago and less than 1000 miles driven but somehow the oil level was low. Called the Hyundai Consumer Affairs number to open up a case. They said I needed to get it to the dealership. The dealership confirmed the diagnosis of bad engine and had it replaced in a few days.
- Dom C.,
Wendell, NC, US
Search for these popular complaint phrases...
Well, very simply I was merging onto a parkway and pushing down on the accelerator, car was speeding up then I noticed that it seemed like I wasn't getting any acceleration. Looked at the dashboard and saw that it seemed all the lights were on and realized that the engine had shut itself down. Pulled off to the shoulder and tried to restart it (head kind of a whirring noise), but it wouldn't start. Had towed back to my house and then to my mechanic who said the engine was fried. On that same day received in the mail a Safety Recall from Hyundai about the engine. I good with keeping up with my oil/filter maintenance, just hoping Hyundai doesn't try and blame this on me and not them. Wish me luck.
Extremely frustrated!! Never have I had a vehicle with so many recalls!!! I was driving down the road and the vehicle just shut off! NO WARNING!!!! It never started up again. The value of the vehicle was not worth what it was going to cost to fix it especially with all the issues I have had and numerous recalls. I ended up having to surrender the vehicle as no dealer would take the veh with out it running. Now I'm thousands in debt due to this failure to correct the engine issue with these vehicles!!!
More and more people I talk to that have had these vehicles ALL have the same complaints!!! Hyundai's are junk!!!!!
Oil light came on. Oil checked and there was excessive oil consumption, as oil level was very low. Car stalled, but restarted. Had oil changed. Drove car and complete engine failure without warning in the middle of the road. Oil and engine light illuminated, but did not stay on. Attempted to restart and it would not start, began smoking and had electrical burning smell. Car was towed to nearest shop. Researched recalls online. Found that car problems fit exactly to a recall on this car dealing with the motor. confirmed my vin number was part of this recall. Called Hyundai service and was told it was not part of the recall. When advised what I had discovered online the service manager agreed to check vehicle and ensured me he would contact Hyundai to have added to recall. Got car running and went directly to Hyundai to drop off and it broke down again without warning in middle of highway. Now a knocking noise is present which brings this car to exhibit all of the issues mentioned in the recall/lawsuit. It was left at Hyundai service and am awaiting a call.
Car intermittently will act like it wants to stall when I press accelerator. Began in July 2016. Has become increasingly frequent since then. Taken to dealer but they can't replicate it. My wife needs car to bring grand kids home from school. Current condition is not safe. Also this occurs when driving between 30-45 mph current mileage about 49000
Update from Aug 28, 2017: The mechanic found out it was a problem with a brake switch that was stuck in the "on" position and it was making the whole car act crazy. The brake lights would come on while the car was parked and nobody was pressing the brake pedal. The Cruise Control wouldn't engage. It was like you were simultaneously pressing the accelerator and the brake. The dealer replaced the defective brake switch and now the car works normally. Unfortunately the car was just out of warranty and I had to pay out of pocket.but it was worth it so my family would be safe. :-)
I own 2011 Hyundai sonata. car just shut off while driving. come to find out they extended my warranty for engine recall but was never notified. Waiting for corporate to approve new engine was advised that Hyundai will cover all rental expenses, AGAIN IF APPROVED!!!!!! THEY CALLED AND INFORMED ME OF OTHER RECALLS BUT NEVER MENTIONED MAJOR RECALL WILL CAUSE ENGINE TO SHUT OFF this all could have been prevented .
started to make a left hand turn. all dashboard lights came on and car stalled. Put in park and turned it back on, but when I put it in drive and hit the gas, it stalled again. Turned off the air conditioner and tried again and it started and did not stall. Took it to Hyundai and they said the ran all diagnostic tests and tested the air conditioner and they cannot find anything wrong.
We were 130 miles from home when the engine suddenly stalled on the New Jersey turnpike. The vehicle would not start and had to be towed back to Harrisburg PA, meanwhile we remained stranded in New Jersey until a friend form PA came to take us home. Very hot and uncomfortable conditions made the experience very aggravating. We did not get home until 1AM that evening.
My Sonata stalled while passing someone on the highway and would not start so i had it towed to the dealer. At the time they could not find the issue so they replaced the MAP sensor and battery, preformed the engine recall test which it passed and I went on my way. The next day the car stalled again while accelerating onto the highway however this time I pulled over and the car started again.
I reported it to the dealer and kept driving the car daily but it did it again 2 more times over the next week. A few weeks later I was on the highway again and could hear a loud pinging noise from the engine which was getting louder by the second and was losing power, I got off the highway just in time for the engine to stall out. I again had it towed to the dealer where they reported to me the engine had catastrophically failed.
The dealer contacted Hyundai and Hyundai agreed to pay for a new engine if I could produce oil change receipts and there was no sludge. Please keep in mind I had 269,000 KM (167,000 miles) on the car. I maintained the car very well and did oil changes every 5000-7000 km, and produced all the receipts I had for oil changes. When the dealer removed the oil pan and valve cover there was no sludge at all. I took pictures as well just in case, and the engine was very clean and the metal was bare. The dealer dissembled the engine and found the connecting rod bearing had broken. At that point the dealer contacted Hyundai again and I got a new engine a day later at no cost.
Overall I am very happy with the dealer and Hyundai for doing the right thing and replacing the defective engine. I am also happy that my wife is so organized and kept so many oil change receipts :).
I am still writing this complaint because the connecting rod is an unfortunate defect in a car that has been otherwise great to me and as an example to others who may be having the same issue on a Sonata with high mileage and out of warranty.
I started having issues with my car around 120,000 miles. I noticed it was using an unusual amount of oil and every now and again the engine would act peculiar when speeding up. I took the car in for the engine recall and was told the car passed. Later I took it in again because, again it was burning a lot of oil. Dealer brushed it off. Car started shaking, this time I took it to my mechanic who told me that the piston rings were shot and that the issue was a part of the recall. I would need a new engine. Hyundai refused to replace the engine, or even test again for the issue even though it is clearly a recall related issue. I now have a car that doesn't run.
I will NEVER buy another Hyundai again!!! Poor service, plus the car should have ran way longer. I did the maintenance before it was due and the car still fell apart, not to mention Parkway Hyundai did not perform the inspections it said it had which is probably why the issue wasn't caught earlier.
2011 Hyundai Sonata Engine failed on the first day of our holiday trip to Seattle while driving in a remote location of the mountainous British Columbia interior. We started hearing a metallic ratcheting noise, and within 5 minutes, the car stalled.
Flagging down a driver (no cell coverage) we drove into a town 25 miles away. There we found a towing service / mechanic and a driver went to recover the vehicle. The mechanic had googled our model and told us that it might be linked to a recall. We had actually had the vehicle in for the engine recall test in March and they said ours was fine. Three days before our trip, we paid $1400 to do a number of services, including inner and outer tie rods. We have faithfully maintained this car at the Hyundai deal since purchasing it new.
Anyway, after phoning our dealer, who said they could put in a claim to Hyundai Canada, we paid $1400 to tow it from BC to Edmonton, Alberta, where we live, as they said it needed to come back to the dealer. We had to push to get a rental car covered, and also had to pay $200 for them to take off the oil pan cover so they could take photographs.
We didn't hear back for three weeks! At that point, the phone call from the dealer was that Hyundai Canada said it wasn't a warranty issue and that we should get our vehicle off the dealer's lot as soon as possible as they needed the room. Too bad for us...!
So, we are trying to build our case, as it sure seems linked to the issues noted in the US class action law suit. Anyone from Canada who has experienced an engine failure in 2011 or 2012 Sonata please let us know.
Update from Jan 22, 2017: After a four-month battle with our local dealership and Hyundai Canada, they finally admitted that our engine issue was related to the recall. They ordered a new engine, put it in, and while they were taking it for a test drive, the transmission failed and they said they weren't responsible. We were convinced that all of this was connected to the engine and kept pushing. They finally agreed to cover the cost of the transmission and we paid for the labour. On Dec. 24 we got our Hyundai back with new engine and transmission. Uncertain if we want to keep it, but probably won't get much money if we try to sell it.
I am really irritated with how Hyundai has handled its Sonata 2011-2012 engine recall. During my last scheduled vehicle maintenance in April 2016, I explicitly communicated my concerns to the Hyundai dealer about my engine and the fact that the oil light kept coming on when I tried to accelerate and would go off as soon as I took my feet off the accelerator. I later found out through local news and information from online blogs that this was a sign of engine manufacturing problems originating from Hyundai's Alabama Engine manufacturing plant.
The dealer did not inform me that the engine in my vehicle was being recalled. Instead, I was told via the maintenance report that oil level was low and there was no visible leaks.
I have receipts to prove that I adhered to all recommended owner maintenance services and have been diligent enough to service my vehicle according to the service schedule prescribed during vehicle purchase.
I have strong reasons to believe Hyundai has not be honest with its customer. This being because, rather than elaborate on the cause and solution to the problem (i.e. Hyundai Sonata 2011-2012 engine recall), information was deliberately withheld from me by Hyundai. The Tech comments, per my last service report only states that there were 2 outstanding recalls on my vehicle (1) door inspection & (2) Engine noise. No further details on the recalls or solutions were provided. Instead, the tech proceeds to undertake standard test on my vehicle.
The dealer never mentioned that Hyundai was recalling 470,000 Sonatas of the 2011-2012 class equipped with either a 2-liter or 2.4-liter "Gasoline Direct" injection engine. And I never received a recall notice from the dealer despite purchasing the vehicle from an Authorized Hyundai pre-owned vehicle dealer.
I'm even more frustrated because this recall was announced in September 2015, 4 months after I purchased my vehicle under warranty and paid extra to have extended warranty coverage added on my vehicle. It’s now 7 months after the recall announcement and I still have not received notice of the recall from Hyundai.
As of today, 3 weeks after my vehicle stalled on the ON-401 highway whilst driving at approx. 100km/hr. , I still have not heard back from Hyundai with respect to how they will be handling the situation.
To me this is more than a hidden recall notice, this is a matter of safety and I personally believe Hyundai's handling of the situation is negligent. I had to coast my vehicle to the outside shoulder of the busiest highway in North America at 9:00pm. My vehicle stood little chance against the huge transport truck that frequent this highway at this time of night.
It is now 3 weeks since the highway stall and I am still without a vehicle, with no repair timeline, no form of restitution, and Hyundai has not even acknowledge its wrong doing. To make matters worse, Hyundai continues to false advertise it defective cars all over TV.
Furthermore, from talking to the Hyundai dealer where my vehicle was towed, it seems the extended warranty office has repeatedly delayed processing my claims. I am seriously considering legal action and would appreciate any advice I can get on this matter.
The second stall occurred yet again last night in front of a clients house while doing a delivery. Hyundai dealer gave me what they thought a fixed car was, but the problems persisted. The engine would not turnover, all dashboard lights came one, A/C came on but no engine. I've never been stranded by a car so many times, now really a third time if I count the starter issue too (not part of recall). So now I wait for an answer from Hyundai and honestly contemplating going upside down to get a Honda or Toyota. I no longer feel confident driving anywhere with this Sonata because I risk being stranded at what seems to be the cars will. I will not be buying Hyundai again.
Engine Stalled/Cut-of while Driving: Every "OWNER" must receive a Claim Form new/used Vehicles & given the opportunity to File A Loss Claims! Car Companies, everybody does not have your money to go back & forth to a Dealer Service Dept. or Major Car Repair Shops! WE have go where WE can and can afford to not even pay someone or to whoever's reasonable!
WE borrowed against Our Insurance Policy to buy Our Son a Vehicle to get to and from work! Problems with this 2011 Hyundia Sonata, then it was almost stolen recently 12/2/2024, Sunday (now again out of pocket extreme expansive to replace & repair the entire Steering Wheel Column, which is extremely hard to find, because of these Vehicle thefts of these Hyundia's & Kias's World-wide! People are losing their lives, having to buy Security Systems, Alarms, everything around their Vehicles/Homes because of thieves! Who have the nerve walk up to you, or on your property at night/day & take these vehicles, just because: Car Companies said:
The lawsuits allege Hyundai and Kia didn't equip 2011-2022 vehicles with engine immobilizers, something not required in the U.S.! (WHAT_! And because:
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration investigated the vehicles and determined there were no defects or problems with the vehicles. Federal safety investigators found the cause of the thefts to be teen criminals damaging and stealing the vehicles, while cities where those teens lived blamed Hyundai and Kia for "safety defects." And The United States allows these car companies to cut corners, (because they all in cahoots together, to only make "PROFITS" only, over Human-beings lives)!
- Gina X., Birmingham, US