This problem has happened a number of times with my son's car, he unlocks it, gets in, puts the key in, turns the ignition and it won't start. There is no connection with the engine, it just clicks. Some times he has waited and unlocked and locked his doors a couple times and then it magically starts - there seems to be no rhyme or reason for when this happens. We had the problem about a year ago and then it stopped so we never took it in but the problem is back and it is annoying as hell. The first time we were going to jump it and he tried to start it one more time and it started so we didn't jump it. It does not appear to be the battery but some connection that is goofy and random.
My alarm would go off while parked at night at 2am some times, or at work and the shippers were always calling to tell my it was going off. It was such an annoyance that since I didn't have the money to fix it . I had the mechanic pull the chip to stop the alarm which stopped my horn. That was fine but apparently the alarm was still going off so it killed my battery and the car would not start. This was fine at work but it happened one night to my daughter and she was stuck late at night. Thank goodness for AAA they came quickly and jumped the car to get her going again,. but I was not happy.
I found this site when the brake lights went out. As soon as I found out, via a motorist who got out at a light and knocked on my window to tell me, scaring the sh*t out of me. Hyundai is fixing this problem today (recall) they are taking me in tonight immediately after work to fix this problem . Another electrical issue is the driver side door does not lock with the remote. No real problem there I am now in the habit of locking it on the way out of my car. Crossing my fingers, I don't ever leave the keys in the car. :) maybe when the fix the brakes they can fix the other electrical issues.
This problem has happened a number of times with my son's car, he unlocks it, gets in, puts the key in, turns the ignition and it won't start. There is no connection with the engine, it just clicks. Some times he has waited and unlocked and locked his doors a couple times and then it magically starts - there seems to be no rhyme or reason for when this happens. We had the problem about a year ago and then it stopped so we never took it in but the problem is back and it is annoying as hell. The first time we were going to jump it and he tried to start it one more time and it started so we didn't jump it. It does not appear to be the battery but some connection that is goofy and random.
- carolv, Shafer, US