I had thought it was the timing belt that went, so I got it towed to the nearest repair shop. I get a call the next day to come in, so I do just to find out the Crankshaft in the car broke in two. This would've just made a mess in the engine with the valves and such, I did some calling around to my surprise this would cost just about the same price to buy a new engine as what the book value is on the car. I called my local honda dealership and I talked to the head mechcanic, he told me he had never ever heard of a crankshaft breaking in two in a honda ever. I have the car sitting, and I don't know if I should sell it or fix it, but I just want to get it out of my hair, and move on with a new car. It was a good car and very reliable, and hauled ass when I needed it to, but this freak accident occured withe the crank and now the engine's pouched!
I had thought it was the timing belt that went, so I got it towed to the nearest repair shop. I get a call the next day to come in, so I do just to find out the Crankshaft in the car broke in two. This would've just made a mess in the engine with the valves and such, I did some calling around to my surprise this would cost just about the same price to buy a new engine as what the book value is on the car. I called my local honda dealership and I talked to the head mechcanic, he told me he had never ever heard of a crankshaft breaking in two in a honda ever. I have the car sitting, and I don't know if I should sell it or fix it, but I just want to get it out of my hair, and move on with a new car. It was a good car and very reliable, and hauled ass when I needed it to, but this freak accident occured withe the crank and now the engine's pouched!
- Mike N., Kelowna, B. C, Canada