I have a 2001 Honda Passport with 120,000 miles on it. The year after I bought it, I couldn't have it inspected until I had a patch job done to the frame (drivers side), which cost me $800. A few weeks ago, I had exhaust work done and my mechanic told me that the passenger side of the frame was "soft" and needed to be patched. Four days later, as I was turning a corner, it felt like I was driving on ice. The frame separated from the suspension. I had it patched but I'm still terrified to drive it.
I found out a few days later that Honda is planning on releasing a recall on the exact same issue that I had repaired on both sides. I called them and they said they didn't know how they were going to repair it yet so they hadn't released it. But, if you google "2001 Honda Passport Recall", it's easy to find. I called my local Honda dealer to see if I could get anywhere going through them instead of corporate HQ and didn't. They did look at the frame and said that the repairs that I had done were what the recall will be... when it's released. Honda isn't going to do anything until they release the recall. It's more than just that recall, unfortunately. The rest of the frame is crap! Not sure what they're going to do to "right" this issue but I'm expecting a LOT of money from them. Right now, I still owe on it and have a lot of negative equity because of the frame and now the patch jobs to the frame.
Anyone who has a Honda Passport OR Isuzu Rodeo years 1998-2002 should first have it looked at to be sure it's safe to drive then call ISUZU OWNERS MAY CONTACT ISUZU AT 1-800-255-6727. HONDA OWNERS MAY CONTACT HONDA AT 1-800-999-1009.
If we all complain, maybe something will be done faster!!
my 16 yr old daughter and i were out driving when the car became uncontrollable. it felt like we had lost a wheel. after looking over the car we noticed that the sway arm at the rear drivers side tire had pulled completely thru the frame. luckily we were only going 30 mph on a back road not 65 on the highway just a few hours earlier. i spoke to honda america and they were unable to explain or even give any reason for this. i know people that have vehicles 20 30 yrs old and not a sign of rust yet im able to put my finger through the frame of this vehicle like a warm knive in butter and no one has anything to say. how many ppl will be hurt before something is done. im planning on having the passport towed and looked at tomorrow (11/10/10) depending on what is found i will be contacting an attorney to see what the options are. if anyone is willing to stand up and fight together to have this manufacturer answer for their incompetence please feel free to email me at hillbillyhoni@yahoo.com NEVER BUY I HONDA IT'LL KILL YA !!!
I was driving my 2001 Honda Passport with 92000 miles with my 4 year old in the back when the car became uncontrollable to drive. I was able to stop the car without wrecking into anything, but it felt like driving with no lug nuts on the wheels and one of the wheels were going to fall off. Once I had the car off the road and looked the car over I found the driver side rear trailing link mount had totally broken off from the frame due to rust. I could literally put my hand thru the frame and touch the gas tank. Thank GOD I was only driving 30 mph and not 65 mph just a few miles before this. I called Honda America and they told me to have it looked at by a honda dealership, so I called my local honda dealer (Roush Honda) and they told me "not to bother and don't waste any more money on this car, sorry about your luck". I called Honda America back and told them this and they were like "well yea there is no warranty and no recalls and they never heard of this ever happening, sorry".
How many people need to complain or die before Honda and Isuzu get off there ass and take care of this serious KNOWN safety problem. Look at Toyota they took care of their trucks that had frame ROT and then when they turned the other way on the accelerator pedal problem they got their ass in a real big sling. I've tried getting in touch with the Federal Investigator Derek Rinehardt to see what options there are, but haven't had any luck with that yet. I did find a local frame restoration shop that claims they have repaired this same problem on many other Passports and Rodeos and I am going to have it towed to his shop and see how much this is going to cost me. He also will warranty the repair for 5 years, but when will the rest of the frame fail??? I know I don't want my kids or my wife in this car ever again. I guess I will sacrifice my own life when when driving this car because I cant get rid of this car because I need to disclose this information to anyone who would buy it. So what am I to do?????? If anyone has more information on any recalls or class action law suits please email me at cappo11@aol.com
I have always loved Honda because of the lifetime of these vehicles but I called Honda on this issue and they told pretty clearly it's not under warranty and to bsd for me
This SUV should not of had the frame rust completely apart in the back. Honda Motor Corp. or the dealer don't even care about this. All they say is the vehicle did have a warranty sorry it is no longer in it's warranty period. Toyota is fixing or paying for their problems and mine is even worse than some of those vehicles. I have called many places and everybody who sees the pictures says this should not have happened. Something must have been wrong with the metal. The repair shop knows me I have had 3 Honda vehicles and that doesn't mean a thing to them. I will NEVER buy another Honda for as long as I live, and I will tell everybody about this.
I have a 2001 Honda Passport with 120,000 miles on it. The year after I bought it, I couldn't have it inspected until I had a patch job done to the frame (drivers side), which cost me $800. A few weeks ago, I had exhaust work done and my mechanic told me that the passenger side of the frame was "soft" and needed to be patched. Four days later, as I was turning a corner, it felt like I was driving on ice. The frame separated from the suspension. I had it patched but I'm still terrified to drive it.
I found out a few days later that Honda is planning on releasing a recall on the exact same issue that I had repaired on both sides. I called them and they said they didn't know how they were going to repair it yet so they hadn't released it. But, if you google "2001 Honda Passport Recall", it's easy to find. I called my local Honda dealer to see if I could get anywhere going through them instead of corporate HQ and didn't. They did look at the frame and said that the repairs that I had done were what the recall will be... when it's released. Honda isn't going to do anything until they release the recall. It's more than just that recall, unfortunately. The rest of the frame is crap! Not sure what they're going to do to "right" this issue but I'm expecting a LOT of money from them. Right now, I still owe on it and have a lot of negative equity because of the frame and now the patch jobs to the frame.
Anyone who has a Honda Passport OR Isuzu Rodeo years 1998-2002 should first have it looked at to be sure it's safe to drive then call ISUZU OWNERS MAY CONTACT ISUZU AT 1-800-255-6727. HONDA OWNERS MAY CONTACT HONDA AT 1-800-999-1009.
If we all complain, maybe something will be done faster!!
- Michelle F., Waterbury, VT, US