Recall List for the 2011 Honda Odyssey

Official recalls have been issued for the 2011 Honda Odyssey by the NHTSA. The complete details of all recalls are listed below, along with what they cover and the recommended solutions.

Recalls don't cost you anything to get fixed, but most are time-limited, so if your car is affected you should call your local Honda service department immediately!

If you have questions about a recall, write down your VIN & then call Honda customer service.

  1. RECALL: Second Row Seats May Tip Forward When Braking

    If the seat tips forward during braking, it can increase the risk of injury. Read more »

    Date Announced
    NOV 17, 2017
    Vehicles Affected
  2. RECALL: Second Row Outboard Seats May Stay Unlocked

    An unlocked second row outboard seat increases the risk of injury to the seat occupant during a crash. Read more »

    Date Announced
    DEC 27, 2016
    Vehicles Affected
  3. RECALL: Driver's Airbag Module May Be Missing Rivets

    The absence of more than one rivet could alter the performance of the driver's airbag during deployment. This could potentially increase the risk of injury during a crash. ... Read more »

    Date Announced
    JAN 18, 2013
    Vehicles Affected
  4. RECALL: Front Door Glass

    The window may shatter into the passenger cabin causing a risk of injury to the vehicle occupants. Read more »

    Date Announced
    MAR 21, 2011
    Vehicles Affected
  5. RECALL: Windshield Wiper Failures

    The windshield wipers may fail to operate, decreasing the driver's visibility in adverse weather conditions increasing the risk of a crash. Read more »

    Date Announced
    MAR 15, 2011
    Vehicles Affected

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