Our 2001 Odyssey has had traction control end engine light on from day one. Honda never replaced any of the sensors. They just cleared the codes like one can do with the error reader you can borrow from any parts store. Honda didn't tell us about transmission recall until after we were past the 109K extended warranty.
We just tried to drive it and it slipped in the middle of an intersection leaving us there exposed. This is a severe hazard. We are going to try to find an aftermarket tranny that actually works.
We have consistantly kept up with the maintanance and I always took it to the dealer. As we exceeded 100K miles, we spent 3K on belt, engine and tires and breaks. Within three days later the van's transmission starts to slip when going from 1st gear to second. By the time we took it to the dealer, it would not catch the gear at all and would not want to exceed 10 miles per hour. The only options was to stop on the side, wait few minute and restart the car. The dealer said that they would need to replace the transmission. I am so frustrated with this situation. Both Dealer and the company takes no actions for their transmission and we are now forced to buy new car. This same problem happened to me on Honda Prelude and I spent lots of money to get that problem resolved. Eventually, I ended donating the car. So, I don't want to go through the same steps just to end up at the same point. I feel that the Honda dealer should have informed me before replacing all the parts. I am not going to buy Honda again!
We are now on our 5th transmission in 9 years. replaced our last transmission in November of 2009. Just last week our torque converter blew on highway while driving.TCS and engine light first came on and then smoke billowing from the back engine pipe. Smoke got into the rear of our van as well. Children terrified.
I HATE THIS VAN. HAVE PUT SO MUCH $$$ MONEY INTO IT. DON'T EVEN KNOW IF I CAN SELL THE DAMN THING WITH HONESTY. I am driving it for a bit longer until my other vehicle's monthly payments is up and once that is done . The van is gone....DO NOT SPEND THE MONEY ON AN ODYSSEY. Please also see info@ odysseytransmission.com
Honda P.O.S nuff said. how can you produce a transmission for so many years and not correct this problem. the acronym for Honda Is "Had One Never Did Again" i will never buy another Honda again, unless they start using Toyota transmissions that would be the only exception, I don't know why there isn't a major recall on this or why this isn't better knew to the public, if i would of knew the odyssey had problems with their transmission i would never of bought one. the sienna is the better choice by far, thats why so many odyssey owners have ditch their lemon for a no worries Sienna myself included, NEVER BUY AN ODYSSEY!!!!
Update from Feb 2, 2010: torque convertor broke apart leaving my trans filter clogged and throwing little metal particals throughout the transmission. now i need a trans rebuilt, new solenoids, and a new convertor 2600.00 repair. my last honda ever!!!
When I bought this Honda van new in 2001, it never occurred to me that it wouldn't make 100k miles. At 97 k I need a new transmission and new catalytic converter. I'm shopping for a new Kia with 10 yr 100k mile warranty this time. So disappointed in my Honda!
- Susan M.,
Gibsonia, PA, US
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I heard about the transmission problem with Odyssey from a friend recently. Wish I had known about this, as I chose not to spend the money for repair and donated to charity.
I have to believe that the dealer knew about this problem yet choose not to tell me. The 2001 Odyssey was my 5th Honda, and I was extremely disappointed that it didn't last 200k miles like my previous 4 did.
If anyone decides to sue Honda, let me know. Won't buy another Honda nor will I give them any positive words.
This vehicle was maintained to Honda's recommendations, but still had a transmission failure at 109000 miles. Transmissions shop said they had 6 Odysseys in 6 weeks, all the same problem. A modern automatic should last longer than this. Replaced vehicle with a different brand since it qualified for Clunker money. Find out, thanks to this site, that Honda has a lot of problems with automatic transmissions. Wish I had checked this site BEFORE replacing timing belt and doing the other items listed on maintenance schedule. Tell your friends with Odysseys to dump them before this happens-- because it probably will.
I am in seguin,tx. i am haveing the same issues with my odessy. it is 2001 and i was told the recall end oct of last year so i am outa luck. however i am seriosly considering sueing honda about this issue because they knew they were going to have this issue and continued to produce this tranny. until then i have decided to spend the extra time and bucks to convert my van to a 6speed manual.. the acura tl type s or aspec model both have beefed up manual transmission that bolt right to the motor in our vans. i will be using the pedal assembly out of the same car. just have to modify the dash to accommodate the shifter. i will post as i go. starting it the first of the year. 2010.
Our 2001 Odyssey has had traction control end engine light on from day one. Honda never replaced any of the sensors. They just cleared the codes like one can do with the error reader you can borrow from any parts store. Honda didn't tell us about transmission recall until after we were past the 109K extended warranty.
We just tried to drive it and it slipped in the middle of an intersection leaving us there exposed. This is a severe hazard. We are going to try to find an aftermarket tranny that actually works.
- Steve L., Broomfiled, CO, US