Oil was diligently changed every 3 K. Last 3x, oil place said level was low. Eventually engine stalled, towed to Honda in Davis, CA and they said the engine has a hole in it, repair would be $ 9-10 K.
Honda USA has extended warranty for up to 2021 for oil consumption but does not want to honor it, despite hours on phone. Not honest. Class action lawsuit won by customers on other models similar issues. I recommend a class action be done here!
Here is how I feel about the American Honda Company after 30 years as their customer. My feelings are a result of their failure to provide the warranty service I am entitled to on my 2013 Insight with an oil guzzling engine.
I loved you when you were a Pilot and we were flying around everywhere together. When we were in Accord, it was perfect harmony. We traveled to Alaska and beyond. We crossed the Golden Gate Bridge. You were always a delight. I could depend on you.
Then you started drinking. When I confronted you about your drinking, you lied to me. You are in denial. I told you a quart at a time was too much, you said it was normal. In spite of what all the experts say, you continue to lie about it to my face. Now that I have the Insight, I know the truth.
Now I find out that, your friends we bailed out, are drunks too. I haven't been able to find any of your associates anywhere who don't have a drinking problem. It is a Guzzling Epidemic.
I realize that you have no intention of keeping your promises to me. You will lie forever about how much you really drink. You have obstructed my every effort to get help to fix the problem.
You leave me one choice Honda: DIVORCE. I am not going to tolerate your drinking or your lies. I won't be talking to any of your drunken friends. I'll miss you Honda, but you have turned your back on your best friend, the one who loved you best. I can't depend on you or trust you anymore. You would rather just be an oil guzzling drunkard and lie. It's too bad.
On 3 separate occasions over the past 7 months my oil has been bone dry with check emission system light on but otherwise no prior warning before the day. I have gotten two oil consumption tests done - with dealer indicating that it is acceptable for a quart of oil every 1000 miles driving as an industry spec that is within normal limits (totally ridiculous). I also have experienced remarkable lurching and hesitation, with exhaust billowing out of exhaust when traveling below 20 mph from a standstill on incline or decline, suggesting more compression. This car has become a lemon all of a sudden in 2017 at about 60K and now at 70K only getting worse. American Honda has been contacted twice, taking no responsibility and only indicating there may be a problem as per extended warranty notice in March 2017, right before the first time I had a problem with oil so low could not read on the stick (first of the three times this has happened). The dealer service stations say there is nothing they can do unless American Honda gives the OK - which they clearly are avoiding doing. This has become intolerable and I am hoping others out there are merging to suggest a class action lawsuit. I am bringing the vehicle back to the service station today in hope of some resolution but little hope that will be the case.
Its getting a little tiring that there continues to be these issues and when you call the dealer about them the act like they have never heard about it. Meanwhile they show up everywhere online. And then you call Honda and you have to go round and round until they actually admit (and I use that term lightly) there is an issue. If you messed up then fix the issue. The air bag issue took a year and a half to get replaced. And that was just waiting for the dealer to call me back to install. Because they didn't have parts and then they "lost" my appointment.
Burning oil is one thing. Burning oil while the low oil light virtually never activates is another, much worse problem.
The Check Emissions light had been on for a couple weeks. Per google searches, this was most likely a faulty gas cap - no big deal, since the light did seem to turn off each time I tightened the gas cap. Fortunately, the Check Oil/Low Oil light did flash briefly. I thought it was odd but it was gone so fast that if I had blinked I would have missed the message. I figured I would just get an early oil change to check it out.
On my next trip, the car started "lurching" up a small hill. I drove straight to my regular shop and got 8 oil-related error codes. The dip stick was dry as a bone even after the engine had been off a while. Got it filled up with oil as a temporary fix, and went on my way. Went in for a real oil change a few days later and there were no obvious issues or leaks - it had to just have burned the oil. Less than 3 months prior I had a recall repair done at a Honda dealer and they checked fluid levels then, so this much burned off over the course of 3,000 miles at most. (The burning likely started around 53k, but was not noticed until 56k.)
Unfortunately, from what others described on carcomplaints and elsewhere, I was not willing to risk going through the warranty process only to see no results and further depreciation of my car. I drive relatively few miles, so going through the oil consumption tests would have taken many months, not to mention the inconvenience.
I bought this car against my better judgment (not practical for my needs, but I liked it!) and rationalized that it was a Honda and would hold its value. I bought it used from a dealer for a price only slightly higher than private party (KBB, NADA, etc). It was sold to a Honda dealer after this incident at a mid-range trade-in price for "good" condition. I'm down $8,000 over the course of just 2 years. If I had sold private party for an estimated $2,000 more and hadn't mentioned this new issue (which my conscience couldn't do) I would still be down $6,000 for a car I bought used. For that $250+/month, I could have leased a brand new vehicle. IMO, it's no coincidence that the values have dropped like a rock - I only wish I had come across these reports when I was buying, but it seems most of these reports appeared just after my purchase. It also seems unlikely that it's a coincidence that these vehicles burn oil while simultaneously failing to alert the driver that the oil is low.
After reviewing how many other oil-burning issues Honda has had and refuses to correct, I will never even consider buying one of their products in the future. If a manufacturer gives its warrantied customers the runaround in regards to the engine, they have no right to be considered reliable in any way.
Took my wife's car to the dealership today and they told me that one quart every 1000 miles was normal!!!! That is absurd!!!! I will never buy another Honda is that is true. I will discourage all my friends and family from buying them as well. I can't even go between oil changes without adding 3 quarts....
2013 Honda Insight. Check engine light came on for emissions but the mechanic at the dealer said my car was only low in oil about 1000 miles after my last oil change. My car has less than 55,000 miles and has only been dealer maintained.
Honda charged a $100+ diagnostic charge and $50 for an unneeded oil change, even though they now there's a problem with the oil control ring in 2012-13 insights.
They are monitoring my oil consumption which will require me visiting the dealer again in 1000 miles. The dealer said using up to 1 quart per 100 miles of driving is acceptable by US auto standards. If that's true the standards need revised. Additional I have seen a decrease in fuel economy.
Pouring quarts of oil into a hybrid with decreasing fuel economy due to manufactures negligence is ludicrous.
Just like a dozen other complaints I have read here...
I bought this car at the end of 2015, liked it so much, I bought a second 2012 model a couple months later for my wife. Both have been great, but mine started using significant amounts of oil shortly after purchase. The first time I discovered it, the "Check Emissions" light came on. Since I had purchased Honda extended warranty, I was alarmed but figured whatever it was would be covered. I took it to Bob Rhorman Honda in Laf, IN (closest). They said it was out of oil. They changed the oil and told me I was good to go. I was a bit skeptical. Since then, that same light has come on a few more different times. Each time, nothing registered on the dipstick. I would fill it and ask the mechanic to check for leaks or obvious problems at the next oil change (not at overpriced dealerships). Nothing. Then, 10 days ago, I was driving at highway speed just outside Danville, IL, and the car seemed to pop out of gear and coast to a stop. As someone here so descriptively put it, my dashboard lit up like Christmas. "Check Emissions, Check Hill Start Assist, Check Brakes, Check your underwear". Towed to Carmack Honda. I explained what happened. A few days later, the engine has been torn down and new valves ordered. Warranty doesn't cover because it is oil related? There is a service bulletin and an 8 year extended warranty resulting from a class action lawsuit. But I am told that requires a "consumption test" showing that the car uses a quart of oil in less than 1,000 miles. It is impossible to do the test because my engine is in pieces. Sucks to be me. Is there an active class action suit on this? Anyone?
Check emissions light came on yesterday. Wasnt too worried because I know the emissions system is covered by a longer warranty than the base 3 year/36,000 mile. But I googled to see if anybody else had this problem, and sooooo glad I did! Everybody complaining about the "check emissions" indicator said their oil was so low it wouldnt even register on the dipstick. I checked, and bingo! Its burning oil like a beast. I'm still 3 or 4000 miles from the next oil change and there's nothing left. Will start my haggling with local Honda dealer today.
Purchased a brand new insight in 2013 from Ebersole Honda, Lebanon PA. Kept up with all the maintenance, was expecting this to be 10 year car. Liked Ebersole, no fuss, no crap, problem is that there are two dealers much closer. Everything was fine, then in May of 2016, the check emissions light came on at odometer 49387. I got it to the closest dealer on May 24, 2016, a Ciocca Honda, who claimed they could not get the light to come on and that there were no codes stored in the computer. They recommended a transmission fluid change and I agreed. First week of September 2016, the check emissions light comes on again at 56026, for some reason I look at the oil level, only to find almost no oil. I immediately get it to the closest Walmart on September 7, 2016 for an oil change and ask them to check for a leak, no leak was found. Weird. Did not think too much of it but then the light came on again at 58997, so I take it to our family mechanic for a thorough leak check, no leak, he suggests buying a new car as mine is burning oil, this comes as shock on October 31, 2016. Its out of the way, but I go straight down to the dealer, Ebersole on November 1, 2016. They so no problem you are at 59118, you got it in in time, there is a technical bulletin out about the pistons, you just need to do a consumption test, they topped me off and said come back when the dipstick is at the fill mark. This was only two weeks later on November 15, 2016, where there was all kinds of neat things claimed by the service rep. First I need a magical piece called a crush washer...yeah that'll fix everything, because I have an oil leak and there is oil everywhere. Nice try, the same dust that was on the oil shield was still there, no oil on it though. Oh and I need to start the consumption test again, of course now I am over that magical 60,000 mark. Interesting series of clerical errors too. The service ticket says 66023 miles, the consumption test paperwork says 68023, which is then crossed out during the next visit and corrected on the sheet to 60023. I look the Ebersole tech in the eyes and say I am completely skeptical of everything you just said, but I will agree to continue with a new consumption test. She replied that this is so rare that she need to start it fresh. Whatever! December 5, 2016, dipstick is at the fill mark. The service tech has me come in and then has the nerve to tell me that the car has only burned a 1/2 quart of oil. I look at her and say I know what I saw, she says I don't know what to tell you, my mechanic has no reason to lie. I continue the test, stating to her, that there is something terribly wrong, and I am concerned for my families safety. December 9, 2016 coming home with my family and the dashboard lights up like its Christmas: Check brakes, Check emissions, Check Hill Hold Assist, Check traction control....wow, nice, thanks Honda for putting my in this spot. I happen to be by an Auto Zone, and they pull the following codes, P171 Fuel Metering too lean, P0303 Misfire No. 3 Cylinder, P1286 Rocker Arm Oil Pressure Sensor (B) Stuck Low, and P128A Rocker Arm Oil Pressure Sensor (B) Stuck High, I have them print it. Today December 12, 2016 I am in a loaner, and they are charging me 98 dollars to diagnose the problem, and actually continue to act like this is such a rare problem. I am expecting to be deigned coverage of a problem they are clearly aware of. I do wish they would dedicate their resources to helping rather than avoiding responsibility. I will update this when I have an answer, and based on the last three visits where I was treated like I was an idiot, I suspect I will be yet one more interested in the eventual class action suit that is sure to follow.
18 FEB 2017: Legal Class Action or Joint Lawsuit Names & Contact Information sought by 2013 Honda Insight Owner, age 64, and NYS attorney. Brand new Honda Insight purchased 9/6/2013. Regular oil changes made with receipts. At 51,682 Miles on 10/20/2016 -Burning Engine Oil. Extreme Engine Oil Consumption. Dashboard Warning Lights/Icons/ Emergency Messages Flash on Dashboard [may be combined from two (2) separate occasions]: OIL icon; CHECK ENGINE; CHECK EMISSION SYSTEM; CHECK HILL START ASSISTANT; CHECK VSA; CHECK IMA SYSTEM; CHECK BRAKE SYSTEM; CHECK ABS SYSTEM; CHECK VSA SYSTEM. Engine Oil dipstick showed oil BELOW lowest hole on dipstick. Consequence: ENGINE KNOCK under load; REDUCED MILES PER GALLON efficiency decreased. Two (2) 1,000 mile HONDA Service Center Oil Consumption Tests - required addition of 1 quart engine oil AFTER new engine oil filter & fresh, new engine oil added. On 11/25/2016 "No Repair At This Time" after 1 quart engine oil added. Told Oil Consumption of 1 quart per 1,000 miles is "normal". Bunk! I've had multiple cars over 45+ years, including a 2010 Honda Insight. ONLY THIS CAR "burns oil" excessively. Three (3) Trouble codes revealed by SEAR Service Center: P128C, P1286, P128A - all Manufacturer Described. During this Winter 2016/2017 I've had to call HONDA CARE/CROSS COUNTRY MOTOR CLUB for ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE at least twice [2X] this winter for a "car engine boost" because engine starter failed to start "stuck" engine. I wore out my car battery trying to start this engine. This problem ONLY STARTED after 10/20/2016. My INSIGHT needed an external "boost" to get the engine started.
Seemed like the pistons were "stuck" and had to be hard-kicked to start the engine.
Even after a long drive and engine shut off for less than half an hour, car now fails to start on first try, too often.
In this Winter 2016/2017 bitterly cold wind, I have to open hood and check engine oil dipstick weekly.
AND, I am carrying 4 quarts of engine oil in my trunk at all times, for the first time in my life!
I, as a Buyer, am not getting the value of the bargain I paid for in buying a new car.
I've written to American Honda Motor Co., Inc. and NHTSA on 10/20/2016; 11/25/2016; 12/9-11/2016; 12/31/2016.
In my opinion: I am now driving "a lemon", an engine that no longer has "zip", an engine that's "worn out & aged before its normal time", I've no confidence in the engine or car now. I've experienced "engine knock" when engine is under load e.g. going uphill or accelerating from 0- 15 mph, as well as on the highway, going downhill [when engine compression occurs]. I would not be surprised if the Starter Engine burns out. I am fearful the car engine will "seize" while I'm driving. I purchased HONDA CARE EXTENDED WARRANTY of 120,000 miles or 9/10/2019 [whichever comes first]. YET NEITHER American Honda Motor Co. nor Honda Care have done what is apparently necessary: check the engine and, most likely, repair or replace piston rings &/or pistons, etc.
Perhaps HONDA is waiting for a tragic death or gruesome car accident before stepping up to its responsibility and obligation to "do the right thing".
I urge Honda Insight owners with Excessive Engine Oil &/or Uncontrolled Acceleration [happened to me] read:
www.hondaproblems.com/Insight. [62 complaints of excessive oil consumption]
www.consumeraffairs.com/Honda Insight
www.insightcentral.net/.../HondaInsight Forum 1st-Gen Discussion [burning oil]
Honda Insight 2014 Trouble Code P128A
Alex Soto & Vince Eagan VS American Honda Motor Co., Inc., Defendant
U.S. District Court Judge, Hon. Susan Illston.
Respectfully submitted,
3671 Hudson Manor Terrace, # 17J
Riverdale, NY 10463-1140
2 - oil pressure light never comes on when oil is low
3. - replaced oil fouled plugs ($200 NGK Iridium OEM) at 65k due to poor engine performance (these are rated for 100k). New plugs show premature fouling due to excessive oil consumption.
I am second owner of a Honda Insight I bought from a Honda Dealer this past summer with just over 40,000 miles on it. No mention of any issues by the selling dealer. At the first oil change, only 1/2 quart of oil was left in the car, no oil light on. Since then oil light has come on and it took 3 1/2 quarts to fill it. Took it to a Honda Dealer. They scheduled oil consumption tests. Now, this car is miraculously better. Each oil consumption test is getting better than the one before. What happened? Did this car fix itself?
I just had it rechecked after putting about 800 miles on it. Before I went in to the dealership, I had my son in law check the oil and it was down to the bottom mark on the dipstick. Took it to dealership who said it had only used 1/2 quart. I am skeptical and wonder if the dealers are doing something to minimize the oil consumption results. It does not make sense.
I am caught between American Honda who says "nothing they can do until dealership verifies the problem" and the dealerships who say "Our hands are tied by American Honda". I am in the middle of an auto company and their dealerships who seem to know this car has oil consumption problems but have no intention of fixing it even though it is still under warranty. I strongly suspect that the testing is being manipulated in some way, since their results and my experience with this vehicle are not even similar.
A salesman at one of the Honda Dealerships told me I can get full trade in value on another vehicle and that he can "make the records of my car's oil consumption problems disappear" if I trade the car in.
I asked if the oil consumption problems have been solved for their new cars and if I could be confident of that if I were to buy a new one. I was told by service department "they cannot say".
I have owned numerous Hondas over the years, several accords, two pilots, a CRV and the Insight. All but this one were new. None had a problem like this.
I feel that with a problem as severe as this one, I should not be treated like this. At the very least, the condition of the engine should be checked since it is getting louder and I told them so. I get nothing.
All I can do now, is divorce Honda for good. I am convinced they have no intention of honoring my warranty at all. I am sick of the run around. Sick of being told this is "normal" for a car to use a quart per thousand miles. I know my vehicle uses more than that. Even some of the consumption tests have shown it. Still that is not good enough. They require more and more tests until now miraculously, they tell me the oil consumption is way less.
I don't know where to turn? Can I go to get an independent opinion? Should I continue more consumer complaints? Spend hours a day warning everyone anywhere to be wary of this problem. Meanwhile, I am out the price of a car, can no longer trust this company, and don't believe they EVER intend to honor the warranty.
Very disappointing!
Update from Feb 20, 2017: It is clear that American Honda has no intention of honoring my warranty, even though my car is still in the warranty period. I have been getting the "oil consumption test runaround". My car is burning a quart of oil in 700 to 800 miles and the oil is getting very black between changes.
I have been through numerous consumption tests. Just before the last one, I had my son-in-law check the oil level before I left the house. The car was parked flat and was down to the second mark on the oil stick. The consumption test result showed the car only down 1/2 quart. That's funny because, previously, when I was filling the oil myself, that would have required a whole quart.
I have lost all faith in Honda. I have been a loyal customer for 30 years and the owner of numerous new Honda's. Now, I am being treated like I'm stupid. They tell me this is NORMAL! They will lie forever to avoid providing the warranty service this car needs. They manipulate the results of the consumption tests. No matter what they tell me, when I drive this car, it burns a lot of oil. If I don't check it often, it will run itself right out.
Now, I have contacted a reputable private auto repair shop. They are looking into what repairs will cost for me. I was told that Honda put "soft piston rings" in these cars to lower fuel consumption. These rings, likely purchased from Toyota, allow oil to spill out around them. They foul up the exhaust system and gunk up the motor. This also can cause misfiring of the engine.
There is no doubt that my car has a faulty engine. There is little or no chance that Honda will honor the warranty. So, I am looking at funding my own repairs, so I can avoid being stranded.
As for Honda: If there is a class action - I am in. If anyone knows anything else I can do, I am listening.
Within two years of purchase we started to notice oil not registering on the dipstick between oil changes. When we reported this to the dealership that we purchased the vehicle from they treated us like we were ling. They said since we didn't have the oil changed at their dealership every time they had no way of confirming our complaints. They did not tell us that there was a trending problem with oil consumption on the Honda Insight and many other models. After pushing them and complaining they said they would do an oil consumption test. The test showed us using not quite 1 quart per 1000 miles. They said that unless we use at least 1 quart per 1000 miles we did not qualify for any warranty coverage. Who uses 1 quart every 1000 miles. On a Honda Insight you could blow your engine between oil changes, unless you check your oil every 1000 miles. Would you think that this is something you would need to do with a newer vehicle. The treatment by the dealership, Brian Bemis Honda of DeKalb, IL, was terrible to say the least. Seems that they were trying to hide the whole problem from us. We are currently undergoing more oil consumption tests. We seem to just fall short of using enough to fix the problem under warranty. We only have about 8000 miles of warranty left. How convenient for Honda.
I noticed that my 2013 Insight had begun requiring topping off of oil about every 1500 miles. I suggested that my Honda service team should do an oil consumption test but was informed this was usual for this model and there was no significant problem. Well, I diligently put in oil and told them about the problem each time I had the vehicle serviced, only to be told there was no Honda Bulletin addressing this problem and without official recognition, NO PROBLEM existed. At 99,500 mile the deposits in the engine allowed all compression to blow by the rings and I was told a new engine would be required. Strangely enough, the dealership now acknowledged that there seemed to be a Honda Bulletin addressing oil consumption problems with 2012 and 2013 Insights. Honda America provided a case number and said a rep would contact me within 24 hours. The Customer Service rep called within the allotted time and was very polite. I diligently pointed out to the Honda Customer Service rep that I had identified the problem while the vehicle was still under warranty. I suggested they contact the dealership for accurate records when the Customer Rep stated that it appears the first oil change for this new vehicle was not done until 35,000 miles. (Quite a surprise to me since I had taken it to the dealer for every oil change and service indicated by the warning messages. (One oil change was performed Express oil change. while I was traveling.) Curiously they asked the question "Have you owned any other Honda before this one." Guess they want to establish a resolute record of "Loyal Honda" customers. The Rep told me they would get back to me in five business days with their decision on replacing (or not replacing) the engine. Rather inconvenient when this is my primary commuter, but Corporate Honda seems to move ever so slowly. I will post more as the Saga continues, but I think another class action suit will soon be filed if they do not replace the engine.
My 2013 honda insight engine died due to excessive oil consumption. I had just got my oil changed 2 weeks before this. the dealership said i need a new short block and head due to one of the pistons melting down and breaking 4 out of the 8 spark plugs. I have the extended warranty through honda care but they refuse to fix it due to the honda service service bulletin #11-033. the dealer said it would cost $7000 to $10000 out of pocket for me? I still owe on this car and cant afford the fix.
Purchased my 2013 Honda Insight in 2014. No issues with it until the check engine light came on and my mechanic informed me I had no oil in my car. I was no where near due for an oil change.
I brought the car to Colonial Honda in Dartmouth, MA. Since April I have done numerous oil consumption tests (half they haven't actually documented in their system). Finally it showed low enough for them to order piston rings to do the work. Unfortunately Honda USA stopped the order and made them clean the GFR valve first. I then had to do another oil consumption test. I ended up driving 2400 miles and ran out of oil again. Brought it back for another oil change (out of pocket) and another oil consumption test. I drove 1050 miles and they said I "didn't lose a drop of oil." They reportedly spoke to "the warranty guy" who said "it ends here" because I didn't show a loss after 1000 miles. I've spoken with Honda USA. They haven't been much help so far. I've now spoken with my attorney and I'm ready to pursue legal action.
This is the worst service I've ever received from a dealership. This was my first and last Honda. I'll never buy another again. Hope you're happy Honda. If anyone is interested in a class action suit feel free to reach out to me.
Oil was diligently changed every 3 K. Last 3x, oil place said level was low. Eventually engine stalled, towed to Honda in Davis, CA and they said the engine has a hole in it, repair would be $ 9-10 K.
Honda USA has extended warranty for up to 2021 for oil consumption but does not want to honor it, despite hours on phone. Not honest. Class action lawsuit won by customers on other models similar issues. I recommend a class action be done here!
- Marc L., Granite Bay, CA, US