When the engine symbol on the dash began to blink all engine power was gone. The engine would not accelerate and actually went slower with my foot pressing in the pedal. Honda Roadside Assistance was contacted and a tow truck showed up 1.4 hours later. No loaner vehicle was offered at the dealership but one was requested. The appointment for service was scheduled for thirteen days in the future. I had to call the dealership and Honda Customer Service to tell them that schedule was unacceptable. After making arrangements to personally arrange for and pay for another tow to a different dealership the car was mysteriously and instantly being worked on. A MISFIRE code was indicated by the dealership scan tool.
The vehicle starts and runs but misfires continue with diagnostic equipment connected to the car. No additional codes are indicated as stated by the service advisor. The advisor asked "How many miles do you want us to put on this car in order to diagnose it." My response was "As many miles as it takes to fix the problem." I also stated that they had one week to work on the car before I would move it to a different dealership if it was not properly repaired. There are two other dealerships that I feel will treat me better by moving the car for service.
Still no loaner car after one week! I have been doing research on the problems indicated under this car heading and have found very few problems listed that actually exist. My internet research indicates that there is still an oil/gas saturation issue with this vehicle. The gas gets into the oil and can cause excessive wear and misfire. More frequent oil changes, it seems is the only solution offered by Honda. This "emergency" warranty repair at 21,279 is not complete. I do not feel confident about the reliability of this car moving forward.
Update from Oct 24, 2021: The problem never happened again. I'm not going to wait for it...so I sold the car. I need four wheel drive so that was the deciding factor. I am also aware of Honda A/C problems with this car and those problems highly concerned me. Search class action law suit Oct. 10, 2021 for more information on that. I also received A/C condenser extended warranty info. in the mail from Honda which proves there are A/C problems. I have owned my last honda and I'm looking forward to driving a Subaru.
When the engine symbol on the dash began to blink all engine power was gone. The engine would not accelerate and actually went slower with my foot pressing in the pedal. Honda Roadside Assistance was contacted and a tow truck showed up 1.4 hours later. No loaner vehicle was offered at the dealership but one was requested. The appointment for service was scheduled for thirteen days in the future. I had to call the dealership and Honda Customer Service to tell them that schedule was unacceptable. After making arrangements to personally arrange for and pay for another tow to a different dealership the car was mysteriously and instantly being worked on. A MISFIRE code was indicated by the dealership scan tool.
The vehicle starts and runs but misfires continue with diagnostic equipment connected to the car. No additional codes are indicated as stated by the service advisor. The advisor asked "How many miles do you want us to put on this car in order to diagnose it." My response was "As many miles as it takes to fix the problem." I also stated that they had one week to work on the car before I would move it to a different dealership if it was not properly repaired. There are two other dealerships that I feel will treat me better by moving the car for service.
Still no loaner car after one week! I have been doing research on the problems indicated under this car heading and have found very few problems listed that actually exist. My internet research indicates that there is still an oil/gas saturation issue with this vehicle. The gas gets into the oil and can cause excessive wear and misfire. More frequent oil changes, it seems is the only solution offered by Honda. This "emergency" warranty repair at 21,279 is not complete. I do not feel confident about the reliability of this car moving forward.
Update from Oct 24, 2021: The problem never happened again. I'm not going to wait for it...so I sold the car. I need four wheel drive so that was the deciding factor. I am also aware of Honda A/C problems with this car and those problems highly concerned me. Search class action law suit Oct. 10, 2021 for more information on that. I also received A/C condenser extended warranty info. in the mail from Honda which proves there are A/C problems. I have owned my last honda and I'm looking forward to driving a Subaru.
- DM W., Ann Arbor, MI, US