I purchased my 2012 Honda Civic on May 11, 2011, with only 18 miles on it, in the hopes that this car would be my last new car..NOT!!!! I really don't like taking my cars to dealerships, never have and never will. So, I took my car to my mechanic to get my first oil change at 7,500 miles, sometime in July 2011. To my surprise and disappointment he said I had a transmission leak. I couldn't believe it. I SAID YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!
So, I took my car to the dealership and the technician said he didn't/couldn't find a transmission leak. I said, well it's there. Technician's solution was to spray this white powder stuff underneath it and I drive it for 200 miles, so if it leaks they will know exactly where it is. Well, 200 miles later, and they still couldn't find the leak. So now I am upset and irritated. I go back to my mechanic and asked him to show me where the leak is coming from, mind you miles and miles and miles are being driven on my commute car, and roughly 2 Years has passed and Honda still couldn't find my leak!!!! So my mechanic pulled off the transmission metal plate covering and BINGO!!!! TWO TRANSMISSION LEAKS!!! REALLY??? HOW HARD WAS THAT???
Now I am pissed. On December 21, 2013 I go back to Honda and DEMAND THEM TO REMOVE THE TRANSMISSION COVERING PLATE AND FIX MY CAR!!! I EVEN INSISTED THAT THEY KEEP IT UNTIL THEY FIX IT ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! They found the leak, OMG REALLY!!! After removing the splash shields they found the bottom of the transmission covered in oil. The transmission fluid was leaking from the shift selector seal. Oil seal cost $6.07, labor cost $628.37, thank god I was covered!!! December 31, 2013 Honda called me and said my car is fixed. I was happy, but still skeptical that it was fixed. I had a planned birthday trip to Las Vegas on Jan.4, 2014, so I drove it there of course!!! No leaks it's fixed, right???
My mechanic asked me to let him look at it after my trip, so a week later I take it to him and there is STILL A FREAKING LEAK!!!! I was so done with Honda, but since I was still under warranty I took it back and SAID YOU NEED TO STOP DOING PATCH JOBS ON THIS TRANSMISSION. YOU NEED TO DROP THE TRANSMISSION AND FIND THE PROBLEM. Now Honda is telling me I am not covered for them to drop the transmission.. I LOST IT!!! They asked for approval to finally find out what is really going on with this transmission and got it!!!! THREE SEALS, TWO YEARS AND 74,177MILES LATER, MY PROBLEM WAS FINALLY SOLVED, I HOPE!!!!! MY SHAFT SEAL AND TORQUE CONVERTER WAS REPLACED..NO MORE LEAKS SO FAR!!! I AM ALMOST AFRAID TO REMOVE THE COVERING TO CHECK FOR LEAKS!!!
I have $7,300.00 left to pay on this NIGHTMARE OF A CAR.. AND I AM SERIOUSLY THINKING ABOUT TURNING IT IN!!! I have had more problems buying a new car than I ever had with 10+ previous cars I have owned!!! HONDA...RELIABLE...DEPENDABLE...LAST FOREVER...WHATEVER!!!
I purchased my 2012 Honda Civic on May 11, 2011, with only 18 miles on it, in the hopes that this car would be my last new car..NOT!!!! I really don't like taking my cars to dealerships, never have and never will. So, I took my car to my mechanic to get my first oil change at 7,500 miles, sometime in July 2011. To my surprise and disappointment he said I had a transmission leak. I couldn't believe it. I SAID YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!
So, I took my car to the dealership and the technician said he didn't/couldn't find a transmission leak. I said, well it's there. Technician's solution was to spray this white powder stuff underneath it and I drive it for 200 miles, so if it leaks they will know exactly where it is. Well, 200 miles later, and they still couldn't find the leak. So now I am upset and irritated. I go back to my mechanic and asked him to show me where the leak is coming from, mind you miles and miles and miles are being driven on my commute car, and roughly 2 Years has passed and Honda still couldn't find my leak!!!! So my mechanic pulled off the transmission metal plate covering and BINGO!!!! TWO TRANSMISSION LEAKS!!! REALLY??? HOW HARD WAS THAT???
Now I am pissed. On December 21, 2013 I go back to Honda and DEMAND THEM TO REMOVE THE TRANSMISSION COVERING PLATE AND FIX MY CAR!!! I EVEN INSISTED THAT THEY KEEP IT UNTIL THEY FIX IT ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! They found the leak, OMG REALLY!!! After removing the splash shields they found the bottom of the transmission covered in oil. The transmission fluid was leaking from the shift selector seal. Oil seal cost $6.07, labor cost $628.37, thank god I was covered!!! December 31, 2013 Honda called me and said my car is fixed. I was happy, but still skeptical that it was fixed. I had a planned birthday trip to Las Vegas on Jan.4, 2014, so I drove it there of course!!! No leaks it's fixed, right???
My mechanic asked me to let him look at it after my trip, so a week later I take it to him and there is STILL A FREAKING LEAK!!!! I was so done with Honda, but since I was still under warranty I took it back and SAID YOU NEED TO STOP DOING PATCH JOBS ON THIS TRANSMISSION. YOU NEED TO DROP THE TRANSMISSION AND FIND THE PROBLEM. Now Honda is telling me I am not covered for them to drop the transmission.. I LOST IT!!! They asked for approval to finally find out what is really going on with this transmission and got it!!!! THREE SEALS, TWO YEARS AND 74,177MILES LATER, MY PROBLEM WAS FINALLY SOLVED, I HOPE!!!!! MY SHAFT SEAL AND TORQUE CONVERTER WAS REPLACED..NO MORE LEAKS SO FAR!!! I AM ALMOST AFRAID TO REMOVE THE COVERING TO CHECK FOR LEAKS!!!
I have $7,300.00 left to pay on this NIGHTMARE OF A CAR.. AND I AM SERIOUSLY THINKING ABOUT TURNING IT IN!!! I have had more problems buying a new car than I ever had with 10+ previous cars I have owned!!! HONDA...RELIABLE...DEPENDABLE...LAST FOREVER...WHATEVER!!!
- Adrienne W., Hayward, CA, US