Notes: The 2001 Civic has transmission problems, transmission problems & more transmission problems. Did we mention transmission problems? And a dangerous defect with the front airbag that didn't get recalled for 10 years.
Although eventually the defective 2001 Civic airbag inflators were fixed under recalls in 2011 & 2013, that meant for 10 to 12 years airbags were activating with excessive force where metal fragments went shooting into passengers when the airbag deployed.
As for the 2001 Civic's transmission woes? Honda conducted a major transmission recall in 2004 & settled a class action lawsuit for defective transmissions in 2006. But, neither the recall or the lawsuit included the 2001 Civic.
Last thing to consider - the 2001 Civic is the most-recalled car ever, closely followed by the 2002 Civic & the 2001 Accord. The 2001 Civic is the 4th most-recalled vehicle overall, only a Ford truck & two Ford vans have more.
really awful
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
104,800 miles
Total Complaints:
682 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
replaced transmission (261 reports)
rebuilt whole transmission (154 reports)
not sure (142 reports)
get Honda to cover the cost (54 reports)
buy a different car...can't afford the repair (24 reports)
Have this 2001 Honda civic LX with 120,000 miles and transmission gave up. To save me money I bought a used transmission from the junk yard with 48,000 miles. So I spend $1800 total as opposed to $2300 to rebuilt the transmission. Unf***ingfortunately the transmission gave up again after almost a year or with just over 10,000 miles on the replaced trans. The body is great with no rust I hate to part with this car. So may car bless me I tried my second luck, I had the transmission rebuilt this time with 50,000 mile warranty for $2,400 with one year to pay. Hopefully before 50,000 miles I will be done with school and can afford to buy another car but never Honda.
Transmission has been replaced numerous times on this single car. Has been completely rebuilt and is fully working FOR NOW. Shifts are so rough on this automatic I might aswell have a teenager on a stick shift drive me around. Overall terrible transmission with horrible build quality and horrible reliability. Next failure will see the car sitting on a Honda dealer lot util they fix it for free.
On a side note, will be enjoying my new BMW 330i with the original transmission at 131k.. A feat no tin-can honda has yet achieved.
In 2004 I was severed from my job. With the money I received from this severance, I purchased my 2001 Honda Civic. I purchased this civic from the Honda used car lot and actually purchased it from the Honda Dealership's daughter. She assured me it was a great little car with no problems being reported.
Later of course, I found out this was a Honda was advised in 2001 of the possible transmission failure of these cars. 3 years later, I'm told there isn't any problems with these cars. ( I specifically asked as I couldn't afford to purchase a lemon or a mistake) I took her word and didn't do any research (big mistake).
I am a person who always takes care of their car....I was a mechanic's know change the oil and filter every two thousand miles, keep it up and your car will last forever. In fact my last Honda, a 1989 Honda Accord last for 375,000 miles. So previously I had always been a true Honda supporter.
While driving on the interstate, I was exiting, thank goodness I took an exit to travel where I was going and all of a sudden the car just stopped and when you pressed the accelerator, it would no longer go anywhere. I had the car towed back to my home and called the Honda Dealership....of course they told me they never heard of any such thing happening, however, they would look up the recalls for these vehicles. They told me they could find no evidence of this type of problem or any recalls in regard to this problem. So I then asked what it would cost to get it fixed and how would I know if the replacement would do the same thing. They gave me a price range anywhere from 2,500 - 4,000 to fix and couldn't guarantee if the replacement would or wouldn't do the same thing.
I began calling other transmission places and found almost all of them in the price range of 1,850 - 2,000.
I then called the Honda headquarters and was told they had never heard of any such thing happening to these cars. They hadn't had any complaints. They couldn't help me at all, because there hadn't been any recalls.
I then began to research the history of 2001 civic problems, something I should have done before I signed on the dotted line.....low and behold .....I get this web site where approximately 600 complaints have been lodged in reference to the same problem happening specifically to the 2001 Honda Civic.....on this web site some of the persons were fortunate enough to have Honda pay for replacement and some had Honda pay a partial replacement cost.......600 complaints, some of which Honda repaired, but they were advising they never heard of such a problem "EVER" in the 2001 Civics. What a pile of lies !!!
It's a shame people who grew up with morals, sense of integrity and in an era where a person was obligated to being honest just for the sake of mankind, can change with the times and become so dishonest. I am still saving money to have this car repaired.
Same story as all the other transmission complaints.
No warning except a slight whining sound when I first started the car in the cold weather, but no code or anything. The car just basically stopped moving at all after I chugged my way out of traffic. Honda's asking for $4K, exactly what the car is worth. What garbage. The scariest thing is all these stories about needing multiple transmissions. I just want to say, when I signed up for this account, it said Honda wouldn't count the complaint if I didn't include the VIN. Why would I give anyone on the internet, I don't care who, my VIN? This is a legit complaint, and Honda is knowingly letting these cars pass from person to person, without formally acknowledging that they are completely unsafe. I will never buy a Honda again, I will never even be a passenger in a Honda. This car is a deathtrap. Honda is irresponsible and doesn't care at all about people.
I bought this car brand new and maintained it pretty well, and all of the sudden, without any alert or an indication, the transmission died on me at 76K mileage.
- obay11,
Reston, VA, US
Search for these popular complaint phrases...
Disappointed that a Honda with 47,000 miles to find out the tranny took a crap.. I inherited the car from my mom who passed away 2years ago at which it only had 24,000 miles and pretty much sat for about 8 was driven every once in awhile.
My transmission went out on my 2001 Honda Civic at 58,052 miles with no warning, 2 days after spending $1,000 at Honda for the 60,000 miles tune up, new brakes, rotated tires, etc.. I have followed all of Honda's recommendation every year, even though I had low mileage. I towed my car to Honda since they just worked on it and they charged me $155 for the diagnostic test, that I need a new transmission at a cost of $4,000 with a 3 yr /36k miles warranty. I was turned down for the goodwill, because my car was too old. I contacted a local transmission garage and they informed me that 20% of their business are the 2001 Honda.
I bought a Honda for the reliability and cannot believe that with only 90,000 miles I have to replace the transmission, very sad and frustrated. Looking at complaints for this on the web there are 100's with the same issue for this model/year, you would think Honda would fess up about an issue and at worst pay half the cost to get repaired.
2001 Civic EX auto trans just failed at 87K miles in spite of meticulous maintenance. I found out that Honda has extended the warranty on the transmission for this model and year BUT only for certain VIN numbers. Honda says that my particular VIN is not in the affected group. Well I obviously have evidence that says it ought to be in the affected group but Honda is refusing to help with the cost of repairs. I've filed a complaint with NHTSA in Washington DC (888-327-4236). Apparently so have 289 other people with the same car.. If enough folks take the extra step and file complaints with NHTSA, we'll get a recall issued and get reimbursement retroactively for any repairs we've had done. In my case, I haven't decided yet whether to fix it..Really shocked this happened to a Honda. More shocked Honda is only helping with repairs on certain VINs. Seems to me all these cars ought to be recalled...
This car has been nothing but a hot mess, hassle and pain. I thought a Civic would bring peace of mind, good mileage and few repairs. I was so excited to get my first Civic I cannot even tell you. I had been wanting one for as long as I could remember. I really loved everything about this car besides the huge money pit it came with. When my parents bought me this car I was a recent college grad. It was purchased from a neighbor down the street. It was just a few years old, very low miles with one reliable owner. I loved driving it and everything about it ....until it started on a path of rapid decline.
About a year into owning the car the transmission blows (the 1st of two transmissions bought for this car) I could go on and on and onnnnnn, but will spare you the run on rant that includes multiple radiators, head gaskets, axles, cv boots, timing belts and so much more fun stuff I never even knew existed prior to owning this car. This car was well cared for with regular oil changes, tire and brake maintenance. It even got full in depth checkups at key mileage points. I just recently found out after spending yet even more money that it needs a new engine. I am now officially fed up with this car and looking for a new car. The only reason I kept it this long is because I had dumped so much money in it. Being a young adult who graduated into a screwy economy, has been weathering it since, I am just now getting myself onto my feet and it is beyond disappointing that this supposedly stead fast and reliable car could not carry me a few more years. That was my parents intent when they bought me a civic and my hopes with each repair. I truly hope my next car will bring the peace of mind I always hoped this car would. I feel a bit traumatized by this whole experience as it was my first real car. I can tell you one thing that is for sure, my next car will NOT be a Honda.
So this is my post for my second transmission for my 2001 Honda Civic EX. All I can say is any legitimate car does not need 2 transmissions before reaching 100,000 miles under normal use. Honda = #fail
This will be my 2nd time replacing the transmission of this car I should of gotten rid of it the first time I had to replace. Honda left me stranded about 20 miles from the house. Luckily I did not have my 3 kids with me when I was stranded. Luckly I also was not on the road I was actually just backing out of a parking space and getting ready to head out and that's when it would just not move. I have pretty much replaced so many other parts on it even when doing maintenance to prevent any problems. Very upset about this Christmas is around the corner and me being the provider I don't know what I'm gonna do, no money for replacement, no money for another vehicle. I have been asking for rides to work and never had to do that in my life.
Overall this car has been nothing but headaches for me =(
No warning, stranded my wife 60 miles from home. Honda offered nothing, since the car is out of warranty, so sorry for the problem. Never buy their product again nor recommend.
Had oil changed, air filter replaced and check engine light (new gas cap) looked on Friday. Drove away Friday evening and noticed that the transmission seemed to slip between 1st and 2nd as the engine revved high. Then on Sunday, after getting some gas, the car's gears wouldn't engage as a stop sign. Neither drive nor reverse. Had to push it to a curb in a neighborhood and ended up with 2 parking tickets. Towed on Monday morning. Honda says $2200 to replace it. Haven't made decision yet. It has been a good car with no major problems until yesterday. I could take it elsewhere and get a rebuilt transmission. Not sure.
MY ORIGINAL 2001 HONDA CIVIC AUTO TRANSMISSION WAS NOT BUILT BY HONDA! I think our repair shop said it was built by Mitsubishi We replaced it with a HONDA FACTORY REBUILT. Our 2001 Civic now shows 258,000 miles, has been a wonderful, cheap to drive car and we are considering another clean, low mile, 2000/2005 Civic but don't know what years Honda SCREWED UP AND USED A NON-HONDA TRANSMISSION, which led me to this site. I was shocked to see so many complaints about th 2001 Civic trans problems since other mfg can make good transmissions. I can't believe HONDA screwed up this bad and WON'T MAKE IT RIGHT and replace these POS transmissions. Am I stupid for sticking w/ HONDA the way they screwed all of US? It has been a while since I have visited this issue but now that I think about it again, maybe I should just DUMP HONDA and look for a SUBARU since we live in the mountains. Now that I have revisited, I am really PISSED OFF. I am so sorry for the rest of you that were caught in this mess and hope it was not a financial hardship. Now that I have vented my anger, I am going to write HONDA and tell them what I think about their shoddy decisions. I hope other owners will follow my lead and tell HONDA THE NEEDLESS STRESS HONDA HAS CAUSED THEM.
I bought Honda for reliability. You can imagine my surprise that at 47,000 miles I had to have the transmission replaced. I had called Honda & they wouldn't do anything for me at first. Went to Honda dealership & was told that a new one would cost $4000. What??? I didn't feel I should foot that bill. I complained during a few phone calls to Honda. Eventually, I just needed my car already. Took it into a shop & paid $1800 for a rebuilt with a 2 or 3 yr warranty. I sent a letter to Honda, phoned some more. Finally, I got a favorable response (sort of). They were willing to pay for half of my rebuilt one. While I am thankful, where were they when their dealership was selling me a $4000 one? Which I would gather if there were continued issues with, since it was a Honda brand transmission, perhaps I'd have some recourse. Certainly no recourse if I got a rebuilt & if it were to go again. I constantly worry about it, especially with having 2 small kids and we cannot afford to get new car. Now at about 130,000 miles (if I recall correctly), everything so far it is working. Very disappointed on how they handled this issue. I just cross my fingers it sticks until we can afford a new, bigger car - perhaps not a Honda next time around...we'll see.
I have the same complaint as so many others. My transmission was fine one moment, the next moment the car revved up very high, started shuttering when I slowed down and tried to get going again, and then simply stopped moving. I tried every gear, I tried waiting a few minutes, nothing. Sat by the side of a country road waiting for a tow to the garage. The thing is, I was planning to leave for Baltimore an hour later, and had this waited just 50 more miles to give out I would have been on 695 S going at high speed with millions of other Friday night commuters. Considering how it stopped running so abruptly I could have easily caused a major accident where people, including myself, could have been killed. There were no lights on my dash indicating anything was a problem, there was no way I could have known this was coming. I am so disappointed in Honda right now. I bought this car because Honda has a reputation for dependibility, for top notch performance over the long haul. I just got done getting new tires, and having the timing belt replaced, along with a bunch of other maintenance precautions so that I could keep this car for several more years. I am spending almost as much as this car is worth to get it fixed and will get rid of it asap because I don't trust that this won't happen again. Having trust in a vehicle is a big deal, Honda, and you need to step up on this issue which you have been made very well aware of over the years. Preferable before someone is killed because of it.
Have this 2001 Honda civic LX with 120,000 miles and transmission gave up. To save me money I bought a used transmission from the junk yard with 48,000 miles. So I spend $1800 total as opposed to $2300 to rebuilt the transmission. Unf***ingfortunately the transmission gave up again after almost a year or with just over 10,000 miles on the replaced trans. The body is great with no rust I hate to part with this car. So may car bless me I tried my second luck, I had the transmission rebuilt this time with 50,000 mile warranty for $2,400 with one year to pay. Hopefully before 50,000 miles I will be done with school and can afford to buy another car but never Honda.
- galicg01, Shelby Township, MI, US