Notes: The 2001 Civic has transmission problems, transmission problems & more transmission problems. Did we mention transmission problems? And a dangerous defect with the front airbag that didn't get recalled for 10 years.
Although eventually the defective 2001 Civic airbag inflators were fixed under recalls in 2011 & 2013, that meant for 10 to 12 years airbags were activating with excessive force where metal fragments went shooting into passengers when the airbag deployed.
As for the 2001 Civic's transmission woes? Honda conducted a major transmission recall in 2004 & settled a class action lawsuit for defective transmissions in 2006. But, neither the recall or the lawsuit included the 2001 Civic.
Last thing to consider - the 2001 Civic is the most-recalled car ever, closely followed by the 2002 Civic & the 2001 Accord. The 2001 Civic is the 4th most-recalled vehicle overall, only a Ford truck & two Ford vans have more.
really awful
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
104,800 miles
Total Complaints:
682 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
replaced transmission (261 reports)
rebuilt whole transmission (154 reports)
not sure (142 reports)
get Honda to cover the cost (54 reports)
buy a different car...can't afford the repair (24 reports)
I have the same gripe as everyone else! stinking transmission went out. It happened back in January 2007 and it's just been sitting in my garage. POS HONDA!
I added a complaint about this problem yesterday, however I wanted to say that I did file a complaint with the NHTSA today. Believe it or not there are 70 other complaints there about the same thing. I am encouraging everyone regardless of how the repair was handled to do the same thing. This is truly a safety hazard that Honda does not want to acknowledge. I have done many internet searches of this problem and it is amazing how many times this has happened. Also lets get going on a class action law suit. Honda needs to take responsibility for this problem.
Well, I am sorry to say I am the newest member of the Honda Auto Transmission Failure Club. The saga begins with my daughter driving what I thought to be a quality vehicle, but to my surprise turns out to be less reliable than a Kia. While she was driving the transmission had a complete terminal failure, no warning of any kind, car just stop moving. Vehicle had been owner maintained with recent work done on the brakes, no significant problems. Vehicle was towed to local dealer, in the interim I found this site and after reading several complaints, contacted the Honda corporate office hoping to get some relief. After 2 days I had to follow up with my so called case worker, who informed me that after much soul searching on their part (Corp. Honda) that due to my lack of loyalty to my dealer (not taking my car for service; translate letting them gouge me) they could not help with any of the repair cost which now totals approximately $2700 to $2800 dollars for not a BRAND NEW Transmission but an Overhaul unit. At which point I stated that since I had purchased 4 Hondas over the years didn't that show loyalty maybe not to the dealer but to Honda, at which point he agreed but said there was nothing the Corporate Office could do. I replied that there was something I could do and that is to never buy their vehicles again (maybe try Toyota) and tell everyone I come in contact with not to buy Honda products of any kind be it a car, PWC, generator, because the quality is just not there and Honda does not stand behind their products.
I'm pretty upset because i took out a loan on a Honda so i would have a reliable car, but it is very disappointing to have a car with sh*tty transmission, its expensive. $2,000, and it may cost more because the replacement already has problems after the first day.
I am a proud member of the Honda Civic failed transmission club as well. My Civic has been meticulously maintained and the mileage is due to the fact that I commute 100mi a day - all interstate with the cruise control set.
My Honda Civic began shifting hard from 2-3 recently. I checked the fluid, but it was fine. Within a week the transmission went. I called American Honda as I had seen advised on the board and they told me that all cases were handled on individually and it had to be checked at the Honda Dealer. So $90 later they determined it was a bad transmission - strange I figured that out for free when the engine rev'd but did not move, but hey I'm not a certified Honda mechanic.
The dealer quoted me $2700 to replace the tranny, On my call back to American Honda I was told that due to the mileage there was nothing that they would do. Essentially Honda America stole $90 from me - if they had been honest at the outset I never would have gone to the dealer. I asked what the design life span of the transmission was and after a few minutes of stumbling and trying to avoid the question the Honda rep said that she did not know, but that it should last at least 100k. I responded that they should change their name to Ford.
I called around to a couple shops and found at that 75k is the norm for the tranny failing. Fortunately I found a transmission shop that is going to rebuild it for $1700.
We own 2 Hondas and had plans to buy a third in 2 years when I got rid of the Civic. Not only will we not buy that car I will be getting rid of the other one as well. Honda has obviously lost sight of what made them a great car company - basic reliable cars. They have lost a class action lawsuit over their faulty transmissions and seem to have issues with the ones not covered by it.
When the Honda sales guy says "all you have to do is change the oil and the car will run forever" he is lying.
- Ray K.,
Knightdale, NC, US
Search for these popular complaint phrases...
WOW! so I buy a Honda because of reliability.... NOT! It was used and not from a Honda dealership. The place I bought it from gives me a 30 day warranty. Exactly 2 months (as in purchased on 12/13/07 and on 02/13/08) my car would not budge!. But see I didn't get pissed off ( not yet at least). I took it back to the place I bought it from and they say because the 30 warranty is up they cant help!, all repairs and parts must be payed for out of pocket. (who new??). So I find this place that is supposed to be fabulous with transmission( WRONG!!). I payed $3200 for my transmission to be rebuild and I've had to take my car back 3 times since then, which doesn't include the initial problem. Since 02/27/08 I have not had my car for a week straight without the transmission giving me problems and everytime I bring it back, they say they have fixed the problem.... HOW THE HELL DO YOU FIX A PROBLEM 4 TIMES???!! I am desperate for help. please reply to this comment. IM BEGGING!!
I was driving south on I-95 from Baltimore to just outside Washington, DC when my engine lost considerable power. I quickly moved to the right lane, put my automatic into 3rd gear, and hoped I could make it safely to my parents house, still about 25 minutes away from where I was on the highway. I had my twin 18 month-old daughters in their car seats in the back seat, so was trying to figure out, while barely moving what would be the best way to get them off of 95, and to my parents house, without all of us being mowed down.
Somehow we made it to the destination, very slowly... and the freaking transmission was fried! My car barely has 54K on it! After a very costly repair (thank you Montgomery County MD) and a little internet research, I see that I am not alone.
I need to find out who to contact in Honda, and how I can be reimbursed for at least a portion of this disaster. I could have sold it for more than the freaking repair. I do not find Honda to be dependable and will not purchase another one. I want my daughters and myself to be safe and do not feel safe in this vehicle.
Would love advice on how to recoup some of this expense, and to find out about any class action lawsuits to saddle up to. This is unacceptable.
Hey Yall, The mechanic that fixes my cars says the 2004 transmissions do not have the same problems with them.... So, I got a 2004 used tranny (had to replace all sensors, the old ones are not compatible with the new one) Gave me a 12,000 mile one year warranty..... Seems to be doing well!
Well, as all the others have 2001 Honda Civic LX started to rev on a cold day when it tried to go into gear at 30 mi/hr. It happened in the same spot for three mornings in a row, but no other time (yet). Then on the 4th day, it was happening going into 1st and 2nd. I checked the tranny fluid and it was full. I was trying to be gentle with shifting...releasing the gas when the car tried to shift. That worked for the day. On my way home from visiting my mother, I stopped at the local Honda dealer. I told them the tranny was slipping. They ran a diagnostic test, charged me $105 and told me the tranny was slipping (I told them I already knew that!). They wrote on the paper that the car was drivable but the tranny would need to be replaced in the future at a tune of $2,600+tax. Well...on the way home from that Honda dealer, the tranny failed. I got stuck on the side of the road. After calling my sister (who was home sick with the flu to come to get me), I had turned off the car for a while. When I started the car again...I was able to move it to the parking lot of the Midas shop. They were nice enough to allow me to leave it in the lot until I could get it towed. I found a local mechanic who would put a tranny from a salvage yard into the car. The tranny cost $ has 42,000 miles on it. The labor was a bargin...6 hrs @ $60/hr. So I saved about $1,500 but need to keep my fingers crossed that this tranny will not fail as well. Since the car has 146,000 miles, I am hoping to get 1 more year out of it before I purchase a new car...NOT HONDA!!!
So yesterday while driving in the lovely rain, my Civic started to go slower. I revved it up hoping I had taken my foot off the gas and not realized. It still felt the need to go slower, and shortly after it died (as in car is on, but feels the need to not move an inch). I ended up having to push my car off the road. And im only a 5'5" girl. People still had the audacity to honk and slow down to yell at me to get out of the road. Needless to say I returned their comment with some very "lovely" language. So a friend came to my rescue. We let it sit for a little and then it decided to start moving again. So on my way back home, it dies again, and this time I had to be towed home. After calling around to some friends that were mechanics, and one came over to look at my car, they all said it was my transmission that went out. So while at work yesterday, I was talking to some co-workers that are gurus when it comes to cars, they were aghast at the fact that my transmission was "dead." Everyone that I talked to estimated that it would be about $2000 for the repairs. I purchased it used no more than a year ago so the only "repairs" I've had to have done are oil changes, and changing the air filter, and just check all the liquid levels. Anyways, getting to my point. I haven't contact our Local Honda Dealer or American Honda and I wanted to know what steps I needed to take to have them cover some of the charges. Thanks a bunch.
I could hardly believe it when I found myself in the fast lane on a major freeway, infant in the backseat and BOOM! .... nothing. My car wouldn't move. It just kept revving and wouldn't push forward. I had to coast my way to the right shoulder. I was scared out of my mind, worried for my son and so mad that my useless extended warranty was up only 6,000 miles ago! I had to have it towed to the nearest Honda dealership and they have it now overnight to diagnose it (at the cost of $105). Based on what I've been researching online, it's most likely the transmission... awesome. I'm nervous about calling American Honda because I'm a wuss in these types of situations. ugh. I'm not the original owner, but the original owner (a friend) said that they took it in for its routine check-ups at their dealership. We had the extended warranty switched over into our names for a $50 fee. bleh. We brought it in for most, if not, all of its routine check ups... I don't know. I need to call American Honda tomorrow morning if I'm going to at all, so any advice soon would be great. Thanks!
I have had my car for four years. December of 06 my transmission went out i bought a
new one and just recently on February of 08 it went out again this will be the second time i will have to replace it and it's going to coast me $2485 i don't have money to keep fixing and fixing the same problem over and over it's an awful/annoying experience and cost a lot of money something i shouldn't have to replace again so i would like to know what Honda plans on doing for me. I feel that Honda needs to do something about it. When the recall came out for the headlights I had to put money out of my pocket for that to. I need my car fixed soon but I cannot come up with that money that fast. My car is a necessity as it is for everyone else. I see that there was recalls for other Honda vehicles in the past and maybe the Civics got over looked because I know that I am not the only one who has had this problem. What I need know is a quick response. Thank You
My 2001 Honda Civic EX is now having it's entire transmission replaced at the Honda dealership as I am writing this complaint. I was absolutely astounded a few weeks ago when I was driving my Honda and the transmission began to slip after I had pulled out of my driveway and tried to put it in 'drive'. It 'slipped' a few times and finally went into drive. This was a common occurrence when the weather was very cold outside. After the car warmed up it did not seem to slip, but I decided to take to the Honda dealer to have it checked out. They had for about a day and a half and said that they could not duplicate the problem and had never seen a Honda transmission 'fail' . (HMMMM?). I had some other maintenance performed on it and went to pick it up the next day. Well when I got to the dealership to pick up the car they said that when they pulled my car out to give to me the transmission 'slipped' and they said they had taken it back inside and added some kind of 'Honda' conditioner? to the transmission fluid and said that it was ok to drive and to watch it. I have always had my maintenance performed at the Honda dealer and they also said that when they looked at my transmission fluid it was very clean and not rusted, etc. They asked if I had the timing belt replaced, and I said I had it replaced at about 98000miles, and by a Honda tech. I also had the transmission fluid changed at this time with Honda fluid, etc. They just said that they had never seen a Honda transmission fail at 108,000 miles and that I should get at least 250,000 miles out of ti.
Right, well I took the car home, didn't drive it over the weekend. Drove it a few miles to on the following Monday and Tuesday and then BOOM on Wednesday morning, I started my car, let it warm up for a while and pulled out of my driveway and it wouldn't go in drive at all. I had to end up having it towed to the Honda dealer. The verdict was that the torque converter failed and I needed a new transmission for $2837.00. OUCJ/
I was sick and like everyone else, I had bought a Honda because of its reputation for reliability and long life. I called American Honda for a goodwill repair, and got a case number and then called my dealership to tell them I had called American Honda. In the end with help from my dealership and the fact that I had purchased an extended 100,000 mile warranty when I purchased the car new in 2001, plus the fact that I had just had over a $2000.00 in maintenance done on the car in the past 10 months. American Honda agreed to pay for 60% of the entire repair and the cost of the repair (rebuilt transmission and labor) was reduced to $2000.00 as Honda bought their own transmission at wholesale price. Honda also will warranty the transmission for 3 year, or 36,000 miles. I agreed because what choice did I have. I still believe they should cover the entire cost as this is obviously a 'defect' and their should be a recall on these Civics for the transmission failure with so many complaints. This is astounding that they (Honda) is willing to risk and damage their reputation over this. I would not be surprised if their ends up being a class action lawsuit in the near future, and maybe we can all get our money back.
My wife was dead in the water out on the road with a failed automatic transmission on a Honda with 88,000 miles on it! Unthinkable for a Honda, but then look at the number of complaints on this site alone. Of course, the warranty had expired and no extended warranty. After the failure, I Googled it and found this site. Review of the complaints on the site lead me to call American Honda, register a complaint, and open a case number. They then worked with the Honda service department where we had the car towed. Subsequently, the service manager called me and said that American Honda would pay for the parts (about $2600?) if we would pick up the labor ($500). They declined to pick up the 5-day rental-car cost. I found that acceptable, but I think that a recall should be issued (extend the warranty to, say, 120,000 miles) to help others who will experience this failure and not find their way to a solution like I did. We don't buy Honda's expecting this kind of failure to occur.
everyone i talked to was shocked when i told them about my Honda transmission failing, including all the mechanics i talked too. and you know what i was too. but after deep introspection (and web searches, thanks) ive come to realize that Honda's are on par with fords except Hondas are thousands of dollars more expensive. i was unfortunate enough to have my Honda civic stop moving in the middle of winter on a busy road on my way to medical school during an exam week, and this happens to be my wife, and my, only car. needless to say i could have done better on my exam, but i guess its my fault because here i thought Honda's were reliable cars that wouldn't die on you on a winter morning with only 94,000 miles and a history of care and maintenance. if anyone from Honda is reading this please make a smart business move and fix this problem. in a technological age where communication is at the click of a mouse it is very important for your reputation, hence sales, that you correct the issue. the only thing that maintains your sales in many parts of the states is your "reliability" factor. if you lose that, then you've essentially become an expensive ford, with less interior comfort.
i wrote in mid December when my trans went out . many of you responded with great answers . but unfortunately American Honda wanted no part of it and not even on goodwill terms . so i waited and got an extended warranty for $900.00 , and they covered it . even the tow hahaha .who got the last laugh Honda ? the repair alone ran $2400.00 . plus towing and diagnostic . i pay a $50.00 deductible and my car is done and back on the road . it is a common problem that Honda wont acknowledge . but there is a way around the system . and the plus side is that i get a warranty on the full powertrain . and roadside and many other perks out of it . check it out and if you need more info email me . ill help out .
My issue is the same as the rest of the issues mentioned on this site. 2001 Honda Civic LX with 95000 miles. I couldn't accelerate between 2nd and 3rd gears and between 3rd and 4th gear. After finding this site, I called American Honda immediately to discuss. Like a few others, they gave me a case number and told me to get a diagnosis. The diagnosis was complete transmission failure and they wanted to replace with a honda certified rebuilt tranny with a 3 year warranty for $2050. The case manager from American Honda asked three questions 1)How many Honda's have I owned, 2) Am I the original owner of the car, and 3) do I get my service done at the Honda dealership. I have owned or leased 3 hondas, I am the original owner, but I do not get my service done at the dealership. She said she would get me the best deal possible hung up, called the dealership, and called me back within five minutes. Honda and the dealership agreed to pay for the entire cost of repair. Sounds like I got lucky, but I think the key is to involve Honda early. They would not have paid for the entire transmission if they didn't already know that these were a problem. Use this site as an example and reference the fact that the 2001 Accord did have a recall and that there are numerous TSB's regarding the Honda transmission.
I noticed my car acting weird for a couple of days before the complete failure. It was cold outside and it seemed to take longer for the it to go into drive completely when it I would 1st start it in the morning. Then the day after xmas(leaving work at the hospital) approx. 11pm at night I noticed the engine was revving pretty high and didn't want to get in gear. My check engine light then came on and the car just didn't want to go very fast.I was headed for the highway and proceeded to turn around to go a different route home that I was able to maintain 30 mph. Whenever I had to stop at a light building up speed took a awhile and I was just praying to get home. Unfortunately I was not able to get home and was able to use the car's last bit of power to turn into a parking lot. The car would no longer move in drive or reverse. I automatically knew it was the transmission esp. since a coworker w/ the same car 2001 silver honda civic lx (completely identical) had her transmission suddenly fail out of the blue 2 weeks before. I had the car towed to my house the next day and started heavily researching the matter. After reading what I read on this website I contacted Honda America 1-800-999-1009 to see if help was a possibility. I spoke to someone very nice and helpful at this time and she told me help with the repair was a possibility but it would be necessary to tow the car to a Honda dealer and the diagnosis would have to come from a Honda technician for them to make a decision. So I got a case number# and had the car towed there the next week and yes of course the diagnosis indicated I needed to replace the transmission( no sh*t). A problem for me was not having maintenance performed at Honda and having a individual mechanic work on my car(no paper trail)...or so they make me believe.I let the case manager know all the research I had done and that I knew that the Accord and Odysseys had their transmissions recalled in 01. He said the civic transmissions were not a widespread problem and there had not been any service bulletins on any problems..I was quick to say what about service bulletin 04-0361?? After He looked it up in his database and it was in fact for th 2001 civic transmission failure (what happens when the car doesn't move in drive) indicating car needs transmission replacement. I could go on and on about this but most importantly Honda only agreed to pay 25% so my bill is $1800 + tax which is a lot better than 3k but still sucks pretty badly. I guess I'll think twice about buying a Honda the next time around.The dealership just called me to inform me I also have a cracked manifold and broken motor mount. I'll get that fixed somewhere else but I have to just say what a nightmare this has been and I am not the only one who has gone through it.
reading all of your complaints i feel a little bit better. I had bought my 2001 honda civic ex in September 2005. In November 2005 two days after the lemon law my transmission failed. It turned out to be this big ordeal because Tony March the place where i had purchased my car was not going to fix it. I pretty much bought this car a lemon. My mom had to fight with them and make some calls and complain about their service. Finally, they ended up fixing my car and i just had to pay for the used transmission which was $500 and they would cover the labor. Well now about 2 years later and my car at 131,000 miles i am having problems with my transmission again. It is slipping gears it will jump from 3 to 4. I am not sure what to do now because i don't even know if i want to have this unreliable car anymore. But then again there is no way that i would be able to afford a new car. I was doing some research and i found a number which is 1-800-999-1009 and then you say "goodwill" if this problem seems to progress then i am going to call it and see what they can do for me. This is bull.
I have the same gripe as everyone else! stinking transmission went out. It happened back in January 2007 and it's just been sitting in my garage. POS HONDA!
- Aaron G., Los Angeles, CA, US