Notes: The 2001 Civic has transmission problems, transmission problems & more transmission problems. Did we mention transmission problems? And a dangerous defect with the front airbag that didn't get recalled for 10 years.
Although eventually the defective 2001 Civic airbag inflators were fixed under recalls in 2011 & 2013, that meant for 10 to 12 years airbags were activating with excessive force where metal fragments went shooting into passengers when the airbag deployed.
As for the 2001 Civic's transmission woes? Honda conducted a major transmission recall in 2004 & settled a class action lawsuit for defective transmissions in 2006. But, neither the recall or the lawsuit included the 2001 Civic.
Last thing to consider - the 2001 Civic is the most-recalled car ever, closely followed by the 2002 Civic & the 2001 Accord. The 2001 Civic is the 4th most-recalled vehicle overall, only a Ford truck & two Ford vans have more.
really awful
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
104,800 miles
Total Complaints:
682 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
replaced transmission (261 reports)
rebuilt whole transmission (154 reports)
not sure (142 reports)
get Honda to cover the cost (54 reports)
buy a different car...can't afford the repair (24 reports)
Honda driven in town most of the time. No hard driving and on towing. Trans started slipping and trans fluid turned dark and burnt. Trans failure to the point the car would not move.
As many of these other people have said, without any warning, my transmission decided to go out on me today. I began to accelerate on a major four lane road when my engine began to rev like it was stuck in 1st/2nd gear. I thankfully made it into a parking lot and restarted the car and drove it around only to find that my car stayed in 1st gear. I was able to switch gears and drive in reverse and forward a few times but, after a little bit (5 minutes or so of driving in the parking lot), my car was stuck in neutral. This problem just happened tonight so I am unsure if it is a full transmission failure, although it probably is.
The only warning that I think MAY be related is a couple months ago, in August, my car overheated for seemingly no reason on my way to work. At first we believed it was a crack in the radiator, a hose leak, or (at worst case) a blown cylinder head gasket. After extensive testing, we found out that there was nothing visibly wrong with it, and maybe a fan had just decided to quit working due to a blown fuse or something of that nature. However, from reading these complaints, I am afraid this failure of the fan was due to the build up of transmission fluid. If this ends up costing what I think it will, I will be purchasing a brand new vehicle and trading this terrible one in.
Have only ever heard great things about Honda's and I loved my 01 Civic ex getting 30+ miles to the gallon.... Until the transmission started slipping and then completely failed with a replacement cost of $2,500 to $3,500. Talked with two reliable mechanics and both said the CVT transmission is crap and well known for failure. Both actually said it was not worth getting fixed because it would just happen again!
Leaves me with no car and a lot of grief over a company I thought was making super reliable and efficient cars.
- Tim W.,
Charleston, SC, US
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Looks like my 01 Civic EX is one of many here with transmission problems. I didn't realize how bad this yr/model was until I came across this site. Transmission failed without any warning, the engine would rev, but the car just wouldn't go. Now I'm looking at $3.5K for a rebuild on a car worth maybe $6K. I hate to do it, but the car has been well taken care of and is in otherwise excellent condition. I bought this Honda 4 yrs ago based on Honda's reputation for quality and longevity. Boy was I wrong! I can't believe Honda has not made good on this major problem and offered some sort of recall.
Unfortunately, I was on my way to see my best friend in the hospital 70 miles away and right when I turned to park, my car was running, but rpm's went up and I pushed the gas and nothing happened. After it rested awhile, it moved some in lower drive gears, but then rpm's would rev up again and the car wouldn't move. I found information online about calling Honda's customer service at 1-800-900-1009 instead of the dealer and inquire about a "goodwill repair" for those who are out of warranty. I called and they said they don't have that program and I would need to take my car to Honda to have it diagnosed. I am a student and unemployed and am not paying to tow my car to them when I know it's the transmission. The sad thing is I just had a tune-up in July and my car was just paid off. No warning signs at all the transmission was going to take a dump. I am highly ticked off. Everyone that has complained online talks of a class action lawsuit and I think we all need to get together and do it! Honda obviously doesn't give a crap about any of the 2001 Civic transmission failures.
Same sh*t different pile (Honda). Transmission slipping to the point that the car will not move. I have never once in my life had a transmission problem that was not directly caused by me. This car is my daily driver commute car. I drive it like an old lady (mostly because it is slower than hell and isnt even fun if I do try to go fast). I abuse my WRX.
I bought this car thinking it would be a good, reliable car to get me to and from work....WRONG. From what I understand, the non-servicable transmission filter starts to gunk up hindering fluid flow. The transmission now opperates hotter than it should causing some of the clutch discs to flake (this is the initial slipping that some people may feel) the clutch disc particles then almost fully clog the filter, allowing the transmission to heat up enough to damage the torque converter. Once the torque converter is screwed the car doesnt go anywhere. But that is just a guess. I havn't taken it apart yet, and I don't know the first thing about an automatic transmission. I do IT networking for a living.
I bought My Honda Civic 2001 Lx When it was 34K and I drove it for a few years, and my Transmission just went bad with no resent warning, I had it always maintained on time, but in 2008 I had the first Transmission Failure I tried to re-built it but it was Cheaper to buy an other one. at that time my car was about 95K, Well guess what after about 20K more or less I got the same Problem Transmission Failure contacted Honda Customer service they said they can't help the warranty has expired and they can't cover someone Else's work, what if Honda has a decent pricing to fix these kind of Problems that it well known about that particular year. now my car is about 120K. and I had to fix it again. MY ADVICE TO ALL PEOPLE IF YOU HAVE A 2001 HONDA CIVIC PLEAAAAAAAAAASE GO RETURN IT AND GET AN OTHER CAR, NISSAN TOYOTA SCION CHEVY ANYTHING BUT THE HONDA, NO HELP NO UNDERSTANDING. I REFUSE TO BUY ANOTHER HONDA. by the way the transmission controller ( solenoid ) will fail as well. be careful coast from Honda Dealer $350 ridicules.
I was dumbfounded today to find that I needed my transmission replaced today! I've been a Honda Gal for years and years, but seeing all these complaints for the same car, same year, I'm amazed there hasn't been a recall. I guess people will have to die for Honda to do anything about it, if they ever do.
I bought this car new and have always maintained it better than the schedule suggested by the manual.. Driving home from another city on Sunday, all of the sudden I couldn't get the accelerator to work. I had to put it in D2 and D3 in order to make it home. 40 mph was the max it would go. Thank GOD I wasn't on the interstate or a long distance away! Today I was able to get it to my trusted mechanic who's shop is only 2 miles from home. He said the transmission fluid was totally pristine but the transmission was "damaged somehow" and would have to be replaced. He's replacing it with another transmission with 71,000 miles on it and a 6 month warranty. Sheesh! So in a year is this going to happen again????????
Update from Nov 6, 2009: My exTREMEly good mechanic found out the problem! The fan in the radiator that cools the hot fluid coming from the transmission, that is supposed to send the fluid back cooled, failed. If your's hasn't failed yet, run and get that fan mechanism replaced! Do NOT use a Honda part for this or you'll be in the same shape again! Hopefully this will save SOMEone from misery and a huge expense. If you replace your transmission with another, unless you change out the defective part, it'll fail as well
I'll be contacting Honda when I retrieve my car and have my bill in front of me and let you know what, if anything, kind of help on this or response on this I get. .
I was on a busy interstate during rush hour coming out of Atlanta...I tap the gas to accelerate, and the car just stopped going!! Next, the check engine light comes on, and I am fortunate enough to get off the four lane into the shoulder. It is a miracle that I wasn't hit averaging 20mph trying to get to the shoulder. There were no signs of a problem; I was completely shocked as I have babied the hell out of this car.
While I realize things happen, no matter what type of car or how old...I have long esteemed hondas as long lasting vehicles that will last well over 100,000-200,000 miles. In fact, I talked my dad into buying my sister a new 2009 Civic just this August because I loved mine sooo much...Rest, assured my family won't be buying another, and if I have my way, she will trade hers ASAP.
I don't feel safe driving this car after this happened and will probably only get a cheap fix to trade it. What really upsets me about this whole experience is that I had the car towed to the Honda dealer...and they actually acted shocked that this happened.
Gauging from the number of complaints on the internet, this obviously was complete BS on their part. Not cool, I will not purchase or recommend Honda in the future based on this terrible experience and that the company is completely unapologetic AND the fact that you can't have this trans. have to buy a newly "rebuilt" one from Honda. So, not only was my car a rolling time bomb, but they don't care and want to stick it to us while we are already down. This should be a recall on this model! F you Honda...
I called Honda to see if they would cover the cost or help. They asked for the mileage on the car, then said no. I talked to an expert mechanic and he said the reason why the 2001 Honda Civic transmissions fail is because you can't replace the filter on them. Why they sell filter kits for these piece of junk cars, I have no idea. But Honda won't recall them and as you can see the 2001 Civic made the #3 Worst Car on the list for a reason. I used to buy only Japanese cars but I'm now open to any other brand EXCEPT Honda.
Was driving to work, about 40 miles one way, and it started slipping between 2nd and 3rd. I thought it would make it to work and back but I was wrong. I made it 30 miles and it crapped out on me. Had it towed to the nearest shop and was quoted around $2300 for a rebuilt unit from Honda. Here's the underlying story -- I was in the process of selling my supposedly reliable car to a neighbor's relative in about a week for around $3000 or so. Well that just might fall through due to this current problem. But at least my neighbor's weren't stranded on the Turnpike headed to Maryland where the car was to find a third home with an 87 yr. old woman. Hey, anyone want to buy a 2001 Civic??? It's still great on gas... Now the good news....I have a guy who is towing my car back to my home town and can probably get a used tranny put in for about 1200-1400 bucks. We also might work something out where he'll sell it and we'll split the difference.
Anyway it's just the a car and this is the reason why I like to have 3 cars in the family.
while driving my grandson to the YMCA my car was driving fine. I stopped at a red light and when the light changed I pressed on the gas but it would not move at all. I tried shutting off the motor and restarting the car but again the car would not move at all. I had to be towed. Right now it is at the Honda dealership awaiting a solution.
You buy a Honda civic because you have always hear that they will last forever.Bull! At 115,000 miles the tranny goes out on my son on his way from out of town. No warning ,just driving along and the rpms go up and nothing. This is after we had to replace the torque converter at 79,000 miles. I couldn't remember (torque converter)when thinking what to tell mechanic about car before I took it in,so I typed in brand,type,year,and up popped auto beef with hundreds of similar complaints! I was floored!!! I called the dealer where we bought the car new,explained what happened and what I found at auto beef to see if they might help with repair cost . He said that with age of car and mileage chances were slim to nothing but bring it in they had to check it out to be sure! I would have had to get it towed 35 miles for that! Took it to my local mechanic and they put in a used tranny with 29,000 miles on it for 1,400.00 out the door.We probably will not be buying another Honda anytime soon!!!
I'm so mad. About three or four days before my whole transmission took a crap, I noticed that my gears were "slipping" going into third gear, obviously making driving around the town a pain. I was on the freeway in the middle of rush hour traffic when all of a sudden, my car is trying to accelerate past 30 MPH and won't go. My RPM's were shooting up to the red zone but I was not moving. It was so scary!! I had to get off at the next exit going slow and called AAA to tow the stupid car to my mechanic. $1800 and a week later, I should have my car back. But as of right now, I'm walking everywhere. :(
For the past couple of days my 2001 Honda Civic Ex started to make a high pitched whistling sound and when i got to 25-30mph the engine would rev up, but my speed wouldn't change. I heard about the 2001 transmission issues and I was afraid that this was going to be my destiny. Surely enough today it has transmission failed. Thank goodness I was close to home, but the car had to be pushed a couple of blocks. The Check Engine light went on and not even 30 seconds later, it failed. I can't believe that Honda won't do anything about this. Why leave your customers unhappy and wanting to switch to a different company? More than likely it's a money issue. I unfortunately had to rent a car and I'll probably have to max out my high interest rate credit cards to get this thing fixed. I can assure you, that I will not buy another Honda in the future and it's sad because my family has been a Honda family for over 25 years. I will thank Honda now on behalf of other car companies for making me lose faith in a company that my family and I have been loyal to for so many years. Thank you Honda, thank you...
This was a Honda Certified used car, we bought 3 years ago for my Son. He drove it back from college last week and reported a "check engine" light on. My diagnostic computer pulled the 0740 code, indicating the infamous transmission problem. We have had 3 other Hondas and never had any problems. Honda refuses any help, due to it being 1 year out of warranty with 115,000 miles.
Just like everyone else on here I have a 2001 Honda Civic EX....but I'm the only one on here with the lowest mileage (28,000 miles). I hardly ever drive this damn car and the transmission went out on me last night at 2am in the "bad part of town." I was coming home from work and was at a stop sign and pressed the gas to go and it just revved. I got it to a gas station and was freaking out and crying because I keep this car in good shape. I had it towed to my house for 93 dollars!!! I have to call someone tomorrow to fix this crap. For now I'm having family drive me, which is inconvenient for them. Honda needs to realize there is a true defect in the 2001 civic transmissions. We need to get a class action lawsuit going on here. Whoever had please update us if you got a lawyer to handle the lawsuit because I am not paying 3,000 for a new transmission. I should sell it and get a Toyota Corolla because they are more reliable. My car was just at the dealer for an oil change and a few months ago had the 30,000 mile service even though it's not even at 30,000 miles. I even had the brake fluid and power fluid changed at an independent honda place because the dealer wanted $200 and the independent wanted $150. I bought this car brand new from Scott Robinson Honda in Torrance February 6, 2001. It had 6 miles on it when I bought it. I saw another guy on here named "Mohammed" who took his car to Scott Robinson Honda in Torrance and they told him if the car had under 36,000 miles on it that they would fix it. I don't think he had a warranty on it, because warranties usually go 3 year/36,000 miles. Honda has to stop playing dumb and issue a recall for this. If Toyota can issue a recall for floor mats causing accidents after someone is killed then is Honda going to wait until someone gets hit from the back when their car stalls out on the freeway. Thank god I was on a residential street that had no traffic. My car's interior is falling apart too. Both sun visors have rips and the mirror closure is flopping/sagging. Even the rubber piece on the drivers side door trim is falling apart and there is silver metal exposed.I had to buy 2 new sun visors on ebay to replace because Honda sucks.My upholstery is sagging too. I tried to glue it but it looks worse. I'm thinking of using safety pins....and it's not just my car. I notice other 2001 Honda civics on the road and i see the sagging upholstery and I see the chipping plastic on the bottom of the door window frame! I see on here that the interior is the number 2 complaint on here. I took the car in to the dealer for the driver side airbag recall. They had to re pack my airbags because people were getting killed when the air bag deployed because shards of plastic and metal were flying out cutting people's face and damaging eyes!
Honda- Do a couple of hundred people have to die until you issue a recall for the faulty transmission!!!!!!!!!!!
Update from Nov 3, 2009: UPDATE: I had Honda of America agree to "reimburse" me for half the cost of the transmission repair. I still had to pay $1200 dollars as the total cost of the transmission was $2500. What a total rip off. Honda please listen to your customers and ISSUE A RECALL on this piece of junk. REIMBURSE everyone who had to pay for a transmission for this crappy car! I complained to Honda and only got half covered. The guy on the phone said Honda thinks "this is more than fair". Please. Give me a break. Some may think this is fair. I don't think so! If I took good care of this car and did all the scheduled maintenance then my car should still be running great. My next car is a Toyota Corolla or Toyota Camry....but, the next models of those will probably have their transmission blow up too due to a faulty design.
second time I've had to replace the transmission in my 2001 civic.
- Adam K., Farmington, UT, US