Notes: Some vehicles alert you if you fall asleep behind the wheel, but the 2015 Honda CR-V has a different approach: just shake the heck out of you so you never fall asleep in the first place.
Vehicle would stall when placed in reverse. Complained about it from 12,000 miles and finally dealer replace trans at 35000 miles. Said there was a service sheet issued about a manufacture issue that caused the problem and they issued a replace order.
Sometimes when I put the car in reverse I think the engine is going to die, but then it seems to kick in and I can go backwards. Dealership that just happens with this model.
Today as I was backing out of my garage the car stalled. Restarted with no problem, but when I continued to back up it felt like there was a lack of power in reverse. When I shifted into drive, it felt sluggish as well, before starting to drive normally. This car has had intermittent problems stalling, or almost stalling since the second month after I bought it new from Honda of Santa Maria in August of 2016; however a this is the first time it felt like there was a lack of power after I started it back up. I have told the dealer about the stalling problem, and was told to keep a log of the times the problem occurred. I did this for several months. I left the car overnight at the dealer to see if they could reproduce the problem, but of course, the problem didn't occur when they had the car. The dealer took copies of my log, and told me that there was nothing they could do unless they could reproduce the problem in the shop. I called Honda corporate and explained what was happening, and the woman on the phone said, "Well, we are not going to just start throwing parts on a car." Basically, Honda wants nothing to do with finding out what is causing this problem. When adding this complaint to this site, I had to indicate what the problem was. I checked "transmission" but being a non-mechanic I have no idea what is causing this. I am guessing it is the CVT, since Saturn had big problems with that several years ago before they stopped being made. You would think the engineers at Honda would be able to figure it out, though. I can't possibly log in all the times the car has stalled or almost stalled when backing up, but from now on, I will report each and every occurrence on this site. I will also be writing a letter to Honda Corporate, demanding some kind of action.
The 2015 Honda CR-V has very serious problem. We found a few times during the last two years that the engine will die while we were driving. While it only happened during reversing, we really don't know weather it will happen during driving as well. We send the car to service 3 times, every time the result is no problem. The third time we noticed that they couldn't locate the record as it had been a certain key cycles after the accident, and we were told to drive back once it happened again. We were shocked that Honda asked us to reproduce the problem on road regardless of how dangerous it would be. Luckily it happened again and it was just after we left the garage. We drove the car back to honda service. This time they said that was a transmission problem and will replace it. It is covered by warranty. However, it also shows that Honda couldn't find the transmission problems even when it exists.
I am a French Canadian I live in Quebec:
The CR-V was stalling when backing up from the garage like twice a month when it was hot especially.
Never in winter. At the garage they agreed to change the transmission for free after I showed them this service bulletin: 😊
- claudiusqc, L'Assomption, QC, Canada