Notes: Some vehicles alert you if you fall asleep behind the wheel, but the 2015 Honda CR-V has a different approach: just shake the heck out of you so you never fall asleep in the first place.
Brand new Honda CRV with 3700 km on it. After a month, we noticed a strong smell of gas when driving. It turned out to be a leak in the pressure sensor that is part of the fuel rail on the fuel injection system. The failure made that car unsafe to drive. Honda replaced the part under warranty, although it took two weeks to get the part. They provided us with a rental car at n/c charge as well.
No complaint on how Honda handled the situation, but we are now very nervous about driving the car any distance. We bought it for long trips - driving south for the winter etc. Because it failed so soon, and the car is so new to the market, we are nervous this may be a design issue with the new engine. We would be interested in hearing if others have the same problem.
Brand new Honda CRV with 3700 km on it. After a month, we noticed a strong smell of gas when driving. It turned out to be a leak in the pressure sensor that is part of the fuel rail on the fuel injection system. The failure made that car unsafe to drive. Honda replaced the part under warranty, although it took two weeks to get the part. They provided us with a rental car at n/c charge as well.
No complaint on how Honda handled the situation, but we are now very nervous about driving the car any distance. We bought it for long trips - driving south for the winter etc. Because it failed so soon, and the car is so new to the market, we are nervous this may be a design issue with the new engine. We would be interested in hearing if others have the same problem.
- John C., Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, canada