Notes: Some vehicles alert you if you fall asleep behind the wheel, but the 2015 Honda CR-V has a different approach: just shake the heck out of you so you never fall asleep in the first place.
The car just won't start randomly, have to try several times to get it started. Sometimes it works fine. Sometimes it did not crank, like a dead battery.
Just changed a new battery. It still happens. The alternator voltage testing is good.
For several months when I'd go to start the car, I'd never know if it was going to start. Sometimes it would start right up, but most of the time I'd have to push the starter 8-10 times before it would start. When I initially called about the problem, the dealership acted like this was almost unheard of, and suggested I get a new battery for my remote. Buying the new battery didn't help at all and was getting worse. I made an appointment and took the car in for them to do diagnostic testing. They told me the starter needed replacing, so I had them do it. Since it's my only vehicle, I didn't have time to "shop around". Just picked up the car and the engine light is on! They said it 's probably due to replacing the starter and should go off in a day or two. We'll see if that's true!
Vehicle has very low miles. Very expensive repair for a rebuilt part. Now our 2017 Ridgeline is showing signs of starter failure. I know others with this problem. Honda should have a recall. This is ridiculous!!
This problem is WIDLY reported on the internet. The sequence to start the car is to step on the brake, then push the start button. It started failing infrequently - would make a single click, nothing more. This became progressively more of an issue, with high frequency and at times nearly 20 times before it would actually engage the starter. Once that occurs, the engine starts.
Dealer claimed it was the battery, a 3 year old battery - really? Ok, we replace a perfectly good battery and had the same problem. I read that if we replaced the relays that would work - it did for awhile. Dealer swore it was the starter (BS) and wanted to replace it for $695. I said sure, but if that doesn't fix the problem I want a refund for the starter; suddenly they were not positive that was the problem.
My theory; there is a definite sequence to start the engine - press the break, then push the button. The problem is somewhere within that sequence. Either a chip needs to be reprogrammed, or a sensor that confirms the sequence is defective. They won't even entertain that the button itself is the problem. A search on earlier models found a recall for a loose wire terminal that prevents the engine from starting, so they replace the wire harness connector to fix the problem.
Since Honda has been ignoring literally thousands of complaints for the same problem with the 2015 CRV, I don't believe a recall is coming anytime soon. In the mean time, dealers are cleaning up selling new batteries and starters to their customers. People are so frustrated some are trading them in for other makes, like Toyota or American makes.
I'm totally pissed that no one will listen and investigate the problem instead of selling us crap we don't need that does nothing to solve the problem. Any ideas? Thanks
I have to get a new starter on a 2015 Honda CRV with only 50,000 miles.
- Thea R., Fort Atkinson, US