Vehicle was purchased Honda certified-pre owned in April 2017. Vehicle has oil monitoring system which states oil life in a percentage. According to vehicle manual at 10% oil life, one should consider getting oil changed soon; at 5% is recommended oil be changed.
Not being familiar with this new system within, we brought the vehicle into the dealership when the vehicle read 40% oil life as it had been well over 3,000 miles (the amount we have been accustomed to for oil changes). The dealer stated that the oil did not need to be changed until the 5% indicator, and that they would 'top it off' for me. They did not indicate just how much oil was missing - whether it was significant or not.
I went on my way and had the oil changed at the 10% reading, which was approximately 8,000 miles.
We randomly decided to check the oil about 3,500 (63% oil life indicated) miles into the previous oil change. we were shocked that the dip stick had NO oil on it. We rushed to add oil and eventually added nearly 4 quarts of the recommended oil. This was when we realized something was wrong. After continuing to monitor the oil, we eventually reached the 10% oil life indicator and proceeded to have the oil changed. Explained my experience and asked the service station to be on the look out for any oil leaks. None were found.
We began researching online and although we found nothing specific to this year and model, we did find lots of Honda owners with similar problems. We also own a 2004 Honda Pilot that has no such issue. I wrote to Honda through the Honda Owners website and described my issue. They instructed me to take it to a dealership and have an oil consumption test performed.
I did so to the tune of an additional $60 oil change (just had the oil changed), and was instructed to return in 1,000 miles. It was determined that the vehicle lost 1.15 quarts of oil within 1,100 miles of driving. I was told by Honda service that this was within the acceptable range. Are you kidding me?! I have never had a vehicle lose/burn this much oil. Honda recommended that the car be checked again at the next 1,000 miles.
I have a feeling that this will all be excused by Honda as acceptable, but it is NOT ACCEPTABLE. I am having to add 4-5 quarts of oil in between oil changes as indicated by the vehicle. I realize there is a debate as to whether one should use the oil indicator or the 3,000 mile mark for oil changes, but that is neither here nor there for this issue.
I will keep this updated with the outcome of the next oil consumption check.
Update from May 18, 2019: Still struggling with oil consumption - oil life reading does not indicate the drastic decrease in oil and therefore I am left with having to remind myself weekly to add oil. If I forget I'm screwed, because with little or no oil I will certainly damage my car.
Writing a letter to Honda this day that they fix this issue.
Update from Oct 24, 2021: As predicted, Honda claimed this amount of oil consumption w/o any known cause is within specifications.
It is now 2021 - and I am still spending the same amount of money and time on adding oil to the engine. We have a reminder set every Friday to add oil. If that's not ridiculous!
Vehicle was purchased Honda certified-pre owned in April 2017. Vehicle has oil monitoring system which states oil life in a percentage. According to vehicle manual at 10% oil life, one should consider getting oil changed soon; at 5% is recommended oil be changed.
Not being familiar with this new system within, we brought the vehicle into the dealership when the vehicle read 40% oil life as it had been well over 3,000 miles (the amount we have been accustomed to for oil changes). The dealer stated that the oil did not need to be changed until the 5% indicator, and that they would 'top it off' for me. They did not indicate just how much oil was missing - whether it was significant or not. I went on my way and had the oil changed at the 10% reading, which was approximately 8,000 miles.
We randomly decided to check the oil about 3,500 (63% oil life indicated) miles into the previous oil change. we were shocked that the dip stick had NO oil on it. We rushed to add oil and eventually added nearly 4 quarts of the recommended oil. This was when we realized something was wrong. After continuing to monitor the oil, we eventually reached the 10% oil life indicator and proceeded to have the oil changed. Explained my experience and asked the service station to be on the look out for any oil leaks. None were found.
We began researching online and although we found nothing specific to this year and model, we did find lots of Honda owners with similar problems. We also own a 2004 Honda Pilot that has no such issue. I wrote to Honda through the Honda Owners website and described my issue. They instructed me to take it to a dealership and have an oil consumption test performed.
I did so to the tune of an additional $60 oil change (just had the oil changed), and was instructed to return in 1,000 miles. It was determined that the vehicle lost 1.15 quarts of oil within 1,100 miles of driving. I was told by Honda service that this was within the acceptable range. Are you kidding me?! I have never had a vehicle lose/burn this much oil. Honda recommended that the car be checked again at the next 1,000 miles.
I have a feeling that this will all be excused by Honda as acceptable, but it is NOT ACCEPTABLE. I am having to add 4-5 quarts of oil in between oil changes as indicated by the vehicle. I realize there is a debate as to whether one should use the oil indicator or the 3,000 mile mark for oil changes, but that is neither here nor there for this issue.
I will keep this updated with the outcome of the next oil consumption check.
Update from May 18, 2019: Still struggling with oil consumption - oil life reading does not indicate the drastic decrease in oil and therefore I am left with having to remind myself weekly to add oil. If I forget I'm screwed, because with little or no oil I will certainly damage my car.
Writing a letter to Honda this day that they fix this issue.
Update from Oct 24, 2021: As predicted, Honda claimed this amount of oil consumption w/o any known cause is within specifications.
It is now 2021 - and I am still spending the same amount of money and time on adding oil to the engine. We have a reminder set every Friday to add oil. If that's not ridiculous!
- mydarlin, Leesburg, US