Notes: The 2009 Honda Accord has several serious defects – poor brakes, excessive oil consumption, & uncomfortable seats.
BRAKES: There was a class action lawsuit against Honda in 2010 for premature & excessive brake wear. See our page on Honda's brake problems for more info.
OIL CONSUMPTION: Honda issued a TSB about this in late 2011, claiming it could be fixed through a software update to the VCM (variable cylinder management). There are class action lawsuits pending. See our page about the Accord oil consumption.
UNCOMFORTABLE SEATS: Owners have consistently reported uncomfortable seats with the entire 8th generation (2008-2012) of Honda Accords. Complaints range from back pain to leg circulation problems due to bad lumbar support, cushioning, & seat angle. Complaints aren't limited to only a certain body type -- the seat comfort problems are from a wide spectrum of owner height & weight. The common theme we hear is "we never noticed this during the test drive." Unfortunately for unwary buyers, the seat pain is noticeable after 15-20 minutes.
pretty bad
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
8,750 miles
Total Complaints:
126 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
Honda should issue a recall and make a design change (54 reports)
not sure (53 reports)
new pads and machine turned rotors (8 reports)
fixed under the TSB 09-096 issued for front brakes (5 reports)
front brakes squeaks like crazy just like everyone else.
HOWEVER, you should rejoice!!! thanks to "tmoguy" and "", there is now a solution offered by Honda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If your squeaky brakes are on front and you're within warranty, read below:
1. Bring the car to dealer and mention about your brake squeaks
2. Tell them Honda of America now has a Technical Service Bulletin: 09-096. Apparently "09-096" is the magic number that triggers them to fix your problem for free.
3. They will recognize the problem and offer free replacement of front brake pad. This is a redesigned one with part # 45022-TE0-999.
Apparently Honda had enough compliants about the pads so they've switched to a new brake pad manufacturer and offers free replacement for customers within warranty period.
I've driven 40 miles since the new pad was installed. Not one bit of noise since then. Will update again few weeks later. So far so good... Honda, you're not that bad after all!
So even if you're already out of warranty, you can just buy the new brake pads from Honda and replace it yourself. Just be sure the part number is 45022-TE0-999 for the pads.
For more info check out this post:
Brake Squeel almost immediately after taking the car off the lot. Returned at 5000 mile for oil change and complained about brake squeak. Told adjusted hand brake and everything should be fine. Again right after pick up brakes started squeeking again. Currently at Nalley Honda, Union City, GA for oil Change,tire rotation and squeekly brakes. Service writer just informed me that the rear brakes are at 50% but did not have a squeak. Had I know of Hondas Brake problem and low life, I would not have bought the Honda. Interesting enough, I am in the market for another car and looked at the new crosstour, The sales manager told me that he had never heard of a problem with the Brakes with the accord. Do you think I should buy a car from him? I don't think so.
Round two. One more and it is time to go for the Lemon Law.
a year old. 30000 miles...i drive from tampa to orlando almost every day, so i'm not using the brakes, but the gas pedal...and yes the squeel is just unbearable. why is it doing this so early?!
My brakes had been squealing for the past month or so. Given I needed to have something else looked at on the vehicle, I asked them to look at the rear brakes. I presumed they were wearing out due to the numerous complaints of premature wear on the 08-09 Accords. My rear brakes were actually still in good shape, the squealing was coming from the front pads.
Dealer advised a TSB just came out weeks earlier for this issue. Front brake pads and holder were replaced free of charge.
I went to the dealer 3 times and every time they tell me that they machined the rotor and problem is fixed. As of my experience in maintenance of cars they should change the diameter of rotor for front and rear wheels. The rotor is too small and the result is that it becomes hot and loses friction on the rotor by disk pads. I am planning to change them with sports rotor, which comes with holes - maybe it works. But honda, they don't give a good solution. Normally if you apply brake at 140 KPH before you reach to 6KPH breaks starts squeaking, and lose friction, start shuddering and you start feel embarrassed.
- Ahad Ali K.,
Abudhabi, Abudhabi, United Arab Emirates
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Honda needs to do something all ready and the dealerships need to take some of the responsibility I thought I was doing the right thing by buying a car from a dealership in my own community. Gardena Honda ... what do you have to say for yourself! I am embarrassed to brack. It sounds like finger nails on a chalk board. AARRRHHHHHH
Just got my 2010 accord and the breaks squeak! The car is brand new why in the heck would they be squeaking? I'm about to be real mad if it gets any worse. this car was 27,000$ i should have breaks mad of gold. jk. but they definitely shouldn't be squeaking like this, what would cause it? the temporary plates are still on it :( !
Like everyone said my brakes began squeaking within a few weeks of getting my brand new car. A couple weeks ago, I suddenly had to replace the rear brakes. I heard a terrible noise and never considered the brakes since they shouldn't have gone out so quickly. I was told that the upper level models have some advanced braking system where the tradeoff is that the rear brakes wear out quicker. They said they usually need to be replaced between 20K and 25K miles. I was at about 19.5K. Two weeks later they're breaking already!!! I love this car...except for this problem. Now that I see EVERYONE has this problem, Honda should DEFINITELY do a recall or provide free brake repairs - including rotors - for all 2009 Accord models (other than the base which doesn't have the same braking system).
Well, along with everyone else, I too am hearing and now feeling brake problems on my 2009 Accord. I noticed the squealing within the first month of having the Accord and took the car to the dealership I bought it from. I was shown a memo from Honda showing that they had a problem and it was being looked into. The mechanics cleaned the brakes/rotors and I left, with the brakes squealing. Yesterday, while driving down from the mountains, my Accord started to shake and shimmy like the front end was going to fall off. Previously I had leased a 2009 Accord (low end model) and had no problems with that one so decided to buy a higher end model only to be stuck with this problem. I will not allow my wife or children to ride in this vehicle until this problem is resolved.
I regret buying this car at this point. For those of you who mentioned looking into the Toyota Camry, I have an '08 and though it feels like it is cheaply made, (handling and overall interior feel) I would definitely recommend it over the Accord. Currently wasting my life away sitting in car dealership waiting for some information on how much time and money it will take to fix this piece of crap. Currently at 11,500 miles.
I think we all have to write letters to American Honda Corporation. We should clearly state the problem and follow up on it closly. If we do not complain and follow up on it, we will never get a solution to the problem. Let us all presure American Honda Corp. to give us a fix to the problem: otherwise, we are working for them and paying them for something that initially it is their bad disingn. As far as I am concerned, I bought a brand new car far from defects and I am paying a monthly payment to have a new car not a experiment. I have purchased four times brand new Hondas and leased 2 times. It does not seem fair to me that I have to worry about a brand new car. Let your voices be heard and take a few minutes to call them and let them know your concerns until they hear you.
I have brought my Honda to the dealership several times for squeaky brakes & finally they changed the brake pads. I few weeks later they started squeaking AGAIN! They took a look & said that there's nothing they can do about it & maybe they'll be a recall. I filed a complaint w/ the Attorney General, then I met w/ corporate Honda- believe it or not, the brakes never squeaked when they test drove it! Later that day they started squeaking , of course, after I left the dealership! So now, I have just drive around w/ humiliating squeaking brakes on a brand new car! There needs to be a recall. It's a shame that I paid for a brand new car & get treated like crap. I will never buy from Honda again.
4th time to dealership! This time they replaced the back brake pads. Said this should correct the problem. Tired of giving up my car and going to the dealership. Wished I'd never traded off my old 2004 Accord. Thought buying the top of the line Accord with all the bells and whistles with the Navigation and XM, and all would be great......should have kept my old car!
Next day the brakes squealed again, and now seems to be getting worse than before.
Something must be done, Lemon Law or something! Wishing you'd never bought the car and knowing you paid money for all this frustration! Seems someone should come up with a Civil suite agains HONDA
I began my lease 12/20/09. Brakes squeaked from beginning. The first two times, the dealership made me think I was crazy. Third time, they called TechLine and admitted there was a problem with the brake composite. Have contacted American Honda and sent Lemon Law letter and don't really care. The dealership is meeting with me to try and make it right but we'll see what happens. They feel that it is perfectly acceptable to have loud, squeaking, squealing brakes because they have deemed them to be safe. Such utter ridiculous unprofessional behavior. I feel deceived. I told them that my payment is based on a brand new vehicle, paying for a car at 100%. Yet, the car delivered has not performed at 100%, therefore they should pro-rate my payment. They said they would not do that and I told them I will no accept less than 100%. They told me to get an attorney. Nice..........
I had brake squaeking for about a month before I took it to Honda, a week before I went to take it in it was obnoxious and had a grinding noise. I took it in to have them look at it at a Honda Dealership. They replaced my brake pads and rotors..... the service tech then called me to tell me my car was done. I proceeded to ask what was wrong with the car and how much it was for my car (since I also got my car inspected and got an oil change). They told me my bill was over $300 bucks... a oil change and inspection should not add up to this... esp. since I had a coupon for a free oil change. The service rep then told me that it cost over $200 bucks for my brakes to be repaired because they were worn down to the rotors and needed to be completely replaced because it was NOT SAFE. I yelled at the guy because I did not authorize this to be done to my car and I sure was not going to pay for it. After talking to 2 different managers and threatening to sue for lost damages and taking it to small claims court, or I told them I was just going to leave it there and I would my car sit there until the issue got recalled (I of course knew of this issue beforehand from this website so I was not backing down) they wound up paying for the entire repair.
I got my car home and it braked like back to normal and didn't make any noises. A month went by and the squeaking started again. This went on for about a month. I noticed that it was taking me a little longer to brake but didn't think anything of it till the other day.... I was driving home and cars in front of me slammed on their brakes and i proceeded to slam on my brakes to stop (which I def. had enough room to stop).... my car did not brake in time and i slammed into the car in front of me (luckily only going in the 20s). I tried twice to slam on my brakes and it barely slowed down. I 100% blame Honda and their brakes for my accident. If they would have made a recall or fixed them right to begin with I would not have a damaged car. Luckily I walked away fine and my car walked away with a few scratches and a little dent on the bumper... no one was hurt and the damage was minimal... I however do not feel safe driving the car and will not drive the car until I have it inspected by a Honda rep, and a regular mechanic and collision specialist.
Honda if you are reading this... you need to recall your brakes on your 2009 Accords.... they are garbage.... you are lucky I was going slow!!!
Anyone in the market to buy a new car... DO NOT BUY A ACCORD... it will only be problems!!!
Update from Nov 12, 2009: Going back AGAIN to Honda tomorrow to have my brakes looked at AGAIN......Did I mention I hate HONDA right now?
Honda needs to fix this issue (PERIOD) It will be cheaper for them to fix this Brake issue, and maintain there reputation, than it will be for them to lose all of us as customers !! At this point, I am kicking myself for not leasing ! And I will NOT by another Honda !!
Just like all the other complaints, the dealership indicated that this is "normal". I have owned several cars and not one of them ever had squeaky brakes. I would estimate 95% or more of the cars I see every day do not have squeaky brakes (new and old cars). I cannot believe that Honda thinks this is acceptable and normal. There is nothing cooler than rolling into a stop light and getting everyone's attention on your sweet car that squeaks....what a joke!
Update from Jul 20, 2011: FYI - The local Honda dealership ended up replacing the front brakes for free about a year ago...but now...squeaky brakes again...this time the rear tires. Less than 24K on the car.
Took my Accord back a second time for my brakes squealing since they said they couldn't hear it the first time. The brakes had gotten very loud and was embarrasing driving as people you stopped next too could hear your brakes. Would never think a NEW car would have this problem. Had many Hondas prior and loved each one. I loved this one when I bought it but now I'm not happy at all with the car. Honda needs to step up and correc the problem.
This second time to the dealership, I was told again there was no problem and they couldn't hear the problem. I was also told to refer to my manual about the fact brakes do at times squeal. This ticked me off totally as I'm not an idiot, and I knew no one had driven or checked out the car, so I called the owner of dealership, and he said he'd drive it. Again after leaving my car for a day, they said they didn't hear it.
3rd time to dealership with brakes that squeal. It was also first time for oil change so I took the car in, and made a repair person go for a ride with me. Didn't even make it 1/10th of a mile from dealership and he heard the problem. Told dealership I'd had this car in twice prior and they couldn't hear it, and I'm now sure they never looked at it, and then they also had the neve to tell me to read my manual. Thinking seriously of changing dealerships, after 6 cars guess I'm not too important to them.
The brake problem still the issue, and was told Honda has a problem and is trying to come up with some new type of pads, but they would look at the problem and try adding some sort of grease but if it still happened they would replace the pads! Left car a 3rd time, came back and drove it and didn't hear anything for ONE DAY!!!!
We should all write to:
Mr Takanobo Ito
President & CEO
Honda Motor Co. Ltd.
1-1 Minami-Aoyama
2-Chome Minato-ku
Tokyo, Japan 107-8556
Directly to the top, after all this should be embarrassing to them. Poor engineering is never an excuse, poor management is even worse. I bought Honda because I trusted them, now they must repair their tarnished immage, I say we all write a request for this repair, and for a solution to this giant problem they have caused.
front brakes squeaks like crazy just like everyone else.
HOWEVER, you should rejoice!!! thanks to "tmoguy" and "", there is now a solution offered by Honda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If your squeaky brakes are on front and you're within warranty, read below: 1. Bring the car to dealer and mention about your brake squeaks 2. Tell them Honda of America now has a Technical Service Bulletin: 09-096. Apparently "09-096" is the magic number that triggers them to fix your problem for free. 3. They will recognize the problem and offer free replacement of front brake pad. This is a redesigned one with part # 45022-TE0-999.
Apparently Honda had enough compliants about the pads so they've switched to a new brake pad manufacturer and offers free replacement for customers within warranty period.
I've driven 40 miles since the new pad was installed. Not one bit of noise since then. Will update again few weeks later. So far so good... Honda, you're not that bad after all!
So even if you're already out of warranty, you can just buy the new brake pads from Honda and replace it yourself. Just be sure the part number is 45022-TE0-999 for the pads.
For more info check out this post:
- pigeonman99, San Francisco, CA, US