Notes: The 2008 Honda Accord has several serious defects: poor brakes, excessive oil consumption, & uncomfortable seats.
BRAKES: There was a class action lawsuit against Honda in 2010 for premature & excessive brake wear. See our page on Honda's brake problems for more info.
OIL CONSUMPTION: Honda issued a TSB about this in late 2011, claiming it could be fixed through a software update to the VCM (variable cylinder management). There are class action lawsuits pending. See our page about the Accord oil consumption.
UNCOMFORTABLE SEATS: Owners have consistently reported uncomfortable seats with the entire 8th generation (2008-2012) of Honda Accords. Complaints range from back pain to leg circulation problems due to bad lumbar support, cushioning, & seat angle. Complaints aren't limited to only a certain body type -- the seat comfort problems are from a wide spectrum of owner height & weight. The common theme we hear is "we never noticed this during the test drive." Unfortunately for unwary buyers, the seat pain is noticeable after 15-20 minutes.
pretty bad
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
67,500 miles
Total Complaints:
394 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
not sure (229 reports)
per Honda consuming 1qt per 1k miles normal (42 reports)
I heard that Honda replaced worn rings and engine short block (21 reports)
call American Honda corporation to complain (14 reports)
Honda Acknowledges The Oil Problem In TSB #11-033 - In July of 2011 Honda quietly acknowledged the problem in the form of a Technical Service Bulletin (TSB #11-033). The TSB says the probable cause of the problem is the VCM (variable cylinder management) and should be fixed by a simple software update at a certified Honda mechanic.
Investigative Form To Assist Class Action Lawsuit Against Honda - In connection with a pending class action lawsuit, Soto v. American Honda Motor Co., Inc., No. 3:12-cv-01377 (N.D. Cal.), the law firm of BERK LAW PLLC is investigating defects that cause excessive oil consumption in Honda (and Acura) vehicles. Below is a link to a brief survey regarding the problem. It would be extremely helpful if you would take 2 to 8 minutes to complete the survey, even if you no longer own or lease the vehicle that experienced oil consumption problems. Your information will assist us in assessing how common and persistent the oil consumption problem is.
If we share this information with others, such as Honda, we will NOT share your name and contact information.
Our 2008 Accord has been burning oil for the past 4 years. We have taken it to the dealer multiple times asking and complaining about it. Each time we are told it is normal, etc etc.... No engine oil consumption test was ever performed, as we were told they wouldn't do anything.
Couple of weeks ago, we get a letter in the mail stating that Honda is extending the warranty to fix this problem, except the car has to be under 125k miles. Well ours is at 140k. I called the dealer and made sure they were aware of this and they told me to bring it in anyway. The dealer called me today and told me that they would not fix it because of the miles.
I called American Honda about it and asked multiple variations of the following:
Why do I get punished because I drove my car more than someone else with the same year that is getting theirs fixed?
This was a delay of notice, Honda has been aware of this issue for years, and yet they wait until the last minute to provide a solution?
Honda told me that if I had really gone to the dealer to talk to them about it, they would have done an oil test (driven 1k miles and checked the level). Well they never had me do that so I am just SOL apparently. So since I have no documentation that I went to Honda about this problem before 125k miles, they will not do anything about it.
So they are willing to lose me, and possibly anyone else I talk to about this as a customer, just because they do not want to fork out probably a thousand dollars on their part? That seems like good business practice. There should be no mileage limit on this.
I will try again to reason with them and if something changes, I will let everyone know.
Update from Oct 12, 2015: Talked with the dealer the car was purchased from. They are having me do an oil consumption test to see how much oil it really burns. They do an oil change, which I paid for, and drive 1k miles, and bring it back to see how much it has burned. I am going in tomorrow for the update on it, and I am pretty sure that I will get turned away because it has burned only about a half a quart... We will see though. One thing that is fishy is I have never put the full 5 quarts in on a oil change. They did, and it put the oil mark at above the full mark on the dipstick. I called and made sure they were aware of this after I took the car home. My first thought was that they were trying to pull a fast one on me and fill it more than full so when I came in, it would be at the full line still. As per the honda tech, "it will get lower when the car is hot." Now that goes against everything I was ever taught about cars, but it did go down to the full mark when it was hot. We will see what tomorrow will bring...
Update from Nov 9, 2015: So after the first 1k miles test they pulled the dipstick and said "You haven't burned a drop." So they are having me do another 1k mile test, and bring it back to them after that. Currently it is now down more than 1 quart. So technically it has burned more than 1 quart in the last thousand miles as per their own words. We will see how that holds up though.... We are going in today or tomorrow.
Update from Feb 17, 2017: Forgot to update this. They turned me down again. Now at 160k miles and nothing has improved really. One thing that kind of helps is mobil 1 full synthetic oil. Also run some seafoam through it once a year. One good thing about this is that you will have new oil in your car most of the time, as the dirty oil burns off. (heavy sarcasm)
Update from Aug 11, 2019: You know... as much of an annoyance this is to add oil often, the car has really been great besides that and brakes. 205k miles and I have not replaced a major thing on this car besides pads. It really is a good car.
No more trust from Honda. I am not happy with issue because of oil consumption every 1000 -2000 range miles, I need to change oil. Each visit after we expressed concern over the oil consumption and in 2012.
In June 2008 bought this Accord from a Honda dealer, 2.4 lt, in August realize that its taking oil. My mechanic tells me that for some Accords it;s normal putting oil in it. 2015 never did much oil checking but that morning did it and was surprised almost 1.5 pint of oil and the next day I had a letter from Honda telling me that MAYBE my car could be watched by a Honda dealer, so did go and made an oil change. Went back yesterday after 2000 km one and half lt of oil. They told me next time they will send the report to Honda and they told me at 90% chance of getting my motor fixed. I will come back here and tell you more but one thing NEVER I WILL BUY ANOTHER HONDA.
Update from Sep 27, 2015: did buy it in 2014 not 08
I carry a quart of oil in the door pocket at all times. Despite reporting the problem to my dealer, I was never made aware of any issue by them or Honda and only advised to switch to a full synthetic.
I have loved my Honda's. My 2008 was my 4th Accord and only Accord purchased new. We have had a Pilot and also own the Odyssey. After 25k miles the Accord started "USING" oil according to Honda, that was the spec for the car. 1 quart per 1000miles. That was in the first year after purchasing my new car.
Each visit after we expressed concern over the oil consumption and in 2012 they did a consumption test for actual usage and made some adjustments to the on board computer. This was supposed to help - instead we went to a quart every 750 miles.
In 2013 -14 the car started making a screeching noise when starting cold. Once again brought to Honda and their response was to make sure to keep the oil full at all times. In May this year the car make a horrible noise and then lost all power. We took it to Honda and they informed us we had a broken Timing Chain and some other part.
They also informed us that Honda had a recall out for our car to fix the defect in the rings and something else and the issue with the chain was due to this problem and would all be covered - that was until they looked at the mileage. The recall was good to 125000, our accord has 150000 and they would honor the recall. We paid the $1400 to fix the chain so we could drive the car and we are now in discussions with Honda America. We have spoken with the area service manager who denied us his last name, denied our request for his superior or any other names or number we might be able to call to keep moving this issue up the ladder.
We are extremely upset and disgusted with what we thought was an upstanding reputable automobile company. We have been a loyal customer to Honda for over 20 years - the only cars we have driven - Unless we can get some sort of resolution, Honda will lose this family as Honda loyalist.
Is there anyone else out there having a similar issue - and whats with the Class action suit - Only 6 cylinder engines, what about us 4 cylinder??? SHAME ON YOU HONDA!!!!! YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS!!!
- oriley5,
Schenectady, NY, US
Search for these popular complaint phrases...
I bought a Honda because I thought they were reliable. So through two deployments to Iraq I saved enough money to buy one. Only to find out all that money I had saved up getting shot at being separated from my loved ones was a wasted on a 2008 Honda Accord Coupe that takes more oil than gas. Not only that, I go through rear brake pads about every six months if I am lucky.
I'm adding a quart of oil a week! While I change the oil and add to it repeatedly, I'm uneasy each time I get behind the wheel. "Will this be the day that the engine totally craps out on me?". It stutters when getting up to speed, has an irregular idle, and is prone to stalling at rest after being driven for a while. I'm a repeat Honda owner and have never had any issues until owning this oil guzzling 4 cyl. I have no idea what to do about this issue so all advise is very welcome. I'm not really into the idea of shelling out cash for Honda's mistake.
I am a Senior Citizen and needed a reliable car. I always thought that Honda made some the most reliable cars in the world. I was totally disappointed with the serious oil burning problems and that you guys were dismissing the problems.
Several months ago I started hearing a strange loud noise under the hood when I started car in AM, and again all day when I would stop & start. I had an oil change and was not anywhere near ready for the next one (I usually change oil between 3,000 & 5,000 miles). I stopped at a service station to check on noise. No one could give me any answers. I asked to have my oil checked & found it was almost on empty.
Went on my way & forgot about it until a month later when same thing happened. I had only driven about 900 miles & oil was completely gone. I stopped & asked several mechanics & no-one had an answer other than it was getting old.
It happened again today (the loud noise upon starting) & when I checked the oil was empty. I finally researched this problem online only to find this has happened to others. I am taking it to a Honda dealer tomorrow to get an answer.
Own a 2008 Honda coupe. Bought it used from a "reputable" dealer a few months back. The dealer even sold me an extended warranty; not telling me there was an extension of existing warranty by Honda; of course. Only way I realized it was a serious problem was because my spark plugs stopped working. The car was very unstable; I'm surprised the car didn't stop on the freeway; could have been a very dangerous situation.
I took the car into the Honda dealer and they did a software update which they stated would fix the problem and I assume they replaced the spark plugs. The car is stable now but the oil consumption still continues to be a problem. I have to add a quart of oil about every 2 or 3 weeks. And I only drive the car to and from work (about 15 miles round trip). I'm going to try and call the Honda dealer again. But if Honda knows about the problem they need to be proactive about the issue and inform owners and have them bring in the cars to at least inspect them.
I should not have had to drive the car on the freeway like this! I'm just glad there are web sites like this one that inform people about these things. Will update my post once I go back to dealership.
Car burns all the oil. Honda dealership claims it's "NORMAL??." I can't even make it to 3,000 miles before the engine starts to make this knocking noise.
I've taken it to HONDA numerous amount of times and they claim there isn't anything wrong with it. I bought the car in 2011 (3 yrs old) with 38k miles. It was fine for the first oil change, or two, and then I started hearing the knocking. I'd say around 40-45k thousand miles the problem started. When I bought the "certified" Honda, the exhaust had this gurgling sound that I wasn't comfortable with. Had two separate Honda dealerships look at it and they both claimed it was "normal." Now, I read a post a mechanic claiming to not be surprised if there's old build up somewhere within the muffler and/or exhaust. I knew something wasn't right!!
Now, the class action lawsuit only covers 6-cylinder engines...How about the 4??
My brother-in-law also purchased one around the time I did, 2008 4cyl. He has the SAME problem. Drove from MA to PA and when he arrived in PA he had NO OIL!!
My 2008 Honda Accord started consuming excessive oil in between oil changes I am adding oil, Honda motors tell me that I need a new engine and I didn't qualify for a repair by Honda because of the mileage, but regardless this oil leak was cause by Honda.
Update from Feb 25, 2016: I receive a Recall Letter from Honda Automobile Division and I have explain that I did the excessive Consumption and I still was not eligible for my engine to be fix , even though they are at fault the reason my car is using excessive oil.
My 2008 Honda Accord started consuming excessive oil in between oil changes so much so that we were adding oil. There was no indication of this until the car started making a shrieking noise when starting it. I took it to Honda and one person said it was normal in this model year. A couple of days later I called my adviser who said it was NOT normal and to bring it in. Needless to say they said I needed an engine overall for $3960! This is completely unacceptable for a 7 year old car that has had all its maintenance done!! What was even worse was that they said they were seeing this a lot. SHAME on Honda!! No responsibility on their part!! This was my 5th Honda and definitely my last!! I sure hope someone comes along and gives Honda what they deserve!!!!!
I purchased this car as a used vehicle from Honda North, a Honda dealer in Danvers, MA,on 10/19/2013. It was 5 years old but had only 20,000 miles on the odometer. The price charged was $1,000 below book value, but it was in pristine condition. The salesman sold us an after-market warranty for $1,000. He never told us that the warranty had been extended as the result of a class action lawsuit because of excessive oil use for Honda 6 engines. I was NOT told to check the oil at every gas fill, nor was I told the first time the car was serviced by Honda North (before the original 5 year warranty ran out) that the car was low on oil. Only after I had the oil changed by an independent service station did I discover that the car was using excessive oil. I took it back to the dealer who, in April of 2015, advised me to monitor the oil level closely and bring it back after 1,000 miles, but they have never told me about the known problem with this engine or the class action suit.
Car is eating up oil! At 50%, I have to add another 5 qts....wth? Dealer wanted to do an oil consumption test and said it was fixed....Any suggestions?
Bought used 5-1-14 from Sparks Nissan in Monroe Louisiana with an extended warranty provided by fpp. Noticed my Honda was consuming oil between oil changes, totally unaware of all the complaints and issues with this year Honda....this is my 5 Honda I have owned and probably the last...anyways went thru the oil consumption test with the dealer and found I was using over a quart of oil every 2k miles....the extended warranty was supposed to cover all internal engine parts so I took it in to have it fixed......after engine tore down to diagnostic problem warranty company said they will not cover any of it. so here i am going to cost $6500 to rebuild the engine at the dealer and in a rent a car for the month......stuck between a rock and a hard place with no one to help.....still owe twice as much as the Hondas worth and paid good money for an extended warranty that did me no good...fraud? theft? are my options??
During a couple oil changes at non-dealer locations, I was told that I hardly had any oil left, so I took it to Honda dealer for next oil change and complained about this. I was told that it just needs a software update, which I have already, so it shouldn't be a problem - they pretended as if this wasn't a known problem. I was told that do that oil change and let's see how it is during next oil change. About 5k miles into my oil change and I'm out of oil. Just had to add a few more quarts.
I am really very displeased with the quality and expense of owning this Accord when it comes to the excessive oil consumption. I will not be purchasing a Honda again if this problem is not rectified. Paying $40 additional dollars between oil changes on top of already expensive synthetic oil changes is not my goal in a vehicle. I do not and will not pay additional because a car company this large cannot get their MFG together. Also, a car company that is this large will not buck up and take care of what is clearly an engineering or MFG defect. My business will happily go to one of their competitors.
My 2008 Honda is burning through oil at excessive rates. There is a Class Action Law Suit on the 2008 6cyl but not the 4cyl? Why is this...what is Honda doing about the 4cyl...clearly there should also be a Class Action Law Suit for the 4 cyl Accord. I bought a Honda for the reliability and I have been nothing but disappointed with this Accord, between the brakes and the oil consumption this is not the quality from Honda I expect. I was planning at purchasing the Pilot in the next year, but after these issues I may have to switch to American.
Our 2008 Accord has been burning oil for the past 4 years. We have taken it to the dealer multiple times asking and complaining about it. Each time we are told it is normal, etc etc.... No engine oil consumption test was ever performed, as we were told they wouldn't do anything.
Couple of weeks ago, we get a letter in the mail stating that Honda is extending the warranty to fix this problem, except the car has to be under 125k miles. Well ours is at 140k. I called the dealer and made sure they were aware of this and they told me to bring it in anyway. The dealer called me today and told me that they would not fix it because of the miles.
I called American Honda about it and asked multiple variations of the following:
Why do I get punished because I drove my car more than someone else with the same year that is getting theirs fixed?
This was a delay of notice, Honda has been aware of this issue for years, and yet they wait until the last minute to provide a solution? Honda told me that if I had really gone to the dealer to talk to them about it, they would have done an oil test (driven 1k miles and checked the level). Well they never had me do that so I am just SOL apparently. So since I have no documentation that I went to Honda about this problem before 125k miles, they will not do anything about it.
So they are willing to lose me, and possibly anyone else I talk to about this as a customer, just because they do not want to fork out probably a thousand dollars on their part? That seems like good business practice. There should be no mileage limit on this. I will try again to reason with them and if something changes, I will let everyone know.
Update from Oct 12, 2015: Talked with the dealer the car was purchased from. They are having me do an oil consumption test to see how much oil it really burns. They do an oil change, which I paid for, and drive 1k miles, and bring it back to see how much it has burned. I am going in tomorrow for the update on it, and I am pretty sure that I will get turned away because it has burned only about a half a quart... We will see though. One thing that is fishy is I have never put the full 5 quarts in on a oil change. They did, and it put the oil mark at above the full mark on the dipstick. I called and made sure they were aware of this after I took the car home. My first thought was that they were trying to pull a fast one on me and fill it more than full so when I came in, it would be at the full line still. As per the honda tech, "it will get lower when the car is hot." Now that goes against everything I was ever taught about cars, but it did go down to the full mark when it was hot. We will see what tomorrow will bring...
Update from Nov 9, 2015: So after the first 1k miles test they pulled the dipstick and said "You haven't burned a drop." So they are having me do another 1k mile test, and bring it back to them after that. Currently it is now down more than 1 quart. So technically it has burned more than 1 quart in the last thousand miles as per their own words. We will see how that holds up though.... We are going in today or tomorrow.
Update from Feb 17, 2017: Forgot to update this. They turned me down again. Now at 160k miles and nothing has improved really. One thing that kind of helps is mobil 1 full synthetic oil. Also run some seafoam through it once a year. One good thing about this is that you will have new oil in your car most of the time, as the dirty oil burns off. (heavy sarcasm)
Update from Aug 11, 2019: You know... as much of an annoyance this is to add oil often, the car has really been great besides that and brakes. 205k miles and I have not replaced a major thing on this car besides pads. It really is a good car.
- Jason C., Woods Cross, Utah, United States