Notes: The 2004 Honda Accord suffers from widespread transmission failure & problems with the stereo backlight failing. We recommend avoiding this model year like the plague.
The transmission begins slipping & eventually has to be replaced, typically soon after 90,000 miles & with a repair cost of over $2,000. Transmission failure has been a huge problem for the Accord & several other Honda models all through the early 2000s model years. Honda extended the transmission warranty to 93 months/109k miles for the 2000-2001 Accord as a class action lawsuit settlement, but owners of other Accord model years with transmission problems are out of luck.
The stereo backlight problem has been an issue ever since these Accords were only a few years old. Honda eventually issued a recall which covered the repair for 7 years/100k miles, which was nice while it lasted but now that period is over. Honda initially replaced the entire radio ($800) but eventually began replacing just the PCB which at ~$300 is much cheaper. That sounds like a deal, but keep in mind we're talking about a backlight bulb that costs $2 to fix in most other cars.
really awful
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
109,950 miles
Total Complaints:
207 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
not sure (67 reports)
paid for a new transmission (46 reports)
replace transmission (39 reports)
complete rebuild (15 reports)
honda paid partial "goodwill repair" (15 reports)
fixed with new warranty from transmission specialty shop (9 reports)
Bought this car 2 years ago from a reputable dealer, just had transmission failure today, the car will not move... Took it to my local transmission shop, come to find out the transmission has been replaced before with a re-manufactured transmission. I am having to come out of pocket $2300 today to have yet another transmission put in this car, making it a total of 3 transmissions that this car with 172,000 miles has had.
I am infuriated with my call to Honda, they told me they have no documented history of this year having any issues on file with them....HUH? Have they been listening to their customers or just blatantly ignoring them..? Type in 2004 Honda Accord transmission issues and there are 717,000 matches. WHAT?!?!?!
Whatever, never buying a Honda again. I had a 98 Toyota 4Runner that I gave up for this piece of crap. BTW, my 4Runner had over 360,000 miles and the only thing I had to replace was the radiator and the lower control arm. Man, am I sick to my stomach now for ever letting go of my Toyota. Guess what I am going to buy today..? 2006 Toyota 4Runner, woot, WOOT!! So excited!! Goodbye Honda... Never again.....
I am the type of car owner who drives a car until it is no longer driveable. I purchased the Honda because of the company's reputation, believing I would get many years of performance from this car. I serviced the car exactly as Honda recommended and have the records to prove it. At no time has there been an indication that the transmission was at risk until it failed completely while I was driving on the interstate. I was fortunate enough to get the the shoulder and to an off ramp before needing the police to push me to a safe location, because the car would no longer go into any gear.
I feel like Honda has let me down. After doing some research it is apparent that Honda has had issues with this transmission however, when I called Honda they told me " it is not in the company's best interest to assist" since the car is 10 years old.
I am truly disappointed and can emphatically state that unless Honda is willing to assist, I will never purchase another Honda vehicle.
No warning.....just quit. Bought this car for my son so he would have a "reliable" auto. Have spend more money fixing this car then ANY other car I have ever owned. I will NEVER buy another Honda, ever. Cannot believe that Consumer Reports gives this car such a high rating....thinnest metal and cheapest plastic I have seen in a car.
- Scott K.,
Perrysburg, OH, US
Search for these popular complaint phrases...
Total transmission failure without ANY warning, rush hour, extremely busy traffic, car full of passengers; many hours of work to have towed and achieve rental car.
Honda will provide NO help with any 'good will' on repair. Honda wants approximately $5500 for transmission.
My mechanic, using Honda OEM parts, fixed for under $2000.
Honda mechanical quality has significantly degraded since 1990's. No longer a good rating from me about their products or repairs.
Have taken it in several times about not running right when it was under warranty. Now that the warranty is up transmission went out. Not happy took it in yesterday Honda dealership said to drive it home and think about if I want fix it. I almost got killed car stopped in traffic. Have taken to dealership several times in the last five years saying it has a funny smell and no pick up. Honda should goodwill and pay for the repairs
Trying to pass a car uphill when the car began revving suddenly and slowed to a halt. Imagine the guy I was passing looking at me like I had lost my mind as I dropped speed but still pulled in front of him to avoid being stuck in the passing lane with no acceleration at all! That was it. Dead in the road. No warning. No stuttering. Just poof! No go! My mechanic said I should get a new transmission and a new radiator because the burned trans fluid runs into the radiator for cooling, too. Nice. I loved my car and it has been parked with an estimate of almost $4000 to fix it.
Up until now, this has been a great car. Comfortable, peppy... seriously love the V6 - it's quicker and more responsive than my Acura... Regular maintenance - including transmission oil changes... Then the transmission went out. Completely. In the rain. On my wife. Days after Christmas. When I bought it in 2006, I might have avoided the car entirely if I knew of this website but that's water under the bridge. But again, in spite of everything here by others, it really has been a good car but I've never had a transmission fail - ever - and given that these have tended to fail at around 90k, I guess I got twice the life out of it. But again, I've never had a transmission fail - isn't that why you do maintenance? It's like the engine seizing up in spite of regular oil changes... really?! just really?! Unfortunately, this is a major blemish on an otherwise-spotless record Honda and will give me pause on the next one.
So after going online and doing some research, I found that there are more than many issues with the 04 Honda accords and the transmission. There was a recall, which I missed because I did not own the car at the time that the recall was issued. But even with the recall, I see that the problem persists and people such as myself are stuck with having to shell out thousands of dollars to replace faulty parts. I think its horrible and shames Honda as being what it supposed to be one the most reliable and trustworthy brands. My faith in Honda is gone nor will I buy another or recommend purchasing one. I am a single mother who doesn't have thousands of dollars to shell out to fix a faulty transmission. Angry would be an understatement.
Transmission Failed. I think this problems has received enough attention that I really don't have to give anymore detail, but since I have to.....I believe I lost third gear and limped into the transmission shop in second gear.
My 2004 Honda Accord V6 transmission decided to die on Saturday November the 15th. I was driving on the interstate when I realized the rpm's were going up, but I wasn't getting any acceleration. I pulled over to check my transmission fluid, oil and etc. Everything was good. So I start back on the road trying to make it to my destination. The next thing I know I heard what sounded like a chain breaking off and the car jumped back like I was gearing down really low. I hit my head on the steering wheel and blacked out for a minute. Thankfully I had someone with me and they grabbed the steering wheel and directed us off the interstate. We lifted the hood once again and could smell something burnt. We were able to get it to a mechanic who said the transmission had failed.
We had no issues prior to the date the transmission failed. I'm extremely upset by this. The car had been taken care of and maintained regularly. My family is Honda enthusiast and have never had problems. That is why we always bought Honda's, for their reliability. I think Honda needs to make this right and have the transmission fixed. From what I've read this has been a major problem affecting tons and the transmission has been recalled. I thank god I didn't kill or hurt anyone during this ordeal.
I entered the freeway after half a mile the transmission slammed into 1st or 2nd gear causing my car to slow down very quickly. A truck behind me had to swerve to avoid rear ending me. No check engine light, no warning lights! This has to be the scariest thing I've ever experienced with any car I've owned! I bought this car for the reliability and it's now just sitting in my drive way. I'm too scared to drive it and Honda won't help out. Don't know if I'll ever buy another Honda again.
Unfortunately I found out that the Honda V6 auto transmissions' are junk after I bought one. Thought we were doing good buying a low mileage 2004 but tranny went out at 95k miles. Then I was told this is a very common problem. And when it goes out it tears up everything inside tranny case. Very expensive.
Known problem by Honda and many, many Honda Accord owners found this out, but with NO help from Honda to replace their poorly designed/crafted automobile.
About a year after I purchased my Honda I noticed that there was this feeling under my foot (like running it over cobblestone) and a grinding sound when my car shifted from first into second gear. I took it to Honda and (of course) I hear "I'm sorry but we can't duplicate the problem". Then my car gears keep slipping while I'm on the freeway. I take it back to Honda and again... "I'm sorry but we can't duplicate the problem".
Years later, a little over 100k miles, and my car stops changing gears on the freeway. It costs me $4700 to get a brand new transmission. Here I am 3 years later and the transmission is already starting to do the same thing it did before. Fantastic, now I have to prepare to drop another $4,700. I will never buy a Honda again!
She drives it carrying our children ages 6, 9 and 11 years old.
We never expected a problem with a Honda Accord when we researched the car's reliability, read Accords were very reliable for the 2004 Accord. Problem is, never read the 2004 Accord Ex V6 is NOT reliable. Will never buy another Honda again. Was at work and wife said car engine was racing but car was not moving AT ALL. She broke down in the middle of the street with no warning there was a problem. Real BUMMER. Cost $3500 to have repaired. Now she is nervous taking the car anywhere, never know when it might happen again. Once we have enough cash will be selling the car.
I have not had the rebuild done yet. I want my original transmission rebuilt, rather than buy some garbage from the internet or Craig's List. First bid was: "starts at $2500." Not sure if rear end bearings, fluids, filters, etc. are included. Other bids: $4500 (Honda rebuilt), 4050 (3rd party local rebuild), and $3450 (rebuild original in smaller shop) for everything, including bearings, etc. I bought this car used from a dealer in February. Transmission failed in Oct. Car 'otherwise' is very nice.
It's been to my mechanic several times for oil changes, etc. Fluids were always kept up. I had an older Honda, with more miles prior to this, but was hit in an accident right after I replaced timing belt. :-( We paid almost $10,000 for this car and I really didn't expect a MAJOR mechanical failure this soon! My biggest worry is that if I pay this huge amount to get it rebuilt, when does it shoot craps again? In another 90,000 or another year or what? Has anyone had experience with this?
My 2004 Honda Accord has 150k miles on it which I know is pretty high but it was running perfectly, well, until the transmission gave out. I knew this model had a lot of issues with the transmission but I thought Honda would be more sympathetic. The nearest Honda dealership took 100 dollars for a diagnostic test just to tell me that the transmission had to be replaced (they didn't need to tell me that). Their estimation for the repair was almost the price I paid for the car. When I called USA Honda they had me on hold for over half an hour before telling me there was nothing they can do. If you are thinking of buying this model make sure it has low miles on it. If not, it is just not worth the trouble.
My Honda Accord V6 Engine transmission (97,000 miles) just quit after dropping off our kids at school. I thought it was the front tires slipping on the wet pavement because it was raining a lot in southern Arizona (the V6 has power to do this easily) but instead it was my transmission not wanting to move out of 2nd gear. After a few yards, it didn't want to move out of 1st gear. I had to drive 10-15 miles per hour to the nearest transmission repair shop because I knew it was the transmission. The engine RPM's were as high as they needed to be but the transmission wasn't biting and changing gears. No warning at all.
I had owned a Toyota Camry for many years, 140K, no problems. This was a huge surprise because Honda has a very good reputation. The car is in the shop right now and is going to cost me $4,700 to repair it. It's a ridiculous cost for a transmission rebuild. I will never recommend Honda to anyone or buy one again. I was stunned to find so many complaints on this car's transmission. Yes, I had the transmission fluid changed every 30K miles at a reputable shop. I baby my cars and take good care of them. I am sad I sold my Toyota for this Honda Accord. It's not reliable. Run away from Hondas if you know what is good for you.
Bought this car 2 years ago from a reputable dealer, just had transmission failure today, the car will not move... Took it to my local transmission shop, come to find out the transmission has been replaced before with a re-manufactured transmission. I am having to come out of pocket $2300 today to have yet another transmission put in this car, making it a total of 3 transmissions that this car with 172,000 miles has had.
I am infuriated with my call to Honda, they told me they have no documented history of this year having any issues on file with them....HUH? Have they been listening to their customers or just blatantly ignoring them..? Type in 2004 Honda Accord transmission issues and there are 717,000 matches. WHAT?!?!?!
Whatever, never buying a Honda again. I had a 98 Toyota 4Runner that I gave up for this piece of crap. BTW, my 4Runner had over 360,000 miles and the only thing I had to replace was the radiator and the lower control arm. Man, am I sick to my stomach now for ever letting go of my Toyota. Guess what I am going to buy today..? 2006 Toyota 4Runner, woot, WOOT!! So excited!! Goodbye Honda... Never again.....
- John D., Greenville, SC, US