Notes: The 2003 Honda Accord suffers from widespread transmission failure & problems with the stereo backlight failing. We recommend avoiding this model year like the plague.
The transmission begins slipping & eventually has to be replaced, typically soon after 90,000 miles & with a repair cost of over $2,000. Transmission failure has been a huge problem for the Accord & several other Honda models all through the early 2000s model years. Honda extended the transmission warranty to 93 months/109k miles for the 2000-2001 Accord as a class action lawsuit settlement, but owners of other Accord model years with transmission problems are out of luck.
The stereo backlight problem has been an issue since these Accords were only a few years old. Honda eventually issued a recall which covered the repair for 7 years/100k miles, which was nice while it lasted but now that period is over. Honda initially was replacing the entire radio ($800) but eventually began replacing just the PCB which at ~$300 is much cheaper. That sounds like a deal, but keep in mind we're talking about a backlight bulb that costs $2 to fix in most other cars.
really awful
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
98,000 miles
Total Complaints:
504 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
replace/rebuild transmission (348 reports)
not sure (72 reports)
Honda to pay cost as this transmission was a previous recall (45 reports)
NHTSA official complaints - Guys, please keep pushing persistently to get the justice. Honda USA and all Honda dealership have been robbing us!
Transport Canada Defect Complaint Form - If you are in Canada, you can file a complaint with Transport Canada. If the link above does not work try using the secure URL:
Transport Canada Defect Complaint Form (New URL - If you are in Canada, you can file a complaint with Transport Canada. If the link above does not work try using the secure URL: .
2003 Honda Accord Transmission Failure: A Comprehensive Analysis - The 2003 Honda Accord is widely regarded as a problematic model year, primarily due to severe transmission failures and other recurring issues such as stereo backlight malfunctions. This article examines the technical aspects of the transmission issues, customer experiences, and the associated costs of repairs, providing valuable insights for owners and potential buyers.
Same story as everyone else - 135K miles transmission started slipping. Immediately drove it to an independent (trusted) shop and was diagnosed as "internal failure." When I called they said they've had a lot of 2002-2003 Honda transmission failures and that it was a "known problem." Apparently it's known to everyone else but Honda. I spoke with Honda Customer Care today, their answer was that "the car is out of warranty and therefore the repair is at the owners expense." The lady I spoke to said it is not a "known" problem and that they "don't go off what's posted on line. We only assess manufacturer responsibility based on complaints files with them." She would not tell me how many similar complaints they had. Everyone in this forum is spot on - Honda is choosing to ignore a massive safety issue with their vehicles. My new lease in life is to campaign against Honda! I will be "off loading" our under-engineered P.O.S. ASAP and writing to the NTSB. Good luck everyone!
I purchased this 2003 Honda Accord EXV6 new in 2003. I started to notice the transmissions slipping at around 70,000 miles, then intermittent jolting at about 80,000. Over the next 15,000+ miles the jolting got much worse (I went through a period of Honda owner's denial, but my bad back didn't appreciate the jolting one bit). At about 97000 miles the trouble light went on at which time my mechanic did a computer check and found that the transmission was close to failure. I got off easier than most; I found an excellent transmission guy who did a full rebuild for 1800 dollars. So far the transmission seems to be fine (I'm only at 99000 miles now, though), but since he rebuilt to 2003 standards I'm concerned this may happen again and even sooner. Until now I thought my experience might be an isolated incident, but in searching for a dependable car for my wife I discovered that this problem was more a plague than a "bug." I've sworn by Honda for years and now I'm finding that their "200,000 mile" reputation is a thing of the distant past. Honda needs to understand that the only reason that consumers like myself pay extra for this car vs. other cars in its class is dependability, and that by producing a substandard car and then (far worse) not admitting the company's responsibility and liability for this defect will cause loyal customers like myself to disavow our lifelong loyalty just as a spouse would divorce a cheating partner.
Hopefully either Honda will take responsibility for this defect or admit that their cars are no better than any other manufacturer and that their "200,000 mile" car is actually a "90,000" mile vehicle. Sooner or later their high resale values will drop considerably.
OMG! am disgusted and devastated after reading all the complaints, thought i had the best car ever until yesterday. Same symptoms as everyone else. Never had any problems suddenly down shifts, rpms going crazy as if in neutral but not having foot on gas. Inching along trying to get to work, then nothing no gear at all. Turn it off wait a minute get another half a mile down the road repeating till getting to work. Husband got it home the same way. Bought it in 08 from the dealer, no one mentioned any of these issues when we bought it, they actually praised the car and the good deal we got because it only had 50,000 miles on it and how the previous owner had just traded it back to them and had all service thru them etc... still owe a year on it...don't know what to do. The dealer was closed today(4th of July) so started surfing and found all of this, I think I need a stiff drink! Does anyone know of any resolutions on this issue?
Bought brand new from dealer w 13 miles on it. Transmission quit at 43K. Honda replaced under warranty. Just over 100K later, transmission #2 has failed. Will not shift into gear at all. Will not put money into a new transmission bc they should last plenty longer than 100K. Will not buy a Honda again.
Same problem as everyone else, problems shifting from 2nd to 3rd, violent shifting, all indications that this transmission is ready to fail. Instead of waiting for an accident to happen (as many report here that when failure happens, it can lead to an accident), I have resorted to stop driving the car until I can take it to a dealer. I had hopes this car would last me a long time. This is not the Honda reliability I was expecting.
- mpf,
Louisville, KY, US
Search for these popular complaint phrases...
Our 2003 Accord has been running relatively smoothly until the past week. Initially, it was minor lurching while accelerating so we thought nothing of it. But in the past couple days, the car has had some more violent halting while accelerating. It was particularly alarming since we had two young kids in the car. Also, the car doesn't go into reverse sometimes unless we turn the engine off and back on again. I looked at the transmission fluid and it looks fine. We've been calling around to all the Honda dealerships to get a service appointment but nothing available until 9 days from now--a major inconvenience and added cost since we'll have to rent a car. I have called the central Honda customer service number--the woman took down my info and stated we'd be working with a case manager. I'm not optimistic about Honda covering any substantial portion of the repair costs given what I've read about others' experiences with attempting to address the same issue with Honda. It appears that it's a well known and prevalent problem that should be more definitively addressed with a recall. Will contribute to this hopeful outcome by lodging my complaint with National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This issue has really tarnished the Honda brand in my view--I doubt we'll buy from them again. And if they continue along this line it could be a death by a thousand cuts.
This was my third Honda I have owned. Came from a family of Honda's. We always meticulously maintained them inside and out, all fluids change at proper intervals, timing belts always done, etc. Never had had ANY issues until the 2003 gems came out. Had my transmission replaced @ 134,000 miles after I almost crashed and burned on the highway. I slowed down from 65 going off the off ramp when the car started to buck and violently shake. pulled over and had it towed. The dealership and the Honda customer support where rude, basically telling me I could file for a goodwill adjustment if I faxed all the information to their HQ, but that the odds where slim to non, or none actually, and the guy on the phone laughed, that they would help cover repairs. I work in a huge complex with over 6000 people. a few people have had similar problems with Honda. I'm proud to say my family and I have switched to Toyotas. 2009 Camry's are very reliable.
I've been a loyal Honda owner for decades have owned 5 Accords '81,85,90,98,2003 an '85 Prelude and '09 Acura MDX. Up untill yesterday the '03 V6 was the best, I have maintained it only at the dealer with synthetic oil and by the book. Returned for all the recalls including the Transmission cooling problem. The tranny repair kit was placed in the car around 35,000mi. Yesterday the transmission failed as described in the other 394+ complaints. Sudden and violent downshifts, then locking in limp mode 2nd gear. Dealer says new tranny needed, $4,000 to fix. Honda is about to lose one of it's more faithfull customers. I can't count how many people I have encouraged to purchase Honda cars. This car recently has been driven by my 16 and 19yr old daughters, If this had happened to her on a slippery road or on the interstate I hate to think what would have happened to them. Honda talks about the longevity of their cars, engines running well over 200k but this problem is going to get someone killed.
Bought a 2003 Accord used at 89k miles, currently has about 125k miles. While driving the other day after accelatrating from a stop light, the car began to jerk and buck as if I was slamming on the brakes even though I wasn't, and I noticed a burning smell. Fortunately I was in a spot where I could pull over and traffic wasn't too close behind me, otherwise it could have been worse. Had the car towed to the garage where it was diagnosed as transmission failure, and will cost upwards of $2k to have fixed. Should have done better homework as this is apparently a common problem in these cars. Will not buy another Honda.
called Honda for compassion repairs, they offered $500 towards repairs which i refused as they were fully aware the car came off the assembly line with transmission problems. I had proof of timely maintenance records. Will never buy another Honda in life and will continue to make as many aware of Honda,s shady products that will listen for the remainder of my life. Because of money i had to pay for the lemon that i purchased from them i will make sure they lose much more in sales that they might have made.
I have always taken meticulous care of my 2003 Honda Accord. New tires, regular oil changes, tune-ups, everything. I was nearly killed when my Accord slipped out of gear at high speed, coming to a complete standstill when it's momentum ran out. I took it to the local Honda dealer today. They called back to tell me it would need a new transmission and old quote me a price on Monday, 4/23/12.
Asked for a "goodwill repair" as you suggested. My situation matches exactly what you have described re widespread transmission problems - odometer under 70k (63K) ... This issue is not resolved yet.
Obvious serious problem with this model's transmission...definite safety issue here. Honda doesn't seem to want to address the obvious transmission flaw built into this car.
I am on the THIRD transmission on this car. The original failed at 65,000 miles. It simply gave out on a packed Dallas freeway. I managed to coast off the ramp and came to a stop in a bad, bad neighborhood at night. Triple A towed it to the dealer. It was replaced under extended warranty, yet replaced with ANOTHER bad transmission. This one failed in downtown Dallas in rush hour at 155k miles. I replaced it with a used 2004 transmission since the bloody, lying dealer said the problem was fixed in 2004. Wrong. My daughter has a 2004 Honda Accord V6, and her transmission failed at 150k.
My car now has 183k miles. Everything is fine but I just do not trust the transmission. This crappy company, Honda, sold me a car knowing it had a bad transmission. If I didn't buy the extended warranty, I'd have been out $3,000. But the second transmission was as bad as the first and THEY KNEW IT.
These are supposed to be reliable, high mileage cars. WRONG. The dealer's shop manager kept telling me it should last well over 200k. Forget it.
In October 2005, I purchased a 2003 Honda Accord EX V6. I am a single mom and rely on a teachers salary. I purchased a Honda because I previously owned three brand new Honda's, and every one of them ran perfectly, only requiring regular maintenance. However, in April of 2009 while driving to work, my car slipped out of gear and would not drive further. I had the car towed in to the dealer, where they told me I needed a new transmission. When I purchased the car, I purchased a warranty through Fidelity on the major components of the car. However, someone at Honda apparently "cancelled" that warranty. After a lot of back and forth and almost two weeks with no car, Honda finally replaced the transmission under the extended warranty. The cost was 2268.48, however, I didn't have to pay that. Fortunately, this was covered this time. Now, it has happened again on April 12, 2012, almost 4 years later, to the day. TRANSMISSIONS SHOULD NOT FAIL EVERY 4 YEARS!!!
Do not buy 2003 or 2004 Hondas at all. There have been multiple models that have had transmission problems. Honda says they have fixed the problem with recalls, but ours went out for a second time in less than 2 years. Honda is not helpful at all with the situation, and the lady I talked to at the service dest was really rude. This problem does not only involve money, but safety too. We were driving down the highway in St. Louis, about 50 mph when the tranny locked up and we almost got hit. Had to have the car towed 3 hours back home to have it fixed (rebuilt). There have also been recent reports that new model Hondas are having tranny problems, might be time to consider letting go of the brand loyalty. Hondas are becoming sketchy vehicles, and they need to take the appropriate actions to ensure the safety of the individuals that who purchase their cars.
I called American Honda and was flatly denied. Stated that the recall was fixed on my car in 2004. What a joke! We are fourth generation Honda buyers, the whole family. But this incident has left a ugly taste in our mouths. SHAME ON YOU HONDA! ANYTHING TO SAVE A BUCK AND DESTROY YOUR IMAGE... I will do my business elsewhere, where is the quality you use to have?
I have a 2003 Honda Accord V6 6 gears with 155000km (95000miles) and i have to change my transmission. Looks like that's happen really often with these cars. Anyway apparently its gonna cost over 3000$ to change the transmission. I did a perfect maintenance on my Accord and the car still in mint condition except for the transmission!!! I'm not too happy with that and i dint get any answer from Honda and i send emails at 4 different occasion. Thats my history.
I purchased this car January 31st, 2012 approx 5 weeks ago under the assumption that Hondas were great cars and that this would be a nice reliable car for me for 90,000 more miles. What a huge bummer.
Bought brand new in 2003, never had a problem. Replaced the timing belt at 100k and never had an engine light come on. In 2011 with 176K on the car I was driving on the highway and transmission violently shifted into lower gears causing the car to skid and almost caused a very bad accident. This continued for about 3 miles until the car would not shift past 3rd gear. I got the car home and cost me $2800 to rebuild my transmission. No help from Honda.
Same story as everyone else - 135K miles transmission started slipping. Immediately drove it to an independent (trusted) shop and was diagnosed as "internal failure." When I called they said they've had a lot of 2002-2003 Honda transmission failures and that it was a "known problem." Apparently it's known to everyone else but Honda. I spoke with Honda Customer Care today, their answer was that "the car is out of warranty and therefore the repair is at the owners expense." The lady I spoke to said it is not a "known" problem and that they "don't go off what's posted on line. We only assess manufacturer responsibility based on complaints files with them." She would not tell me how many similar complaints they had. Everyone in this forum is spot on - Honda is choosing to ignore a massive safety issue with their vehicles. My new lease in life is to campaign against Honda! I will be "off loading" our under-engineered P.O.S. ASAP and writing to the NTSB. Good luck everyone!
- Jeff W., Hugo, MN, US